Saturday, May 14, 2011

I'm really not getting anything out of all this bin Laden coverage

Everyday it's something new. A diary, bin Laden porn and you don't even know if it's all true or not. Long Island Congressman Peter King has said he saw those pictures. Apparently there's some small cell of a room select Senators and Congresspeople go into and it's like the Third Secret of Fatima. You have to leave your cell phone outside so you can't send an image to the outside world. Mr. King said part of bin Laden's forehead was blown off which begs the question how can we positively identify him now? not that anybody's tallying all the contradictions. Then there's all the versions of the Story. Please can we settle on one positive official White House version of the Events for all posterity even if it is wrong? Let's say he was reaching for a strap-on harness and they thought it was an AK-47 ya know?


  1. This is a post of mine from my Facebook page:

    "We learn today that bin Laden had a porn stash. I wonder if he was more Penthouse or Hustler? Was he a boob man or an ass man? These are the hard hitting questions."

  2. I have been busy, what is this about bin Laden and porn? Like having multiple wives isn't enough?

  3. The press has now become an unofficial organ of the government. If the government says bin Laden was gay they'd dutifully report it. It's an American version of PRAVDA.

  4. The worst part Z is that people believe this shit. I did a fair amount of halucinogens but I never saw anything as screwy as this.

  5. Those photographs and videos of bin Laden found in the compound -- now this was my initial reaction and is still my impression but that doesn't even look like him but some B-actor reading off some prepared lines. I'll betcha alot of folks, maybe even some mainstream talking heads had the same reaction but are too afraid to admit it. Would be nice to see someone go out on a limb here -- Malkin? Lowry? Michael Barone? don't bet on it.

  6. The recent videos they purportedly found of him are actually old videos with different backgrounds according to reports I've heard.

    The CIA is on record stating they have made fake OBL videos previously. That they'd do it again is not a stretch.

  7. He just doesn't look like the old OBL we've come to know and hate. Republicans as usual are making a mistake by not questioning all this. If this is Obama's big trophy that is supposed to usher him into a second term you'd think the least the cowardly Repubs could do is have it verified. Find it interesting that not that long ago many prominent conservatives were saying it's not that important that we get OBL. Well if it's not that important then it stands to reason the same folks wouldn't find it all that important to verify and confirm it either.
