Thursday, October 03, 2024

Does your vet need to know Shakespeare?

 Does your gastroenterologist need to know calculus?  How many existentialists does it take to change a light bulb?  You do not need to be a well-rounded individual unless you're Chris Christie.  Many conservatives like Charlie Kirk are now making the case that you do not need a liberal arts college education to get ahead in life.  Worked under a young and talented chef back in the day.  He had a little higher education under his belt but he preferred to dive into the labor market at an early age.  You learn by doing.  Teach kids how to make money.  I vastly recommend trade schools over college unless college is your thing.  I'll never forget the tour our chef friend took us on at the famed Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park New York.  Young people zeroing in on their passion that's what it's all about.  In France our chef friend said chefs are practically revered.  He also said if you're a chef you'll never be out of a job.  College graduates on the other hand often have trouble landing their dream job right away.  Paying back student loans another current issue although the CIA costs a pretty penny too.

College.  What a racket.


  1. I agree. Absolutely. Plumbers, electricians, carpenters -all needed and good jobs. Knew a girl that majored in French literature. She was a secretary. Sacre Bleu! Brain surgeons, on the other hand, need pre-OJT training. I know some of the skilled labor guys that started their own businesses. Maybe a Z-Man Cordon Bleu featuring brandy based couture ?

  2. & you you went to Explosives University?

  3. Heck no. That's in Tehran.

  4. What does one do with a degree in art history?

    1. Our Dr's daughter got one. She works at a local museum.
      Son got a degree in History. Works starting at 4AM in a bakery. He probably blames August Zang, an Austrian artillery officer who started a bakery in Paris in 1838. Son ran own artisan bakery for some years in N Idaho, liked it, did well. Sweaty logger, "I'd like a brioche sprinkled with sea salt."

    2. Those bakery hours are ungodly hours. Gotta proof the rolls. I might be getting up to go to the bathroom at 4 AM. The owl is still hooting.
