Been meaning to do this post for awhile. When the SPLC and the ADL list someone or a group (usually conservatives) as "anti-government" or "anti-government extremists" you're supposed to go OMG No! but the phrase itself is not automatically good or bad. In order to be pro-government you have to have a government worth supporting. If you oppose the governments of say North Korea or Putin's Russia nobody says that's a bad thing. A libertarian supports limited government. Only an anarchist is opposed to all government. Most of us just pay our taxes and follow the law. To be 100% pro-the government you're probably a fan of statism which is really worship of the State. Most of us criticize government from time to time. Property taxes are too high too many regulations whatever. I think this term "anti-government" is used most often by aggressive defenders of the status quo. It is designed to intimidate you into not criticizing the government or the State TOO MUCH. If you or your group wind up on the SPLC and ADL lists your political philosophy is automatically assumed to be bad and people are supposed to avoid you. They mix you in with the Nazis and the skinheads when maybe all you wanna do is eliminate the federal income tax. I always say as usual do your own research and have a nice day.
Everyone has a nice day. except perhaps the survivalists in their bunkers. Oh, and the librarians in Idaho.
ReplyDeleteMy friend is a bit of a prepper himself. I joke with him that people probably make fun of him until the worldwide economic system collapses and everyone's at his place begging for his freeze-dried beef stroganoff.
ReplyDeleteBB always with the broad brush. Would make a good G-man. Arguing politics on Thanksgiving instead of watching "The Honeymooners."
So my thing is I think the ADL hate and extremist lists are too big. Lew Rockwell and Moms For Liberty?
ReplyDeleteI see some of Trump's appointments are getting death threats. Seems to be the new norm. Kids here for Thanksgiving, brought their own gluten-free stuff. Yuk.
ReplyDeleteOff today.
ReplyDeleteBrowsing the sites and see TX has offered Trump 1,400 acres to detain some illegals. Are they supposed to stand in the fields with the cattle? Saw an article by Rich Lowry editor at NR who feels that mass deportation is an appropriate response to mass illegal immigration. I guess Rich doesn't mind spending $40 for a head of lettuce. Homan the border czar looks a little scary. He looks like a trainer for German Shepherd attack dogs.
Yeah, Homan probably used to bite pitbulls. Well we can't all be pretty.
DeleteLooks like somebody who would fight Chuck Norris. He cuts in front of you at the supermarket checkout line and you don't say anything. He can fight ten illegals at the same time.
DeleteADL might label someone who wants to end the Fed as an "anti-government extremist." Sounds scary right but that's just an intellectual position it doesn't mean they're gonna rape your daughter.
ReplyDeleteWTF? Did they serve Thanksgiving dinner at the library?
ReplyDeleteLibraries around here holidays are a big deal. Close early on the day before Thanksgiving then closed the next two days. Must have a good union.
ReplyDeleteSo you get wi-fi at home? I get mine on fiber optic cable and wi-fi it upstairs to my wife. TV comes on the same cable. A mystery to me.
ReplyDeleteNot exactly. A metered wifi network from my phone so you use data. Also known as a mobile hotspot. Would like to get straight wifi in the future when I figure my budget out.
ReplyDeleteWow! isn't cheap here, but guessing higher yet back east. Our cable people are switching to all wi-fi early next year. I may have to check in here if I have problems.
ReplyDeleteCable is too much for me. You shouldn't have to pay a fortune to watch Tucker Carlson.
ReplyDeleteOr Taylor Swift.
ReplyDeletePondering the 'Drain The Swamp' movement. Never know how it is going to break. A few years back, they did that up in Coeur d'Alene -
ReplyDeletevoted in swamp drainers on the board of North Idaho College. Fired the staff and deans. The deal was auto repair, accounting and nurse training were 'being indoctrinated with liberal ideas'. They re-wrote the classes. Teachers quit, students quit and the college was placed on accreditation failure. Turned into a ghostly place, still
bickering and draining. In January, the voters voted in a new board, real people with no axe to grind. Back to the swamp
Auto repair lol. Yeah you need an oil change politics always comes up.
ReplyDeleteUntil GeeeZ drives in. Well, I thought it was funny.
ReplyDeleteI don't see her blog roll anymore. Did something happen?
ReplyDeleteProbably a glitch. W Press is worse than Blogger. I posted on a few of her blogbuddies, but nothing obscene. Blog Roll - sounds like some sort of pastry.
ReplyDeleteThought maybe there was an issue with some of my more salacious ads. A lot on my plate. Only learned in the last few days how to block them but sometimes they pop up again. Hey don't be mad at me man.
ReplyDeleteWho could be mad at Z-Man? Even Nurse Nancy likes you - maybe?
ReplyDeleteJekyll and Hyde.
ReplyDeleteYou are still listed on Shaw's blog role. Your fame endures.
ReplyDeleteI see that and I put her on mine.
ReplyDeleteYou want a Hannity link? Me neither.
Quite a range - far right, far left and Jackson Galaxy
DeleteI don't agree with everything I link to. Merely meant for your perusal your browsing pleasure. I can't bring myself to do an Alex Jones though.
DeleteI'll take the apple cinnamon blog roll please with a small cup of coffee cream and sugar. BTW what happened to the cro-nut?
ReplyDeleteDid the cro-nut go the way of the cro-magnon?
DeleteThe latest thing is the pretzel roll. Not really into it.
DeleteThey have these special coffee drive thrus all over down. Always busy, put creme in the coffee with your portrait. Big $$. I get by with instant,
ReplyDeletecouple cups in the AM. Call me Mr. Unsophisticated. Mrs. doesn't drink coffee or alcohol. Hooked on Pepsi. is there a difference?
We'll ask RFK Jr.