Monday, March 22, 2010

The Polarizer

It was a depressing way to go to bed. Wasn't gonna but caught some news before I turned in and they really shouldn't do this on a Sunday night, shit like that is bad for your sleep but I've got other things on my mind. The final score in the House of Representatives on the health-care bill was 219-212 with 216 needed to pass and 34 Dems voted no. I was informed that all Republicans voted against it which in and of itself is interesting because if even a RINO voted against it that tells you something right there. Though they're treating this as historically as important as the passage of Social Security and Medicare (and it is) the fact that 34 Democrats voted against it shows you're a polarizer even within your own party. Now the very subject of polarization I'm not gonna get into here, I don't always think it's a bad thing but that would require a bit of a dissertation. Having glanced at the comments to yesterday's blog abortion is one of these subjects but I think the major complaint I had last night before I went to bed was this: admit that you are a polarizer rather than the healer, centrist and reconciler that you campaigned as. That president Obama is a polarizing president is a perfectly apt and objective description despite your politics and at this point he needs to explain this polarity that drives him, that animates him rather than continue to pretend he is some type of pragmatic moderate reaching out to all sides (where is tort reform in the final bill?). Bill Clinton was a triangulator, felt that need more to come down somewhere in the middle (then again he had a Republican Congress) but Obama is none of that, he is pure ideologue. Politically he is a cyborg, he came into existence with a mission, cannot be reasoned with and his mission is nearly complete. None of this is to judge him as a person but the will of the people seems hardly even a factor in his thinking. Used to be conventional wisdom was that politics in the end was all about compromise, to use a TAO phrase "the moderation of ideology" but Obama represents a new political breed with a kind of Nietzschean twist. He is Superman beyond all that, beyond our usual understanding of the paradigm of politics. His vision is so clear it approaches metaphysical certitude and again all those wonderful things he campaigned on probably played a large part in getting him elected in the first place but it wasn't his essence and it fooled alot of people who are now suffering buyer's remorse. The nonpartisan guy, the moderate, the centrist, the non-ideologue, the healer, the reconciler, now we know although some of us knew all along that's not him. He is the Polarizer and he's just getting started.


  1. When he starts spouting off that the process doesn't matter (that the ends justify the means) you know you've got someone who doesn't give a crap what we call him Marxist, polarizer, whatever, he's got his agenda the the hell with We the People.

  2. & to see Anthony Wiener pop up on all the local broadcasts before you go to bed, enough to give you nightmares!

  3. Dave Miller has made the point here recently that Bush also went against public opinion in escalating the war in Iraq, that is certainly one part of my definition at least of being a polarizing leader so the question might be asked why are we getting these polarizing presidents lately? Is it the trend of the future? Is it hip to be so polarizing?

    Forcing individuals to buy health insurance or else pay fines which doesn't kick in until 2014, that's your Congress on drugs folks.

    Meet me at the polls in November. Vote each and every one of these sob's out, including the wafflers on both sides. Install a filibuster proof majority in both houses, defend and dismantle this crap and begin impeachment preceding the day after the election. That is what we do.

  5. I really think there's gonna be record turnouts this November, it's really gonna be something historic. One thing I don't get though but when Scott Brown was elected in Mass. they were saying health-care is dead. Wha'happened?

  6. The Democrats called Bush a cowboy and hated his swagger in the face of opposition from them, but now Obama's swagger and arrogance is acceptable to them.

  7. But it's a Harvard swagger, an intellectual snottery, which is why public opinion polls aren't ultimately important to him, he's an elitist. An elitist I define as somebody who is willing to drag the country kicking and screaming over to his vision. It's what characterizes Communism, socialism, fascism and all the other isms, the view, the will of the people doesn't count.

  8. It could have been worse. You could have watched C-Span for hours, and simply wait for the inevitable when the news broke that Stupak turned (at which point, I knew the Dems would defeat America). It was a long evening.

    ....when Scott Brown was elected in Mass. they were saying health-care is dead. Wha'happened?

    I can handle that. The Senate managed to get that cobbled piece of monkey crap through before Scott Brown could take office. Then the House passed the Senate bill intact so Obama could sign away our freedom. All legal from a legislative point of view, if dishonest as all get out.

  9. Like a master at lies and deceit, Obama used his thug style of politics to ram this bill through the political “process”. Do you believe the American people are going to stand for this crap? Picture Obama standing on top of the White House giving everyone the finger - flipping America’s hard working taxpayers, the bird! This is essentially what he has done.

  10. Great analogy, Thru My Eyes
    I love it.

  11. The other thing is despite the msm saying Obama signed health-care reform into law technically I thought it still has to go to the Senate again, reconciliation fixes and such. While that might be a foregone conclusion why are we treating something as the law of the land yet when every t hasn't been crossed and every i dotted?

  12. Abortion ia not a matter of religion, it's a matter of the law. Abortion is legal. You disagree with that, fine. Don't add stupidity to law, follow the law. We are a nation of laws. We as citizens have a responsibility to follow the law. There are many laws I do not like, yet I have to follow the law. I do not get to pick and choose what laws I will follow, or which laws my tax dollars fund. I thought killing 10's of thousands of people in Iraq was immoral, but it was legal and unfortunately my tax dollars paid for those deaths. So if you don't know what you are talking about, how about having a "cup of shut up"?

  13. I think that Tom is in La, La Land..

  14. There's alot of that going around lately.

  15. Tom's comment was typical Lib BS..
    All they have left is BS

  16. Tom would also be more at home one blog down where we're hashing it out there but that's what happens when you dip into the sauce early.

  17. Commie Blaster3/27/2010 12:30 PM

    Al Sharpton Said You Voted For Socialism..And knowing Obama as he does, on the evening of the House Healthcare vote, Al Sharpton claimed publicly on camera, “The American public overwhelmingly voted for Socialism when they elected President Obama” and Obama "has delivered what he promised."

    Is Al Sharpton's statement correct? Did America vote for Socialism? Isn't Socialism a form of government that cannot co-exist with the US Constitution? Don't socialist governments usually and ultimately result in dictatorial, elitist communist rule, with poverty for the masses?

    There is a tremendous and overwhelming quantity of facts that show Obama, members of Obama's Administration and members of the US Congress are Marxists-Socialists-Communists-Maoists. So, isn't it more likely that Obama and many others in Congress have decided (on their own) that they want to transform America into a socialist/communist nation? Should Americans allow the US to become socialist? Or should they protect the Constitution and remove these socialists from power quickly before they do any more damage to our country than they already have.
    Socialism and the US Constitution are incompatible. America has been at war with Communism for 90 years and many proud veterans have given their lives to protect America and to liberate other countries throughout the world from this oppressive form of government.

    Contrast this with Obama. Now there is overwhelming evidence that Obama is a Marxist that has been surrounded his entire life by Communists, Socialists, Marxists and Maoists. For example, Obama's former spiritual leader for over 20 years, Rev. Wright, is a Marxist and so, too, is Obama's current spiritual leader, Jim Wallis. Further, it is an indisputable fact that Obama has appointed Communists, Socialists, Marxists and Maoists to his administration. As a Marxist, Obama's pledge to uphold the US Constitution is worthless, as evidenced by his actions since his election.

    Obama's goal is to fundamentally transform America (to Socialism or Communism or worse). He is attempting to destroy America from the inside.
