Sunday, September 22, 2024

Everybody is good people

 So the authorities in Springfield Ohio have determined that it was apparently impossible for any illegal homeless Haitian immigrant to have eaten a feral cat or two.  My newsfeed says Dems are pushing back against Trump's racist fear mongering of Haitian immigrants.  This can actually work in reverse.  By giving so much attention to Trump's mindspace they're completely ignoring the fact that they're here illegally in the first place.  Least those are the ones we're talking about.  This is a good time to discuss the difference between rights and privileges.  If you're here illegally you technically have no right to be here.  Now some government policies might try to accommodate you and your family anyway but that's a privilege that you're still allowed to remain and work here but still not a right.  Kamala is trying to tow a tougher line on illegals and the border because it's obviously a winning issue for Ttump but her own party seems to be working against her.  According to a recent PBS Newshour report on the situation some of the illegal Haitians are terrors behind the wheel of a car and the subject has been brought up at Springfield City Council hearings.  The Dems always present a fairy tale version of reality though so I think the issue still sways strongly in Trump's favor.  Whither Ohio?


  1. They are all here legally in bright red Idaho. Do all the agricultural stuff
    the locals can't or won't. How about Yonkers? Yeah, they have problems with our language and driving. Hell, I could get arrested for my driving in Yonkers. Relax, Z-Man, your cat familiy depends on you.

  2. You're a liberal on the issue I'm a moderate.

    1. Glad to hear you are a moderate on the issue. Hard to find moderates these days.

    2. I thought the talk not that long ago was to normalize some of them now it's open borders vs. deport every single one of them. Problems on both sides imo but I think overall it's a winning issue for Trump.

  3. Yonkers - lots of illegal Mexicans stand around in places like Yonkers Ave. waiting to be picked up by a van which usually comes and it's off to do masonry work or whatever. Don't know how much they get paid. I'm moderate on the whole issue. If government wants to normalize the more responsible ones with families fine. You apparently don't see any problems. Maybe set up concessions stands at the border. Maybe have some paint your deck rails because of your phlebitis. It's all good.

  4. So the latest polling indicates that Trump is doing well in the Sun Belt states and needs just one Great Lakes state to win. Taylor Swift fizz wearing off?

    1. I'm lost is what used te be civilization. Color me objective and out of the political circus.

  5. Winning personality - whatta guy.

  6. We both need to steel ourselves to the possible outcome. If he wins will that ruin the next four years of your life? I never voted for Bill Clinton but life went on. Also the scandals were interesting.

    1. And the last time the US had a balanced budget.

    2. I remember that. I never became unhinged by Bill Clinton. Don't become unhinged by Trump.

  7. You/re talking for millions. The alternatives to Clinton were Bush I, Dole and Ross Perot and fairly good times. (Not sure about Perot- he was a bit quirky), Odd, then and now, Clinton was/is younger than Trump. My next 4 years will be challenging enough without presidents, from the looks of my pill collection. You might be retired before its over, ya know?
