Monday, September 23, 2024

Kamala Harris' politically alienating campaign

 Yes I realize the automatic rebuttal here that Trump is alienating but she is supposed to be the anti-Trump and a uniter and a healer.  A key part of her campaign of course is abortion but that's a subject that's alienating by its very nature.  It's like if a standup comedian made a night's worth of fat jokes but half his audience was fat.  By emphasizing or over-emphasizing the abortion issue by default you're alienating people who may not even have strong political positions on this but who in their spiritual gut feel abortion is not a great thing.  If push came to shove and they were unemployed they wouldn"t feel comfortable working in an abortion clinic say.  Basically what she's doing is appealing to the default voters in her party's base but who else?  How big is the who else camp that would even be swayed by this?  It's kind of settled into a philosophical issue for many.  Discuss it over a pipe smoking session?  That's enough of a ramble.

Is this post alienating enough?


  1. Puff. There is a pro-choice demographic -puff- made up of women
    and substantial younger -puff- voters. Puff. As you note, play to
    hard with one demographic puff - dang no smoke ring - and you turn off another demographic. Pipe -puff- smoking is a small demographic. Anywhere from 2-8% and not as glitzy as vaping. An individualistic bunch. Me - I don't tap the ashes out, but let the pipe sit for a day or so, since I have a rack full. Seems to build a more uniform cake in the bowl. Makes you -puff- get off track somettimes.
    Where was I?

  2. Philosophical conundrums - If nobody is really for abortion what is it about abortion that nobody would be for it and if nobody is really for abortion why are they doing something if they're not for it? Tamp tamp.

  3. Abortion is arguably the taking of a human life. In our jurisprudence we normally don't say you can willy-nilly take a human life. Shouldn't the onus be on the pro-choice side to prove that we are not dealing with a human life?

    (leans back in chair)

  4. Tap out pipe. Like pro, con or onus? I suppose a 4 month fetus at 6" ht and most organs still not formed might be considered viable. Certainly not if born then. Even at six and seven months, survivability is quite limited, and then with extensive medical assistance. Those that feel strongly on the issue are the religious and medical camps, and of course child-bearing women. Dip pipe in big can Prince Albert. Nine months of growth depending entirely on a umbilical
    cord. I don't recall how it felt. Light pipe and puff quickly- The old Testament says we become alive when God breathes breath into us.
    Not a simple onus, Z-Man. Pre- apologies for the following baby story by Rodney Dangerfield - (when I was born, I was so ugly when the Doctor held me in air the by by feet --he slapped my mother.)
    Return pipe to rack and count out morning pills.

  5. You don't seem too up on fetology so we'll skip that lecture. Some babies have been born at 22 weeks and survived so viability is a fluid concept. So for you a baby born at 22 weeks is human on the table but not human a few moments before while residing in the womb? (tobacco went down the wrong way). An artificial womb would of course mean total viability so even if the fetus were completely separate from the mother you would still support its destruction? (pipe buildup in stem use pick)...

    It's kind of a Franken discussion. Kind of brutal even. More to my point in my next comment.

  6. So our binary political paradigm always breaks it down into the pro-life and pro-choice demographics which conventional wisdom I guess gives the edge to Harris on the issue. Careful polling over the years however may have revealed another category so I am positing the existence of another group. They may be mildly pro-choice, limited pro-choice but are not personally ok with abortion. Most polling only surveys political views. So I am proposing that the Democratic Party's hard-core pro-abortionism might be a turnoff to these potential voters. Alienating even.

  7. You are correct. The latest PEW Research on medical abortion found-
    should be illegal 20%
    should be legal 54%
    Not sure 25%
    Not sure where the overall issue falls - some say economy, some
    immigration, some jobs, some abortion, some education. Makes analysis sort of AI chaos theory. GOP wants Harris to shut up, DEM
    want Trump to shut up. Seems universal agreement there. Puts pipe away and ponders that some pipe aficianados rub their pipe on their cheek, believing skin oil rubbed into the wood will keep it shiny and like new. Not sure about the hot cheek effect.

  8. 25% not sure is rather large imo for such a contentious issue. Would probably not be swayed by a Harris reproductive freedom ad or anything Taylor Swift would say. Kind of my overall point get another issue going. People want higher wages and more money. Would you get 25% saying they're not sure about that?

  9. Probably the same bunch.

  10. So this. Unless you've been living in a cave you know Roe has been overturned. Unless you just dropped down from the moon you probably already know Kamala Harris supports abortion. Too many pro-abortion ads can actually work in reverse. They can make you look pro-abortion with that group I mentioned. Just my political take beyond the usual binary way of looking at things.

  11. Had Mrs. bro-in law and wife by for a couple of days. They live in Juneau, AK - he is the retired Fisheries Mgr for US NOAA and she is a lobbyist for the Native tribes. Almost as old as us, but a heck of a lot busier. Mrs. is the oldest with 6 younger brothers. She and the older two are anti-Trump and the younger 4 are pro-Trump and it is hard to keep up with who isn't speaking to who. Probably typical of a lot of families. Kind of sad, but there are other things that divide families as well, I suppose. The Juneau visitors got a text from their daughter that a bear got into her car during the night. Nothing to eat, but tore up the upholstery. Life goes on.

  12. So in a politically divided family someone who is pro-Trump is treated like the family heroin addict. The times they keep getting stranger.

    1. And vice versa of course. You are lucky to have a united family, I guess. No addicts in the family, but the one that inherited the farm and blew the cash is persona non grata. Next people will be calling political foes un-American. I'm weary of the crap.

    2. How to handle the medical crisis of a loved one can sometimes divide a family. Financial matters can divide families. I never heard of anyone taken out of a will however because they're a Trumper.

  13. Still fascinated by the 25% not sure on abortion from Pew. Add that to the 20% pro-life number and that's 45% in the not foursquare for the legality of abortion camp. Wondering if running too many pro-abortion ads can come across as just a touch ghoulish. Bill Clinton's "safe legal and rare" has become we got you we'll hook you up and if you're under 13 and confused about your sexuality come to Tim Walz's state and we'll make that happen too. Will the Harris/Walz ticket come across as too socially radical for middle America? Hard to tell. Could be a factor who knows?

  14. What's up with the NYC Mayor? Is he in cahoots with Amon Bundy?
    Is NYC separate from Yonkers? If the Mayor is convicted, will he be part of the prison gang work team that keeps the Yonkers sidewalks
    clear of grass? The Pacific NW is curious.

    What time is it?
