Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Impressions of Obama

He might be a moderate or a pragmatist or a healer or a reconciler or a torchbearer of peace to all mankind, all kinds of yummy ingredients blended together into one heavenly decadent sinful dessert but to me he's a liberal automaton, a kind of political cyborg sent back through Time to sign liberal bill after liberal bill. The order to close Gitmo, the new pretty-pretty-please-with-sugar-on-top interrogation rules on terror suspects, that Hummer of a stimulus package barreling down the street and now lifting of the ban on embryonic stem-cell research and let's see, it's only February the 17th. The cyborg always has a mission, never to be troubled by afterthoughts or doubts or followup questions there is a job to be done, undo every thing Bush, reverse conservative gains, have liberal clones in place when any of the Supremes decide to call it quits. Let it not be said that he is the President who does Nothing, don't put that left-handed bill-signing hand on ice quite yet. Just throwing the practice pitches until FOCA, I'm getting depressed but I sure hope helping some guy with genital warts somehow stimulates the economy and as a diversion we get the Octomommy and homicidal chimps and a 24 season that doesn't quite make sense. It is a surreal moment, tell me I'm dreaming.


  1. It's not a dream my dear, it's our worst nightmare coming true!

    Obama is just the pretty boy front man for the Democrats, they are like college kids on spring break having the time of their lives doing whatever the hell they want to, Obama is just along for the ride.

    If Hillary was in the Oval Office, it would be the same things going on, but she just wouldn't sell it as well as the messiah.

  2. I'm not seeing the moderation and the thought process and the bipartisan outreach is all.

  3. Rather unique, the relation between bipartisan politics and chimp attacks. Quite appropriate :)

  4. Like Beth said, it's no dream, it's your worst nightmare. We've got at least two years to put up with it. Maybe we can impact the power of the Congress in 2010, at least that's my aspiration. There are two things that may make that happen. The first is under the liberals control. Will they screw things up badly enough BEFORE then to turn the populace against them? We'll see. The second is up to us. Will we start NOW educating the populace to what has happened? E-mailing any bad press to everyone you know, writing letters to your local newspapers, e-mailing your congressmen? I hope you will, All of you!

  5. Let's also throw in BB Amy Fisher is now a bona-fide erotic performer and a stripper too. It gets worse, Madonna is now swinging from the trees again but at least in her case she's no longer relevant.

  6. I gotta admit, Z, if the world wasn't such a bizarre place, it would get kind of boring..:)

  7. I gotta agree with ya there B. Novelist Tom Wolfe simply chronicles the stuff, the carnival of life, and it makes for some interesting reading but Madge is old hat by now, pass on the torch for cryin' out loud and leave the stage (actually I thought she did this with Britney but she seems to want the limelight back). I've said elsewhere that the real reason why Arthur Miller liked Clinton and defended him was maybe not so much that the ole playwright had similar political leanings but that he saw him as a character. I did too, during Monicagate I wasn't all that outraged about it every day like my man Hannity. I remember at the time I was driving a van for a wholesale flower company and listened to the radio most of the day and if anything I was entertained by it. While Hannity was ranting about cigars and Macadamia nuts I thought geez man well at least it's interesting, makes for a better ride.

  8. It could be a little less bizarre and still be interesting in my opinion.

  9. Yeah I agree Beth. The Amy-Joey-MaryJo saga was interesting in and of itself so why ratchet it up by the first two becoming adult stars? The tale became immortal, a constellation symbolizing it could be in the sky, why go further??
