Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why we're fat

Blame it on conventional wisdom. Ever since we were growing up we had it drummed into our skulls that you need 3 SQUARE MEALS A DAY, there's even a small diner in Yonkers with the same name. Conservatives who think our prison system is too liberal complain among other things that prison is a place where you're assured your 3 SQUARE MEALS A DAY. Conventional wisdom has it that BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day, it's fuel for your body and you won't feel right the rest of the day if you skip this critical morning ritual. So here's the deal, it's that third meal that's doing us in. The Z-Man regimen would say you only need one square meal a day at a minimum although this does require some discipline so for the vast majority I would propose either a light meal and then later on the main meal or if you feel this is still too ascetic for your tastes then simply two regular meals a day. BUT 3 meals a day?!? Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner? This is why we're so fat, you don't need three meals in a 24 hour period. Conventional wisdom, it'll get you in trouble every time.


  1. I have actually heard it's better to snack a little all day long, that big filling meals are what's bad because we don't know we're full sometimes until we've had too much already. Then again those snacks should be healthy stuff, and for most of us the problem is three meals plus bad snacks all day.

  2. Being about 35 lbs over my ideal weight makes me an expert. Right?
    I love breakfast, but only if it is before 7AM. So, about 2-3 times a week, I'm up early and go out with the newspaper and chow down. Otherwise, I skip. Don't usually bother with lunch, but overindulge at supper. I wonder,
    do several evening bourbons (winter) or dark ale (summer) bear on my problem? :) ..burp..

  3. You describe my Dad perfectly Beth, he's a big-time snacker and usually goes light on any main meal and that's because I think he likes to experiment later at night. I'm alot like BB, I'm not a big breakfast person myself. I have found whenever I followed the cultural formula of three square meals I've gained weight. Let's say I had lunch around 1:30 or 2 and then 5:30 rolls around and I'm not really hungry but have dinner anyway because you think you have to. New diets are popping up every day but they miss the bigger picture entirely and that is only eat when you're hungry.

  4. Since we're touching on health here I went to work yesterday and felt so God-awful tired all day and it wasn't a good tired. I didn't reach the Tesh Minimums (at least 8 hours sleep which he gets all the time I'm sure, Connie wants a little action at 3 in the morning but he just rolls over and says how much he needs his sleep) but I felt I had an adequate night so what was it? Well we were very short-staffed and I was helping customers all day and I find boredom causes fatigue. When you're stuck in the mundane all day your mind is not being stimulated. I remember times when I've gone to work on 4 hours sleep but felt all jazzed up if I was doing something interesting so I don't know if the Tesh Formula is really that relevant, I think it has to do more with how stimulating and satisfying is your job maybe but I digress:)

  5. Is beer considered a meal? Seriously Z I need to know.

  6. Soapie, I have seem pics of you, doesn't look like you need to worry if beer would add weight on you.

  7. I actually much prefer ale over beer. The only thing about beer is it makes you piss alot and at my age
