Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mad dot in the universe

The God Problem - You finally meet God someday and go to him "how come you didn't do anything about ISIS?" God: "Who?" then you see Him quickly searching wikipedia. God truly has swarms of galaxies solar systems and other planets to worry about but then there's the guardian angels. As a Catholic we're taught they exist but I see no evidence. Where were James Foley and Steven Sotloff's guardian angels? (angel walks in on the imminent beheading: "what's going on here?" bullets passing harmlessly through his Michael Landon-type body to the utter amazement of the crazed jihadists). Are our guardian angels too busy on their smartphones? Foley even prayed the rosary during his captivity in Libya, did it help? A priest or theologian might say it helped his soul but did it help his situation? Personally speaking my faith crisis really started after Newtown which imo is the most shocking news event to happen in my lifetime after 9-11. We still don't know why the bug-eyed psycho did it and it didn't change Wayne LaPierre one iota so there goes your great Saul-like conversion on the road to the gun show. My Mom just had a dear friend die of cancer, why doesn't al-Baghdadi get cancer or at least a damn bug egg-sac in his brain to say nothing of Kim Jong-un? Why doesn't the executioner/beheader the day before suddenly get a heart attack instead of your brother-in-law or dearly beloved aunt? Ray Rice was done in by TMZ not God but maybe God works through TMZ? Look it's fairly obvious to me God the Creator or an architect of the Universe or a central planner exists but does He care? Big Speech tonight, no not God although He should be giving one too:)


  1. I tend to agree. Now radical Islamists will point to the Christian God not protecting and intervening on behalf of Christians as proof that they're on the right track. Al-Baghdadi is in good health, his killers are in good health and so Allah is protecting them instead. Now the God of the Bible, the OT God would have sent a contagious tumor their way whereas the God of modern times is busy elsewhere and indifferent. Christian ministers, Catholic priests do a very poor job explaining this stuff. I honestly don't know why I go to church.

  2. I mean can't Allah Himself intervene and tell Baghdadi & Co. you're all a bunch of assholes?

  3. God helps those who help themselves?

  4. In the Catholic prophetic tradition if the Pope in unison with all the bishops of the world consecrates Russia to the BVM there will be peace. My position: what harm can it do, why not? Are they afraid of offending Putin?

  5. Might offend the Russian Orthodox? It seemed to offend Henry VIII back in the day.
    Dunno, maybe Francis could schedule a prime time speech to go over strategy.

  6. I don't think McCain struggles with these theological questions. Probably sees Divine Intervention primarily through US military might.

  7. Just to throw this out there but I recall reading an interesting theory re evil people. The late Malachi Martin was giving an interview about the Devil and possession in general and he held that people under the spell of evil have their physical health protected by the Devil so they can continue their career of evil. It kind of seems to be the case as how many serial killers can't continue their killing spree because they have to check themselves into some hospital for an ailment? Of course Hugo Chavez recently succumbed to cancer so that kind of twists the theory a little. Re the physical health of your average jihadist I'd say they're a quite intense group and being intense their blood pressure would be a little high but I somehow doubt there's studies on this.

  8. We really need to sit down and have a philosophical discussion that involves the words "Hare Krishna".

  9. I just mobile-wiki'd that subject. I'll have to get back to you on that.

  10. The roots of 'justification by good works' go back a millennia before Abraham of Ur:
    "Each Egyptian's soul was judged in the Hall of Ma´at (depicted in the book of the dead and book five of the book of gates) when they died. Their heart (conscience) was weighed against the feather of Ma´at (an ostrich feather) on scales which represented balance and justice. If their heart was heavier than the feather because they had failed to live a balanced life by the principles of Ma´at their heart was either thrown into a lake of fire or devoured by a fearsome deity known as Ammit. If, however, the heart balanced with the feather of Ma´at they would pass the test and gain eternal life. At certain times it was Osiris who sat as judge in the ritual, and many other deities were involved in the ceremony, but the scales always represented Ma´at." IMO, Ma-at would have found John Calvin significantly lacking.

  11. Osiris brother of Isis who married each other and had a son. Mythology has it all: sex (including incest), violence, war, betrayal, duplicity, revenge, rebirth. It may be whacked but it's damn interesting.

  12. Original Sin; Augustine's biggy, was addressed by this odd historical New Yorker , who started a Christian religion based on the Second Coming having
    occurred in AD 70. Hence, believers were free from sin, absolved and whatever
    they did was not sin. He was big on adultery and his church thrived until the neighbors found out.

  13. Interesting, declare yourself perfect and free from sin by changing the very definition of what's a sin. Reminds me I have to go out to Bed Bath & Beyond and get some Oneida silverware.

  14. Replies
    1. Not quite as bad as a caliphate but still sucks.
