Friday, May 06, 2011

Why Bush didn't go to Ground Zero

He knows something ain't right. Bill Clinton another one, scheduling conflict. Chatter at work and wherever I go, something weird went down. There's a surreal vibe in the air, visions of Eric Holder under oath, a Congressional investigation? IMO President Obama authorized this kill mission to boost his poll numbers and to seal his reelection, to give his presidency a certain historical gravitas that has been sorely lacking until now. Spokesman Jay Carney who is a joke at this point called it a "legal kill." What are we on safari here hunting lions on the Serengeti? Speaks volumes but listening to Rush Limbaugh's childish commentary yesterday afternoon reminded me of why I don't listen to the man anymore. His take: liberals (his fave word) saw him as a kind of faculty lounge wuss and the Osama kill made a man out of him. Whatever, a more incisive commentary would have been government is corrupt and Obama who campaigned as a fresh moral voice in Washington has lost his innocence as they all do. Osama's death, like curing cancer sure it helps humanity but it also helps you and many times we make moral decisions out of supposedly altruistic reasons but the hidden moral calculus is how it really benefits us. I Killed Osama will be a kind of unspoken campaign slogan next year, may as well say that in response to each question in the presidential debates but folks are starting to ask questions and word on the street is he won't win reelection ("I don't think he's gonna make it" one woman said to me). This is not a transparent government, which government is? Final Word: Bush would have done it differently:)


  1. The guy is dead. Davey Jones locker. As the camel herders say, The Dog Barks But The Caravan Moves On....

  2. I sense a little petering out of the topic even among conservatives. My prob, Obama Administration not being transparent but then again whose is? Opaqueness is what sets off conspiracy theories in the first place don'tcha think so why put the onus on us? Why'd they get rid of the damn body so quickly? Woman at work yesterday didn't understand my point. Hold onto the body until all and sundry are satisfied and so you nip the Conspiracy Theory right in the bud. Also have a problem with Obama talking all moralistic about not displaying those photos, "it's not who we are." Well who ordered bin Laden killed to bolster his own image? It's not who we are and since when did liberals become so bloodthirsty all of a sudden?

  3. Speaking of the Monkees did you know that Michael Nesmith's mother invented the stick 'em note?

  4. I knew there was a reason I
    keep coming back!

  5. "Why didn't Bush go to ground zero?:
    ..IMO, he retired and has kept his intention of staying out of politics.
    Kind of dignified, and I can think of a couple other exPres types that
    should follow his example.

  6. Laura Bush the night before: "I don't think you should go there honey. I can't put my finger on it but something just ain't right. Bill Clinton isn't going either."

  7. I think she created liquid paper, not the post it...

    Right before she took the last train to clarksville...

  8. "but I'm sure the National Enquirer is on top of things as we speak. Don't underestimate this paper, they pay top dollar and they'll get those photos out in probably a couple weeks and finally get a Pulitzer under their belts."
    Pulitzer? ..thought they
    already got one ....

  9. Dave three people told me it was the stick 'em note but you might be right. BB I'll let your comment stand but I had to go back and delete that accolade to the Nat'l Enquirer. Latest issue which I bought had bin Laden pegged as a down and out heroin addict and one of his wives ratted him out. Also that he begged for his life which begs the question he knew English or the SEALs Arabic? Gotta do better guys, you let me down.

  10. If you note I had to practically rework this entire front page devoted mainly to bin Laden. My second blog on the subject I strongly lauded Obama, it takes a real man to admit his mistakes and thought then that he would be hard to beat in his reelection IF tacks to the center. Beth had doubts about the raid the first day after it happened and at the time though I didn't say anything I was like don't go there. Now we're on the same page. So why the change? I thought once the details got sorted out it would be revealed the SEALs acted in self-defense but doesn't appear that way. It was a straight kill mission and then there are a host of other questions. Yep takes a man:)

  11. Never glare at a USN Seal.

  12. Or never be a tall lanky Arab prince from Dubai who has a compound built somewhere in Pakistan and does the whole J.D. Salinger thing. Ever have this happen BB? I was once told by someone at work that he saw me in Tarrytown just the other day when I wasn't even there. Doppelgangers?
