Wednesday, October 02, 2024

A political ramble through the workplace

 This is going to be counterintuitive.  Democratic bosses and Republican bosses.  The people I'm about to describe were very open about their politics of that there was no doubt.  Now you would expect a Democratic boss to be very pro-the worker but......Many years back I worked under a Democratic head chef very anti-Trump and very pro-Hillary.  We're not talking the restaurant scene here either which can be highly stressful by its very nature but food markets.  This man however despite his politics was universally disliked by the workers under him.  Numerous complaints to HR.  Unfair to the workers.  Made a woman cry once.  FF to now and the current head chef an avowed and hardcore Democrat is similar.  Both taskmasters.  You already have a lot on your plate and here's a few more scoops.  Current chef hard to have a rational discussion with.  Guy at work had cancer since passed away but at the time Chef became impatient because he was out a lot because the doctors were trying to get a handle on it.  On the other hand I've had Republican bosses who were nice and fair-minded.  Few years back when my father passed away the young head chef at the time a pro-Trump Republican said if there's anything we can do and take as much time as you need.  Very family oriented.  Said the same thing to another co-worker whose Dad had passed sometime before mine.  I thought the Trumpublicans were supposed to be horrible people.

All this is highly anecdotal on my part and I'm leaving the broad brush aside.  Studies have been done showing a fairly high percentage of bosses are mentally ill in the first place and this cuts across party lines so there can be many explanations.  What stands out in my own personal life experience though is how counterintuitive political affiliation can be when it comes to bosses in the workplace and what you would expect.  I welcome your anecdotes.


  1. My experience was quite different. Worked for numerous bosses and was a boss myself for years. Politics never came up. Of course, that was quite awhile back,. (except for the chemist that went into the cafeteria and left holocaust denial literature at every seat, and I sort of assumed that the billionaire owners were Republicans). From the sound of it, maybe chef university leans left?

  2. I've always felt politics should never come up in the workplace so problem #1. Why people insist on bringing it up I don't know but in my recent work experience it comes up especially Trump. All I can say is the two most horrible bosses I have had in recent years have been Democrats.

  3. Last job I had the chef was a liberal Democrat. Brought up abortion and gay marriage a couple of times. In my personal experience liberals are the most likely to bring up politics in the workplace. Never understood this. Save that kind of talk for the pub after work. All I wanna do is put in my 8 hours and go home.

  4. Chef politics, go figure. I had 3 mfg buildings, a lab and 20 EXP bunkers and no groups larger than 2 except for breaks and lunch.
    So, I had trucks coming with stuff every week, started out in China,
    S. Africa, Belgium etc. The thing is - long distance truckers. No one to argue with. Sometimes they had a little dog, sometimes a six pack riding shotgun. Looked pretty good to me. Political tendencies - ammunition people are all GOP (its the guns) - teachers = all Dem,
    and I know quite a few, they keep politics out of the classroom, heck
    they have enough problems with each kid on their phone all day.
    AND IMO, politics in the workplace or even in the neighborhood, tends to go top burner around election time (or as the old Chinese
    engineer said - erection time.

  5. You're not supposed to talk about sex religion and politics the big three. Even sports I'm surprised how seriously people take it like a player or a team can't have an off day. How come nobody discusses golf at work?

  6. Always kind of wondered about priests in the confession booth. Do they have an R rating?

  7. I never understood in Catholicism the need for auricular confession. IMO it's a humiliation ritual. What if you're a priest and you recognize who the voice belongs to?

  8. I guess you would have to say, "Hi Mom"?

  9. & I don't know about the screen they use. Supposed to hide the features but what if the man has a Jimmy Durante nose? "Fred?"

  10. Could even be a nun standing in while Father takes a break.

  11. Has to use the bathroom.

  12. RE: from above, "I thought the Trumpublicans were supposed to be horrible people". I know some, evangelicals who work the food for the poor every week. Make me look like a piker.

  13. Occasionally followed the late Christopher Hitchens. Eclectic guy. Hated Mother Teresa. Thought she fed the poor for the fame. Damned if you do damned if you don't.
