Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I am proclaiming this day

National Get a Grip Day. Even conservatives have enjoyed the collective orbasm. As you all know by now (except apparently Hillary) Barack Obama is now the 1st black presidential candidate to win his party's nomination. That's cool, it's duly noted, but I don't get all bent out of shape about it. Dick Morris feels we are living in what he calls a post-racial era, dunno, if we were it'd be, to borrow a line from soapie, "BFD, I like pizza and beer." McCain is positively dull by comparison, he's an asterisk, a formality before letting History happen, a future question on Jeopardy, a Sunday crossword question. Hill has no choice but to accept the VP post, that is if Michelle lets her. It ain't the same though, what exactly was Ed McMahon's position again? If you take your conservative political philosophy seriously this is definitely one of those pass the Zoloft elections, either way you look at it Santa is coming on his sleigh with some Big Government goodies, most likely McCain won't be getting the reindeer to mush but he'll be helping hand them out. What's that you say, you don't believe in Santa? stick in the mud.


  1. I think an Obama presidency will make Carter's look like a dream.

    I am looking forward to the return to conservatism in 2012, scratch that, the midterms we need to vote conservative big time to set the stage.

  2. I'm thinking this guy may get a second term much like Clinton. Ever talk to a hardcore Clintonite? doesn't matter what you say won't change anyone's opinion, same deal.

  3. So on the day after Obama nailed the nomination the NY Daily News had this headline: "History! Barack Obama writes new chapter in American politics as he takes giant step to becoming nation's first black President", in other words it's supposed to happen despite any other factor like him being a liberal. You could say we really aren't a completely color-blind society yet or to put it another way if he's the best man for the job who just happens to be an African-American great, that'd be looking beyond race. Now the bigot would say he shouldn't be president because he's black and the identity politics type of fellow would say he should be president because he's black. What a long way we haven't come baby! You can bet though that if Obama were a black conservative it'd be like don't let Uncle Tom anywhere near the White House.

  4. So true, so true. Double standards yet again.

  5. I loathe Dick Morris. And, yeah you couldn't be more correct.

    The Democrats nominated a black guy...BFD pass the beer nuts.

  6. lol. I occasionally scan Dick Morris' political columns and usually find myself parting ways with him. He now co-writes his column with an Eileen McGann but between the two of them I don't know where in Sam Hill they got the notion that we're living in some kind of post-racial era.
