Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Chelsea Clinton for President in 2016

Keep the Dynasty of Socialism going.

Hillary clearly has Barack beat on foreign policy issues. The latest, re Monday night's YouTube/CNN debate, or is that the CNN/YouTube debate?, Hillary said he would be naive to meet with the leaders of rogue nations like Iranian putzhead Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, North Korean madman Kim Jong Il, Syrian leader Assad and Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. Hillary is clearly coming across as more manly than the rest of the bunch, she's coming across as so militaristic of late that Rudy or Whomever better think twice before going down the all leftwingers are pussies on foreign policy road. Barack though seems to be developing a John Mayer kind of foreign policy waiting on the world to change. Even though I was against the war from the start this song has always annoyed me, it's all too typical of the naive and sappy left-wing idealism of celebrities these days and I also hate him because he has lived first-hand your body is a wonderland with Jessica Simpson. As a kind of afterthought if Reagan had a MySpace page and answered a question about global warming from a talking snowman it would have lacked a certain gravitas but there we are, you might as well throw in a question on Lindsay Lohan too. The Repubs, by not participating in any of these "fun" debates (or were they even asked?) come across as the Boredom Brigade, they probably even stopped having sex years ago. I mean who can beat Obama Girl?


  1. I was wondering also if there was going to be a GOP You Tube debate. Where's the Fairness Doctrine when you need it?

  2. Bingo Beth! You rock on.

  3. Beth, can we call this a conspiracy yet? It's all about the Image and Barack and his wife look like some black couple that would get it on in some Kama Sutra DVD you see in a FYE store whereas McCain comes across as that crabby uncle who yells at the kids in the park or who comes up to the deli counter and gives the clerk a hard time ("I said thin!"). I think the Dems are going after the youth vote, what Hell's Kitchen calls the trendsetters and, oh hell, I'm joining Robodoon on this one.

  4. Barack is now making the bold claim that out of all the candidates, Democrat and Republican, he's the best at foreign policy simply by virtue of the fact that he spent alot of his childhood growing up behind the borders so to speak. Complete delusion and Hillary's advisors know this and are making mincemeat out of his good-natured idealism which has no place in the real world.
