Friday, November 16, 2007

The bee-itch

You may have heard, a woman on one of John McCain's campaign stops asked him "so how do we beat this bitch?" to which he replied "that's an excellent question." Usual denunciations, now if you make the case the sitatution was highly inappropriate, well ok, I won't argue with you there, just seems to me in a more humorous, less pc age it would all have been so hilariously funny. McCain's from the olde school, for cryin' out loud the guy was a POW for 5 years, can't have a little fun?

Ever walk out of the store at the mall and forget where the hell you parked? So you're walking with your bag and you don't want to look like an idiot, all the silver Honda Civics begin to look alike - "Mommy, who's that man who can't find his car? Is he on drugs?" - and you begin to think your car was stolen until you finally find it and vow it will never happen again but it does.....


  1. That McCain story is hilarious!

    Speaking of PC, z-man, I was surprised you didn't jump on that story that Santas are being told not to say "ho ho ho" because it could be offensive to women. Although I think you may have predicted that would happen back during the Imus thing.

  2. When I predicted that would happen during the Imus thing I wasn't even serious. These people are mentally ill.

    You know the problem with the pc'ers is they take humor so literally. Sometimes humor is just humor.

  3. Hill takes money from the n-word loving Timbaland but that's a'ight.
