Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Celebrity stalkers

Not a week or even a few days go by it seems without reading about the latest celebrity stalker case. Now this is either a bogus issue or I'm not getting it. I scan the pages with my morning cup of joe, I see Alyssa Milano has one now so it's probably the usual details so I don't even read it and turn the page. They're now brief AP dispatches or something. Now Milano has gone on the record as saying she doesn't believe in monogamy, that it's unnatural so even if she does say yes right off the bat you have some issues, your average stalkeroon being rather ideologically inflexible. Now a long time ago you never really heard about stalkers as such so either stalking is in vogue or concern about it is, it's hard to tell which. My friend put his usual spin on things a while back, it's a sexy scenario he said, the cops protecting the woman and some of them ain't bad looking just like in the movies. Dunno if you can Munchhausen this though.


  1. Since you're still at work I'll get the ball rolling here. It's like you said once Beth, there's way too much exposure of celebrities these days, they're right in your living room, they're like a member of your own family. The celebrity stalker is going up against an impossible dynamic, the rich and famous generally don't go outside their own circle to socialize and find love and romance or in Milano's case non-monogamy. Of course Cher famously once went out with a bagel boy but that's hardly the norm so basically what you have is some guy who can't be content with bothering the girl next door. You know though what would be interesting just for kicks, what someone should do to get the buzz going, say for UMA to ring up and actually go out with Jack Jordan and be seen around town. Everyting's so drab these days, so predictable say YES once in a blue moon! Have Boar's Head make a line of condoms, dunno.

  2. I suppose Milano can have multiple stalkers then?

  3. BTW are gay stalkers given more leniency because they are gay? Now Abdul says "Idol" allowed a known stalker on the show over her objections. Is it just me but I'm getting tired of hearing of the whole stalking subject, it's the issue du jour it seems at the moment. Even Oprah got tired of these women once after having them on, she said she'd never have them on again. Not that there aren't real stalkers out there but it all has the faint whiff of a feminist hyperdrama. Even Cho the VA Tech shooter got more sympathy than your average stalker, you can shoot up a crowd and you'll get tea and sympathy but don't follow someone to the bowling alley in the hopes of meeting that person. It's like take a gray area and tunnel it into your own projected nightmares, thanks NOW gang.

  4. Put another way is actual stalking on the rise or are more behaviors being defined as stalking that in the past were not given much thought? Liberals are fond of saying you can't legislate morality, you might extend this here in the area of legislation dealing with stalking as saying you can't really legislate how men pursue women. It has the rather strong whiff of a Minority Report, things haven't really happened yet but they could, thought can be punished. Of course you need some kind of laws dealing with some human behavior problem being once feminists get a hold of any kind of social issue like harassment on the job or even this topic they take that broad brush instead of the more needed smaller and more precise tool to focus on what really matters. I've always been more a fan of enforce the laws already on the books instead of trying to legislate away every little nook and cranny of behavior that may annoy or offend you, it's a kind of conservative approach I try to apply to most issues.
