Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The speech Rudy never gave

I still say that there is almost a poetic requirement that the Mayor of 9/11 be the One to continue and eventually win the War on Terror but most people don't seem to agree with this script, Life need not be that artistic I guess but Rudy's big mistake was this. He courted his party's conservative base way too late in the game, if you're going to woo you have to get your application in early otherwise you're transparent, maybe a bit frenzied and not at all sincere. He should have laid the groundwork a year or two ago with a major speech or two soley on the Life Issues as in, "Upon further reflection I've come to the conclusion that the abortion issue lends itself best to some kind of legislative solution which Roe vs. Wade pre-empted. How can the Supreme Court, any Supreme Court, act like a bunch of OB-GYNs and dictate to the nation as a whole that aborting the fetus is legal up to the 3rd month or the 6th or even up until birth? You can even have some choicers who believe early abortions are ok but who are against some of the later mid-term ones still allowed by the Court. The late Harry Blackmun, who wrote the majority opinion in Roe, endlessly complicated the issue and for this reason I've adjusted my earlier pro-choice views. Federalism is the best way of dealing with this contentious and highly emotional issue."

If he had done this early enough some of us might even have gotten a faint whiff of sincerity in the man, we all reserve the right to change or modify or calibrate our views over time and it would have showed that he gave further thought to the issue. It's just a hunch but I think most conservatives would more than gladly put up with a true pro-choice federalist in office.


  1. I also find Rudy far more interesting as a candidate than McCain though I strongly disagree with Rudy's mostly liberal social views. The base must have went "you've got to be kidding me, not only do you now hate abortion but you want people to bear arms. We kind of like you anyway but don't play us for suckers." A campaign down the drown anyway, kind of sad though when all he had to do was adjust a little instead of being like the guy who has a porn collection and can't seem to figure out why his wife wants to leave him.

  2. Maybe he will learn from his mistakes and come out strong in 2012. But he will have to become a lot more conservative, in my opinion, he could never win the south the way he is now.

    I have also heard support for him as Attorney General, I could live with that.

  3. a campaign down the drown

    TYPE - down the drain

    this spelling thing is contagious

  4. He has to have a place in government in a big way but I really think he wants the Presidency. Should have laid the groundwork much earlier with his base as I say, I mean he really asked alot of us conservatives didn't he? flirted with us with a little federalist talk but I think the gun thing was really the last straw, he was never in his heart against gun control. His attitude was kinda take me as I am or don't take me at all and got single digits as a result.
