Saturday, July 03, 2010


In New York City it would qualify as an Olympic event. Forty years ago New York became the first state to legalize abortion, old news but as of 2008 according to the NYC Health Dept. there were almost 90,000 abortions in the five boroughs (- a few 100 but Z likes to round off, it makes the math easier). In other words 7 abortions for every live birth and among black women the ratio of abortions to live births was 3/2. Well abortion itself is old news but it's the liberal response to these numbers that, well let's hear what NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn (Democrat/Liberal of course) had to say:

"We can reduce the number of unintended pregnancies by expanding access to contraceptives and increasing sex education."

THIS is the standard liberal line when uncomfortable subjects like too-high abortion rates come up. On the surface this seems perfectly logical and who can argue with it although Z with his libertarian thrust opposes ALL sex education even if it comes from conservative chastity advocates simply for the reason that SEX doesn't belong in the classroom but in the home with your Dad finding your Hustler under your mattress and scolding you that you're gonna make some fat Jewish guy rich. Teach kids to make a living that's what I say. But whatever, the reason why this doesn't work in practice is that if abortion is widely available with hardly any social stigma attached to it at least in places like New York City people feel no pressing or urgent reason to use contraceptives in the first place. Abortion simply becomes A method of birth control, maybe THE method for some folks. You could airlift boatloads of rubbers over the Manhattan skyline and drop 'em down with little smiley faces on them but only a certain % are gonna use 'em, the whole taking-a-shower-with-a-suit-on thing, and well this might be a good time to get to Black Culture.


Like my bro worked for a company once with a few black co-workers, you had a black stripper who'd basically hump 'em & dump 'em, married women, didn't matter and he was party to at least five abortions at last count. It's not like my bro pumped him for information either, he was right upfront about his lifestyle choices, you know, bj's caught on cells, that kind of thing. Plow a different chick on the sofa every week, Springer on in the background and, oh yeah another one called out sick one day and said to the boss "I'm calling out sick today, I have to take my girlfriend for an abortion." Now to be sure

They're not all like this,

but I'm talking about a kind of ghetto mentality even if they're no longer in the ghetto, absentee fathers, you know the usual stuff Coz got in trouble over for even discussing. A subset of the population, all the negative social indicators writ large...hey don't get on my case Margaret Sanger wanted to eliminate them. (Standard conservative racist line follows): Now most of them aren't like this, ya got your white upper middle-class Heathers chicks getting their "uterine contents" aspirated out on a quite frequent basis too but taken as a whole we got more methods of birth control than ever, sex'chal matters being discussed quite frankly in the Schools and we still got this abortion craze. I'm surprised Speaker Quinn being a lesbian herself didn't say Go Anal...hey I got The Weekend off, let me have some fun. Worked with a young guy a few years ago, white trash type who split up with his girl but made nice to her for "one last piece of ass" and so came to work one day and quite openly asked everyone how much an abortion costs. There's a thread in all of this if you'll notice, abortion being taken quite casually not the usual liberal line that abortion is this agonizing moral choice for people, Macbeth hallucinating a bloody dagger, existentialism and all that. I mean isn't it time pro-choicers take on their own side for a change? The widespread practice of abortion undermines social responsibility and ya wanna know something? I can't even blame Obama for this one. You ain't livin' right.

Happy 4th of July folks!!!


  1. You mention several inconvenient truths in here, my friend.

  2. You have your liberals who don't want an honest discussion about race, you have your "right-to-choose" being sacrosanct, you have Manhattan which is like some ultra-bastion of extreme liberalism, you have your high taxes and your overregulation of business, you got Mayor Bloomberg who changed the law so he could run for a third term (thuganomics)...let's just say it's different from the heartland Beth.

  3. Yeah I don't hear people talking openly about abortion around here.

  4. Happy 4th to all my friends...

  5. I lost two good friends over my pro-life beliefs and over Obama. They wanted to vote for him because he was black although they wouldn't admit it. . I told them he was a Muslim and cared more about the Muslims than about America. They blew up with me. Seems I was right. I hope my used to be friends are enjoying the destruction of their country.
    I Tried to tell some stupid friends of mine before they voted for the Community Organizer he was a Muslim! Once a Muslim, always a Muslim!
    I'm so tired of zippy and his reaching out to the Muslim world garbage. There is no reaching out, only capitulation! The time is coming near for us, as Americans, to put an end to all of this garbage.

  6. First of all, these hopey-changey people that find Obama to be their hope and inspiration are in my opinion Nuts in the first place. So I wouldn’t lose to much sleep over their opinions. I found that this is the true color of liberals, either agree with them or they turn against you and you get kicked to the curb. You are never going to wake these people up or change their minds. It doesn’t make any difference if the topic is about abortion or about Socialism. An Obamanite is a brain-washed person and that is that. They are devouring our country one step at a time. Legalizing illegal’s will be the end of America altogether. There won’t be any need for Homeland Security any more because all the terrorist’s will be able to come into America any time and any way they want to. And they will be welcomed with opened Liberal arms.

  7. Theoretically more methods of birth control should drastically reduce abortion but what Speaker Quinn and like-minded liberals miss is this quite basic fact about human nature:

    Mankind is not a rational species.

    & the same liberals who are pro-choice always deny we are drifting towards socialism even when we are. It's a parallel universe kind of deal.
