Sunday, September 22, 2024

Normally a candidate for president isn't the object of frequent assassination attempts

 Something tells me it's not the Deep State.  They're not that incompetent and have an unlimited budget.  Something I have noticed though.  In the wake of two assassination attempts against Trump instead of lowering the temperature of the anti-Trump rhetoric as might be expected people on the Left have actually increased it.  We still have the Hitlerian references.  There is still the deranged talk of Trump if he wins becoming a dictator for life and canceling all future elections.  So WHY do people on the Left continue to talk like this?  One conclusion they want somebody to finish the job.

Mass formation psychosis is now treated as a part of normal rational political discourse.  We're living in surreal times.


  1. Surreal indeed. I doubt a universal dem plot. Rather, the constitution
    was written long before TV and internet. The first and second allow
    us to state anything and wander around armed to the teeth. Surely that bears consideration. They don't say, but I'm pretty sure the Secret Service deals with all kinds of threats to many candidates. Another factor is Trump has made many angry (on both sides) and
    among them are some psychos. My take, anywar.

  2. True enough yet we're always told to watch the right-wing rhetoric. The Left always gets a free ride.

  3. To add something here to what you said there may be all kinds of threats to candidates that we never hear about but (a) the two attempts against Trump weren't threats because nobody seemed to know of them beforehand and (b) they were in the actual process of being carried out. Key difference.

  4. Trump says Harris is a communist. Harris never said Trump was a Hitler. That was me, based on historical research. I don't influence any body, do I? Are you saying the first amendment only applies to liberals? (I find comparisons to Caligula as well). What are you after, that we (the majority) shut up and go home? C'mon Z-Man, nobody likes this trash crap. We're talking Americans here _ where's our dignity? I enlisted in the Army when Trump had fatal bone spurs.
    How can I keep my big mouth shut, huh? "Duty, Honor, Country -
    I've been to West Point. Where the heck are the issues? If the left
    shuts up, his own mouth will doom his prospects. (Sorry, just had
    another C Bros)

  5. You still puffing a pipe once in awhile?

  6. More pipe smoking than cigar smoking lately. Figure I'm saving money in the long run. When I run out of pipe tobacco I get four or five more cigars and some more pipe tobacco. Works for me. Got a pipe pick for tar buildup.

  7. The danger BB lies in organs of the press saying Trump is a danger to democracy. Trump already had a first term and we still have our democracy. The danger lies in people like Joe Scarborough saying if elected to a second term Trump will become a dictator for life and cancel all future elections and start killing people. Did you see "The Dead Zone" BB? There's a character running for office and the Christopher Walken character has psychic visions of him becoming the next Hitler and so he tries to assassinate him. That's the closest comparison to the nature of the left-wing rhetoric I'm talking about. You act like it's just normal criticism of a candidate. It's not. It's so much more. It's unhinged and it's dangerous.

    1. Yep, I remember Trump's first term. When he (often) had cockamamie ideas, pissing off most of Europe etc. his professional staff talked him out of it. They were fired or left
      (and are now backing Harris) and replaced with brainless loyalists. You can call that left-wing rhetoric, but it is true.
      Been around business for a long time, and those that prefer
      loyalists rather than experts let their ego over ride their judgement. Fortunately, business cleans them out faster than
      the electoral system, and we still have a democracy. My opinion, rhetoric didn't start with "the left". If we all shut up,
      there will still be armed psychos lurking. My opinion, anyhoo.

    2. Those experts also have egos and when they leave they write books hardly anyone ever reads. Worked in a public library once and most of them eventually wind up in the basement.

      We got experts at work and they don't know what they're doing. Ever read "The Peter Principle"? That's everyone rises to the level of their own incompetence.

    3. Your doctor tells you to get the covid shot. You then have an issue or a problem. Do you go back to him?

  8. Understood. So Harris is a Communist and Trump is George Washington. We don't think so, do we?. BTW - the political blogs tear each other apart. I come here for depth. You know, cat psychology, medical enigmas, beauties of the Hudson Valley and the joy of fishing. Can't find that anywhere else. You go -Z Man. Lead us out of Lost In Civilization...maybe into Hey- it ain't that bad.

  9. It's withering tbh. The next four years one half of the political blogosphere is going to be very unhappy.

  10. It's inarguable that there are random psychos out there so why are the psychos specifically targeting Trump? As Elon Musk said they're not going after Biden and Harris. Could it be the left-wing anti-Trump rhetoric? Again though the Right is lectured about their rhetoric all the time.

  11. So you're thinking these psychos are after Trump because of what Harris says and not what he says? No idea of what the number of psychos per capita is (hopefully lower than I think), but we note that
    of gun owners, 57% are GOP, 25% are Dem and the rest Independent.
    70% of owners have them for 'protection'.
    Only the Secret Service knows - we just guess. Personally, I gave up on fire arms in Jr. High. Kid loaned me his BB gun. Shot a Robin off a branch. Died struggling at my feet. Had to qualify on several weapons in the service and shot at crouching wood targets, bunkers and tanks. Dad never had one, i've never had one. How about you?

  12. No just a toy rifle.

    Where did I say anything about what Harris says having anything to do with what happened? Boss with the sauce. It gets better though. Then you say Trump's mouth may have caused his own assassination attempts. So Trump needs to tone down the violence against himself is what you're saying. You can't make this shit up.

    You add great entertainment value to this blog.

  13. Thank you. I try. So "So WHY do people on the Left continue to talk like this? One conclusion they want somebody to finish the job." Or possibly, they believe Trump is like Hitler, etc just like people on the right think Harris is an incompetent socialist. I'm going to assume
    most have no desire to see anyone the target of an assassin. My
    conclusion is to blame the guy with the gun.

  14. The left-wing rhetoric against Trump is way more over the top than the right-wing rhetoric against Harris. Being Hitler and an incompetent socialist is a chasm apart. The rhetoric from the Left is hard to diagnose. It's like some reverse orgasm of pain. Is there brain damage involved? You want to give the Left a pass.

  15. Specifically this. If you believe Trump if he wins the election will become a dictator for life and cancel all future elections and start killing people including his enemies THAT'S a mental disorder. As to your quote of mine I stand by the statement and here's why. If you have random psychos walking around and they're specifically obsessed with Trump and are specifically targeting Trump the expected and decent reaction of the Left ought to be let's dial down the rhetoric. We already made our point. Is it necessary to keep the rhetoric this high and keep raising it when circumstances demand you cool it? I have to question the motivations of the Left.

  16. As far as I can tell, it is Trump's words and behavior that incenses people. Throttle the left, and he will still make himself despised (and apparently according to you theory, a target for psychos). These wandering nut cases take just as much pleasure ins killing first graders in their classroom. The fact that they are well-armed seems to not bother a segment of the population.

  17. Judging by the letter he left behind Routh was obsessed with Trump and it wasn't because he didn't like his choice in ties. It was politically inspired and we're not living in a political vacuum. If I read you correctly Routh may have been on the road to becoming a serial killer or maybe a mall shooter but he got detoured and distracted by Trump's mouth. The other guy the kid maybe he would've shot up a classroom but Trump got in the way. Maybe Trump's mouth averted these other potential tragedies since they take pleasure in other forms of mayhem as well like the Joker. Seems to be your take. Needs work at least.

  18. You read me incorrectly again. Assassins are psycho. Mass murderers are psycho. But they pursue different targets. Most show some sign ahead of time. Most have no problem obtaining weapons. Like the dude in Los Vegas with the bump stocks. But those gadgets remain legal. but you're right, it sounded that way. Wonder if the secret service just rounded them all up until the campaign was over?

  19. Well the other thing you said was Trump's mouth incenses people. So I'd have to google every stupid thing he said as a kind of research project. He once called Rosie O'Donnell a fat pig. He once called John McCain a loser for being a POW etc etc. He talks smack and we talk about it for a couple of days then move on. IMO nothing in the compendium of stupid Trump quotes would rise to the occasion to set off a would be assassin. Can you think of something?

  20. I'm too old to think like an assassin. That McCain thing was awful
    (we in the band of brothers don't like that kind of 'smack') and created a group of anti-Trump vets. And you got your Lincoln Project, a group of ex GOP RINO types. But groups don't usually do assassinations that I know of - in this country. I see that 4-5 people were arrested for threats against Harris - so the psycho bunch show up in all flavors.

  21. Inspired by what? Does rhetoric play a role at all? Once we know everything doesn't it make sense to tone down the rhetoric? Dunno. It would seem the way to go.

    1. Inconvenient 1st Amendment.

    2. True but suggestions to cool the tone isn't a violation.

  22. Just saw on my phone the headline hate crimes are up against LGBTQ people and advocates are blaming far-right politicians. So why does right-wing rhetoric supposedly have consequences but not left-wing rhetoric?
