Tuesday, December 01, 2009

keeping it psycho: those White House party crashers

We finally got our exclusive! There they were on The Today Show this morning talking to Matt Lauer. We're talking about the Salahis of course, Tareq and Michaele and Tareq was saying how the media have it all wrong, how they were devastated and their lives practically ruined over this. So it's all our fault, it's that old theme again. They can't talk in detail now but that day's coming and they insist they were invited. Seems they once crashed a Congressional Black Caucus dinner and they were politely escorted out and when Matt brought this up they just called it a gossipy rumor. OK no need to recap all this you know this stuff already but here's why technically they're not lying, they're telling the truth which is not to say the msm is engaged in a conspiracy against them (why for heaven's sake?), the msm do have their facts straight so how can both of them be right??? Very simple,

they're nuts

they ARE telling the truth as it exists in their own heads just like O.J. didn't murder those two people and UMA sent love signals to Jack Jordan. Now the Salahis are not Charlie Manson insane, they're what is known in the trade as being functionally insane. Worked with a woman like this once and you don't catch on right away until the stories they tell, the things they say don't make sense, don't add up. They can hold down jobs perfectly well, tie their shoelaces in the morning, brew their coffee, pay their bills on time and chat with their neighbors. They make it through the day just fine but they're still major bonkers. Even THEY don't know they're nuts.

it's awesome!:)


  1. If they had kids, one suspects a
    balloon boy episode...

  2. Why is it these reality show wanna-bees are so removed from actual reality??

  3. First off these reality shows aren't about reality at all. If they were you'd have a contestant on Survivor with dysentery being chased by a wild boar. You know I was expecting this couple to say yeah we're a bunch of party crashers but I didn't quite expect the whiny approach they took. Time to ignore them as in totally.

  4. Good point, they want attention, I say don't reward their bad behavior with giving it to them. The issue I have is that anyone can get into the White House? That is really bad, imo.

  5. BUT something tells me Beth you or I or Debonair Dude couldn't do that without being arrested in 5 minutes. Am I right?

  6. While you worked with a functionally insane woman, I had the unfortunate experience of dating one. At age 46, I had no idea that people like that roamed free. Old clueless me took over a year to have an epiphany.

    You perfectly nailed her profile - major bonkers!

  7. Well it's the functionally insane people who scare me the most because at first they appear quite normal, you work with them and all. At least Charlie Manson wears a swastika in the middle of his forehead.

  8. You or I would get caught trying to sneak in I'm sure, but Debonair Dude, I think he'd pull it off, and he would know better than to post it on his Facebook page!

    I think there are probably more functionally insane people than we realize.

  9. Just on the news last week they had real life vampires who actually drink human blood. Again, you know to stay away...

  10. BUT something tells me Beth you or I or Debonair Dude couldn't do that without being arrested in 5 minutes. Am I right?certified coaching
