Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Smaller Gov't Test

by not voting.

Now let's say Bob Smith is a rock-ribbed all-American Republican so we all get on the Bob Smith Bandwagon, blog in his favor etc. Bob Smith is such a stud. Now here's the basic problem or dilemma for the libertarian -- whomever you pull the lever for in November, your local city councilman, your state guy or gal, your Senator or Representative in the Congress you are voting to put a legislator into office and what is the primary function of a legislator pray tell?? well it's not to repeal laws (that Barry Goldwater fantasy) but to pass them. Now if you're like me we have enough laws already, strike that if anything we have way too many. Got this brand new cast-iron pan at Bed, Bath & Beyond a few days ago, Emeril-Ware if I may plug that, and yesterday got that baby nice and hot and seared a couple of nice old salmon steaks in there and time comes when you stick a fork in that baby and say MG she's done! Same thing with our system of government or laws, the F'n thing is done, anything else is gilding the lily. So basically for your true libertarian voting for even a Republican makes absolutely no sense. Whether Democrat or Republican I'm voting for what? a lawmaker, now why would I do that? Now Beth just blogged that we are a nation of laws and they say that ignorance of the law is no excuse. Yes it is if you have too many of them. We've tried everything else, why not try the libertarian experiment?


  1. Not voting does not mean that you don't want any more legislators. If it were that easy, I would have stopped voting a long time ago! We have to be sure we are getting people in there that WOULD repeal or would at least have restraint against more laws.

  2. But Beth THAT'S MY WHOLE POINT! If you're a legislator by definition you're in office to pass some type of law. I believe not voting can be an act of principle and have been seriously considering it.

  3. You need representation, don't you think? We're a republic, and that is how it works, you've got to have a Congress to represent you. If you don't vote, they are still going to represent you.

  4. BUT their main job is to PASS LAWS and that's the problem. Sure if their only job is to allocate money for bridges, schools and anti-terrorism no problem but the bulk of their time is spent devising new laws whose only effect is to encroach more and more on our lives. Oh yeah Congress can declare war which they don't seem to do anymore. I'm not convinced.
