Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Our zombie-fied nation

or why do people walk in the road? Regretfully might be a new feature of this blog.

This has been a phenomenon for years now and I don't mean simply crossing the street or even jaywalking but literally people, usually they're not alone but in groups of at least two, who walk down the road at a leisurely pace. This cuts across all racial and age groups, maybe in some cases of the young it can mean a statement of defiance, dunno, but none of them even look around them. You have to ever so slowly pass them and hope a toot or two won't anger them. My .02 worth, most of 'em are on drugs, could be the illegal variety, could be over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Saw a commercial the other day for some wonder drug and the woman goes nonchalantly "I take five different medications already." Oh, OK. The way I was brought up was roads are exclusively for motor vehicles, maybe a bike or two can get into the act but that's it, "cross at the green, not in-between", but when you have people in LA-LA Land, well, it's kinda like being in some horror movie, Zoloft Nation or something.


  1. I honestly think these people should be issued summonses, I mean driving is hard enough and if these people turn at the last minute into your car you'll wind up the bad guy. Now there's a bend in my neighborhood, at the end of my street you make a sharp left to get on to the next street, and I kid you not, on at least a few occasions I've seen a young Mom pushing a baby stroller just before the bend and I got nervous just sitting on my porch watching this. If Mel can be pulled over for a DUI then how 'bout "walking under the influence" or WUI?

  2. The worst is the wintertime when there's snow on the road and you're trying to make it home so you need all that momentum to make it up even the slightest incline and people really mill out into the road then and you're blowing your horn left and right, you slow down and have to start all over again which ain't easy. It's enough to make you want to pop a Prozac and become a zombie yourself, hey if you can't beat 'em join 'em.

  3. People around here actually seem to walk on the sidewalks, unless they are snow covered. But slow bike riders bug me on the road.

  4. Yup about those bike riders, I saw a cop pull over one once for not wearing a helmet. I used to go biking myself but much prefered those designated bike paths to the streets. I guess people just walk in the roads more over here, don't think you'll ever hear one of those medical editors on those morning shows blame too many meds for this but for cryin' out loud people don't even drive in a coherent manner anymore, poking along, drifting, always making U-turns. Saw a car once turn a corner and the driver threw out of his window an empty supersize drink from Burger King, littering on this scale bugs me, it's almost like a quality of life thing for me. Couldn't the guy just crush it and wait for the nearest circular file? What is it we're always talking about here? stranded in civilization.

  5. You know since this blog is partly about meds I knew something was up with the sleep is so important crowd (for lack of a better phrase here as z agrees with its desireability too). So there was NBC's medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman this morning on the Today Show talking about a new approach to high-blood pressure but they found time to get in the latest studies about poor sleep, insomnia leads to things like obesity and depression later on in life. It's just my opinion, I could be wrong, but what is the upshot in all this? is it a more natural approach to sleeping better or something else? inquiring minds want to know.

  6. Oh man, yes, litter bugs like that annoy me to no end. Stranded in civilization? You said it!

  7. I've seen big garbage cans purposely set up next to bus stops and people still litter. It's like they lack what I like to call home-training.

  8. So you're having that wonderful Lunesta kind of night (or if AmbienCR is your preference), butterfly wafting through the room and you're doing the dreamweaver only thing is your spouse has to go to the hospital now. It's 3 in the AM, can you drive him? young Timmy sure can't, he's only 8. Can you even make sense on the phone if you call an ambulance assuming you can wake up of course? It's a Lunesta kind of thing, you wouldn't understand.

  9. They should put a warning about something like that being a possible problem with sleep aids, it would be a health issue not to the user, but potentially for anyone else in the house, huh?

  10. Let's say you don't use a sleep aid and you drive your spouse to the hospital at 3 AM, you'd be dealing with a natural tired state, not a drugged out tired state. Now I can see certain things for soldiers let's say, someone who's been in a war or who has otherwise suffered some traumatic event but the other question is are people supposed to take these sleep aids indefinitely? The instructions say take the dose a half hour before going to bed but maybe it wasn't even necessary, how do you know you're going to have a bad night's sleep? It's all so tricky hence Mid-Nite came along.

  11. Biggest thing interfering with a good night's rest imo is getting up to use the bathroom. Other things insomniacs do is toss and turn, get up to eat something, read, listen to the radio, whatever instead of just lying there with your eyes closed and oh, always looking at the clock, very bad, increases anxiety. Now what I don't like about the sleep gurus is let's say one says you need an absolute minimum of 7 hours shuteye, call this the Lesley Stahl position, and by your reckoning you've only gotten 6, do you panic for that extra hour or do you just accept your 6 (or 5 even) and take it from there? 6 ain't so terrible you know, even 5 is better than nothing. People also hate it when they have nightmares but a nightmare is really a bad dream and a dream proves you've slept part of the night, again much better than doing the rituals of the typical insomniac or to put it another way bad sleep is better than no sleep (a takeoff on bad or mediocre sex is better than no sex at all, lol).
