Friday, January 02, 2015

Maybe now he can have that philosophical discussion with God about abortion

No judgementalism towards pro-choice politicians intended in the heading here, just thought it would be a good working title. Mario Cuomo, former three-term Democratic Governor of the Empire State - I never liked him politically. I will have to say though he was intelligent, articulate and thoughtful and learned too even if he did pepperize his continuing pro-choice argumentation with bits and pieces of sophistry just for flavor. This came out or evolved out of his thing with the then Archbishop then Cardinal John O'Connor of NY, also the late O'Connor so maybe he can join in the divine discussion too. Cuomo did however impose his personal morality re the death penalty on the state of NY which probably went a long way towards Republican George Pataki taking over the state-helm. At least Cuomo took pains to say he was personally opposed to abortion unlike the son who's like full-bore ahead oil up the abortion machinery. Am I talking about ABORTION too much? Well yeah but my sitemeter's been kinda frozen of late but when I discuss the A-subject every once in a while the commenters who come out of the woodwork who I never heard of before scold me for always talking about The Topic but when I do post on other matters which is most of the time they're nowhere to be found. BB sticks around though. He did do other things as governor besides issue dissertations/philosophical treatises on abortion so gladly discuss. Mario Cuomo 1932-2015 RIP.


  1. Haven't followed New York politics much, but I suspect there were (and are) worse
    people in politics than Mr. Cuomo.

  2. That's my take. It's like Gerald Ford.

  3. Do you get more accident-prone with age? I feel like Harry Reid.

  4. Age = slower reaction time. Our cat, Mikey, has a hobby of streaking by me into the basement when I go downstairs to play with trains. It is a family joke that the old man is slow, but that cat can be sleeping at the other end of the house, hear the doorknob and streak down the steps before me. Kind of interesting, once downstairs
    he waits to be cussed out and carried back upstairs purring the whole while.
    Cat psychologist?

  5. I'm taking it this Cuomo thread isn't turning out to be one of my hotter posts. Sasquatch, the Hobbit, Kim K's rump - anything you wanna discuss:)

    1. Got me pondering the Italian-American population, which seems concentrated in New York. So, I was googling around and found a place
      called 'Shoup' in Idaho which has a 100% Italian population. Yep, all 15 residents. The unlikely location is on a forest service road along the Salmon
      River (of no return) where they apparently run the Shoup Store. My only visit to NY, I noticed that the Italians talk with their hands a lot...a sign language beyond my comprehension.

    2. Well by my 'rithmetic two of them have to be gangsters.

  6. I was actually pausing to do a Cuomo thread. First off it's dated, second maybe you have to be from New York. Then everybody and their grandmother is on FB talking about the cute thing their gerbil did or the new guitar they bought. OK so we throw out there the 4.9 mag quake in Idaho of all places and the rock slides it caused.

  7. Well, OK...if you want to get hits from geologists, that quake was the biggest of series of minor shifts the last couple of months. That area sits on a relatively fast moving convergence and subduction of the shifting Farallon and N. American plates.
    The prehistoric volcanic zone also left an exposed uplifted batholith rich in odd minerals like antimony, beryllium and uranium. Coyotes outnumber people there.
    Tomorrow they are running their annual wolf & coyote hunt, which the enviros are
    trying to block...maybe its on of those God warnings?
    BTW, the last big Challis quake disturbed me one morning in 1983. We had an
    unfinished basement, so I had a folding chair and TV down there and was sitting
    sipping coffee when the coffee started spilling out of the cup first left, then right, then
    down my shirt. My initial diagnosis was stroke. But then the oldest girl woke up and
    said a "monster was shaking my bed, Daddy". That and the black rain and ash blizzard of Mt. St. Helens comprise my only experience with the fury of Ma Nature.

    1. Many years ago the fault line here in Ardsley NY caused a minor tremor at 2AM and a small picture shook off my shelf. Folks got excited.

  8. NY certainly has had a wide range of
    Governors . And of course, some interesting residents .

  9. Huckabee is quitting FoxNews. Getting ready to run for pres? I can hear the
    campaign slogan already....Huck Fuskabee.

    1. Politics aside in an odd avuncular way you can't help but like the guy...or maybe I'm only speaking for myself.

    2. He is a chatty friendly guy, but he sure reminds me of Gomer Pyle.

    3. From what I read he is sometimes for the bigger gov't. Now if only women can control their libidos.

  10. Few weeks back I watched on my tablet the music video "Animals" by Maroon 5 (overexposed at the moment. Now maybe because of my ongoing tinnitus and some sleep issues at the time maybe magnifying the creepiness factor but Adam Levine has come up with one disturbing piece of work. Don't expect you to comment but I'm sure you can Vevo it. Just wanted to put that out there.

    1. Pop culture mostly eludes me, but a brief scan of the video suggests another
      Ed Gein inspired take off. Your thoughts?

    2. I've no main theory yet except artists still want to push the envelope. I LIKE music videos butmost are fairly normal. On my tablet I'm currently exploring the different versions of Gary Wright's "Dream Weaver" which are quite well done.

  11. I see the Pope made some new cardinals. Thankfully, not another bunch of Italians.
    (48 cardinals for only 61,000,000). Been that way since the foggy beginnings. it's about time the Vatican started thinking outside the cincture way, ya know?

    1. I knew you'd comment on this. One from Myanmar right?

  12. Not sure what to make of the high number of Cardinals from Italy. Given the Church
    stance on abortion, it is odd that the rate in Italy is 17.4%. While this is low compared to secular China (31%) or the US (22.6%), it is higher than secular
    Belgium (13.5%), Jewish Israel (11.1%) or South Africa (7.7%). Which, IMO, suggests that the abortion phenomenon relates not so much to religious proscription, but rather to area economic/cultural paradigms. (is this where
    copious commenters jump in?)

    1. Well China's numbers are a litttle skewed since they force abortions on the population. I think my erstwhile copious abortion commenters are all on FB now.

    2. Probably. I think NSA would confirm that. Are Edward Snowden and Julian Assange touring the Murmansk countryside these days?

    3. I've often wondered about Snowden. He's young, does he ever have the wisp of a regret about what he did. What kind of life is that?

  13. What's the deal with the Keystone pipeline? There are existing lines that can handle that oil. That tar sand oil is to be shipped across the Great Plains, refined and exported. Jobs? You know how many guys can run a pipeline? Jobs: we are running crude out of the Bakken Field by trains, hundreds of them. That is jobs.
    Economy? The profits go to Canadian owners. If I was GOP I'd look for something
    more substantive.

    1. I'm not sure why Obama is so reflexively against it. Not an expert on the pipeline but I'd tend to agree with you that re the GOP their first order of business should be something else like, oh I don't know paring back ObamaCare?

  14. Been to all the states except Arkansas, Vermont, Alaska & Hawaii; and those aren't on my bucket list.

    1. I thought I was fairly hip with most of the modern slang but it eludes me how the phrase "bucket list" came about. I don't really like it, it reminds me when someone says "do me a solid." Don't care to go to Hawaii?

  15. Our old friend Bill Donohue of the Catholic League has opined on the Charlie Hebdo massacre in France at the hands of radical Islamists. He mostly focused on the editors made fun of the RC Church too with cartoons of masturbating nuns and the Pope in a condom. Donohue pretty much said the editors had it coming, don't wanna say he's almost glad about it but what's your take? Is he an angry man in his dotage?

    1. I like Dolan better than Donahue. Both Irish, the first happy, the second always angry. It seems the cartoonists fare better when they make politicians look funny..nobody likes politicians. As for old Bill D, he sticks up for the nuns, like the cruel Irish ones in the book Philomena and the
      teaching nuns that terrorized generations of Catholic students, while decrying the progressive nuns, telling them to leave the Church. He is a real
      conservative fellow who fights any progressivism in the Church, and has a lot of followers. IMO, he would make a good Southern Baptist, ya know?

    2. I wonder what his blood pressure reading is. He looks like he always goes to bed angry. Angry explosive movements in the public loo at Sears. Gets a little Old Smuggler under his belt and he's liable to take a swing at you. Wife wants to try something new in bed but he has to check with Church rules first:)

  16. Replies
    1. What's up with these guys? like they feel insecure with just one gun. I hear our old friend Zimm is in trouble again.

  17. If you combine the anger of Pat Lynch and Bill Donohue I believe you get a supernova.

  18. President Obama: ‘I am a Christian By Choice…The Precepts of Jesus Spoke to Me’

    Mr. Obama has made it abundantly clear that he is a Christian--more than once.

    The whackos--wherever they are on the political spectrum--need to STFU on this subject, because the more they harangue on it, the more they are seen to be lunatics.

    1. Agreed but he still should have gone to Paris ya know?

  19. Disappointing I suppose, but here is a pro-lifer who changed his mind after studying the issues..

    1. Briefly scanned that long link. Joe Sobran still has the best take. Macbeth agonized over his decision to slay King Duncan but his very moral agonizing didn't make it right. Of course I'm looking at it from a more abstract plane than Tim Ryan.
