Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rush's persecution complex

He has one big-time you know. I haven't listened to him in literally a couple of years now but of the occasional snippets I hear and read about he's STILL complaining of the conspiracy against him. He can't talk about ANY subject without bringing IT up. New York Governor David Paterson has raised taxes through the roof here acting like your typical Democratic executive and Rush was complaining about this recently, says he has no choice but to move out of the state but then had to add he (Paterson) wants that and so good ole Dave started messin' with him and said if he knew his tax policy would have that effect he would have considered it much sooner. Now conservatism is largely reactionary by nature almost by default. Since liberalism pretty much holds sway in all areas of life today so much of conservative energy is spent merely reacting to the dominant philosophy of the day, it's a conservative malaise with a heavy shaving of Zoloft. Let's say it's all true, vast swaths of the msm hate Rush and want to silence him, one 24/7 subproject of the VLWC (or Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy) wants to suppress him through a new Fairness Doctrine, what of it? While if even some of these things are true it doesn't help the Right to have a persecution complex. Rush gives it that conspiratorial and paranoid edge but the time he wastes marinating in his own self-pity instead of just pushing conservative principles, it reminds me of the time you waste in traffic jams. Part of him wants to be an existential hero, some kind of angst-ridden character out of some graphic novel constantly warring with forces larger than himself. It's like working with someone who says all the time "they hate me, they want to get rid of me" instead of just putting in your eight hours, pumping it out and going home. God GOD I miss the days of the caller abortions and the blow monkeys!


  1. I find Rush to be quite a blowhard actually. I like his ideology, but he does seem to over rate himself, a lot! My favorite commentator is Lou Dobbs. Very humble compared to Rush.

  2. & Lou has some good points. My opinion, for someone to be this conspiratorial about himself he has to have a very inflated image of himself. He's been on the air for how long now and he still harbors this stuff? Just now I went to a local library and typed in my barcode on all four of their ocmputers and "no reservation could be made" came up. Instead of getting all paranoid about it I hopped on over to another library where I'm blogging now. Put it this way, if that were Rush he'd be demanding to see a librarian. I plan on enjoying the rest of the day and not getting too Nancy Pelosi-ish about it.

  3. Guilt. I'd feel the same if I was a loud mouth addict, draft-dodger
    overweight nothing. ..just sayin,
    Z :)

  4. My brother can't stand him and he's conservative! Says the Republicans can do better than have as their poster boy some rich portly country-clubber type. Actually my brother has all types of unique opinions, his blog would be a kickass one if there ever was one but for now I have to be content with stealing his material (lol).
