Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mean People

They could be people in general, many times they're bosses and I'm not talking about somebody having a bad day. It takes such an effort to be this way, it saps you of your energy and ain't good for your health, what purpose does it serve exactly to be known as a toxic person if I were sitting them down for an interview. Rational bosses are known to get more out of their employees, the respect trickles down but what do mean people in general garner? So how do mean people see themselves? do they have an inkling? Even Scrooge came around after a time so wassup?


  1. Good question, of course I am a nice person so I can only speculate, lol, but I would hope that mean people don't even realize that they are mean, if they were aware and continued to be mean then I don't know how they could live like that.

    The Golden Rule, so simple, and yet for some so hard to obtain.

  2. Some people go through life thinking everyone's great until they're proven otherwise. Those individuals get burned all too often I think.

    Tis why I'm not one of them. I tend to think everyone's the opposite until they prove otherwise.

  3. Whoever is Visitor #8,000 from Oct. 23, 2006 gets some free Turtle Wax and some Oodles of Noodles, claim your prize now plus a mini Swiss Army knife with only two blades.

  4. You're so right soapie, I've come across people at work and in life in general who are so popular gladhanding and chatting everyone up but you don't see what they see, it's like you're the only one who sees the phoney in them, in fact you begin to think they have a good twin and maybe he's the one everyone likes and then there's Obama's remarks about religious people,

  5. I think Beth they have an inner arrogance about them and to spin around soapie's comments you have "some people who go through life thinking they're the greatest and everyone else isn't", mean people also tend to be loud not to mention obnoxious, seems to me they want to be noticed, they never grow up. The Golden Rule you mention is for them like a hard calculus problem.

  6. Some people go through life thinking everyone's great until they're proven otherwise.

    This comment coming from someone who goes by the name soapboxgod!

    Just my luck, I was visitor 8001.

  7. "This comment coming from someone who goes by the name soapboxgod!"

    I'll let the both of you in on the history behind my screen name.

    Being a screen name, it resides where? Within the web/internet domain right? I mean, it's not like all my friends go around calling me Soapboxgod or anything right?

    Well, the bulk of my internet life focuses around political discourse and debate. And (as we've seen all too often), anyone can get up on their proverbial "soapbox" and spew forth and opinion or a "feeling" about something right?

    Well, when I came up with that screen name some many moons ago, it was my intention that the opinions or the feelings that I would get up on my soapbox and proclaim to the masses would be centered around facts, reason, and logic. They could and would be substantiated. As such, I was aiming to be the god, the yoda, the jedi master of the soapbox.

    Hence the name.

    But, as you both well know, I've taken to other aliases such as Soapie, Soapster, Soap, (and lord knows a great many others not appropriate to post herein. LOL)

  8. ok, like it...obob, history please.

  9. I suppose I would have said soapboxmaster might have come across a bit more humble, but what's done is done, I usually call you Soapie anymore so its all good.

    Wanna know the history of my screename??

  10. let me pull up a chair.

  11. My screename comes from, if you can believe this, my first name! Crazy, huh?

  12. You know mean people honestly don't think of themselves as mean, I've even heard some of them refer to other people as mean. I think they prefer to think of themselves as edgy. You said somewhere Beth that mean people shouldn't have children, I would only add they shouldn't have pets either.
