Friday, June 08, 2012

Last Tuesday's recall vote in Wisconsin

I didn't blog about it at the time the goings on in Wisconsin when Republican Governor Scott Walker was ripping public-sector unions a new one, I like to go my own way when I blog but as you all know by now Walker won last Tuesday's recall vote 53% to Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett's 46% this despite practically every major union in the country making an all-out effort there to mete out justice and if you read the fine print about 1/3 of Walker's support came from union households.  His sins? he pretty much put the kabosh on collective-bargaining and public-employee workers now have to chip in more towards their pensions and health care and no more automatic deductions for union dues.  Before all this the recall of the GOP-controlled Senate also failed as did the effort to get rid of a conservative State Supreme Court justice and that was just a warmup for the Walker treatment.  So does this spell the death knell for unions? if there's enough Governors out there like Walker probably but I don't think the country is in as much of a union state of mind as back in the day.  For some reason when I think of unions I think of Jimmy Hoffa.

Over the past several years I worked with at least two young managers both men and it was quite obvious from their remarks they hated unions this despite our jobs in the food industry being heavily unionized.  So what was their #1 complaint?  I know when you talk about labor and politics the subject gets complicated but it was no more complex than when you have a union you can't FIRE somebody and let's face it in most workplaces there are definitely at least a couple of people who need to be shown the door at least this is the way the free market is supposed to work, better for everyone.  I can come up with at least two names myself right off the bat and so this is the #1 complaint even over and above fiscal concerns.  Good God have you been reading about the sexual goings-on between some HS teachers and their students in NYC? that's not even the point, sexuality has always been somewhat warped to begin with but it's existentially difficult to fire the tenured ones gets complicated here.  There's a section on it in Glenn Beck's book Arguing with Idiots and ya gotta collect and collate your evidence first, get your witnesses and present your charges of course to this board or body or that and then all that has to finally go to an arbitrator at least some point down the road into the not-so-foreseeable future and even then the arbitrator for some strange reason often has a soft spot for the more pervy ones.  NYC Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott would like the sole power to fire the truly bad ones but he has to lobby Albany first, that takes time and you know how that goes and the United Federation of Teachers likes the system the way it is after all they fought for it.  I don't recall this going on when I went to school as a young'en but then again we had nuns who'd crack a ruler over a student's knuckles so unless you were seriously into some S&M or a little clothespin action......

Pretty much in my place the only straight up reason you can fire somebody is if they steal something:)


  1. Those were the days..Catholic Schools a la 'Blues Brothers'.
    Now days nuns are notsafe from getting the
    axe . Maybe they will
    unionize. Could be a 'habit'.

  2. Nothing more to worry about,
    Obama said the "the private sector is doing fine"

  3. People in unions think they deserve better than everyone else, irregardless of their effort or of the financial situation their employer is in (be it public or private).

    The fact that the good governor was retained speaks volume, we the people are tired of the union thugs.

  4. I should amend by saying not all union members think that way, but the leadership sure does.

  5. BB when I think back on my parochial school days and what went down the Yonkers police should've been in there at least once a week and I don't mean over the students, they should've arrested a few nuns. I was never abused myself but if I had my Dad the truck driver would've been down there in a heartbeat. We had one male teacher a math guy who made a kid kneel on hard beans in front of the class and I'm like what is this shit? The place eventually closed down thank God like something out of the Inquisition.

  6. I've had alot of different jobs in my life, a real varied resume but looking back the best ones were nonunion. In my experience you don't work in a better work environment just because you have a union, in fact it seems the opposite. I think unions operate on the premise that if they weren't there there'd be bosses from hell who'd pay you peanuts and overwork you which in most cases I don't think is the case 'cause the free market would take care of that anyway.

  7. Dave Miller the Liberal Professor said
    "Progressive people have been on the forefront of pushing people and countries to new frontiers for years."

    Yeah Right, lIn the wake of
    what we have seen in Egypt, and in Libya, and Yemen, with the Muslim Brotherhood, or are you talking about the "new frontier" that Barack Hussein Obama sees in "His" future for America?
    Or is it the way Onama has ludicrously demonized Israel our one and only real ally in the Mid East!

    Oh I forget, “Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive” Praise the Lord. But in the mean time our space program,is also DEAD! Our economy is also DEAD! Our housing market is also DEAD!.
    The US Dollar is almost dead, because we are upto our eyballs in dept!
    Is that some of the New Frontiers you are talking about? Your post is totally ridiculous and nonsensical. But then again, what else is new!!

    Satyavati's post and your reply are both senseless and laughable..

  8. Not to change the subject, but are you aware that Israel is currently breaking international laws in its treatment of legal political refugees?

    Why is it that in America, Israel can do no wrong? I've asked this question before and I don't get an answer. Personally, I believe it's religiously based. Of course, the Christians don't mention that all the Jews will be going screaming straight to hell come the Apocalypse... they just court them for the time being.

  9. Saty, many Christians believe that somehow the Hebrew people will receive some sort of special dispensation from Hell.

    I am not sure where this is found in their theology, but they would not be the first to live in inconsistent theology.

    Hopey, just because someone is critical of another country, or people, does not in itself express the hate of which you speak.

    Saty called no one names, and just stated an opinion.

    It's the name callers that generally have issues with hate.

  10. I am neither a Jew hater nor a Communist.

    Thank you for proving once again that the ad hominem, name calling vitriol comes from the right on this blog.

  11. My opinion is not anti "semiotic" nor is it anti-Semitic. It is a statement of fact that Israel is breaking international law in the way it's treating legitimate political refugees.

    And it is not anti-Semitic to ask why it is that Christian America vindicates anything and everything Israel does.

  12. You are right Hopey... I think the people that call folks on the right Republiscum and those that call those on the left commies and socialists are one in the same, and they are destroying legitimate debate and civil discussion.

  13. Whenever I visit Military cemeteries I always notice the rows of hundreds if not thousands of Jewish Stars on the graves of those who fought and Died for this Great Country.
    But I never saw even ONE Tambourine from a Hare Krishna on a Grave there!
    But yet I continue to see these moron Aztecs dancing and singing in the Subways and at the airports with their Bald heads with a rats tail hanging from the back, and wearing bathrobes, banging on their Tambourines and Drums chanting their Bengali songs, holding McDonald’s cups begging and parading around like idiots for handouts, with that blank look of stupidly on their faces, singing Rama-Langa-Ding-Dong! What freeken Idiots they are. They look like a bunch of brainwashed Muppet Dummies from a White Supremacist Neo-Nazi Cult.
    Read more about it in “The Complete Idiot's Guide”

  14. There are American Jews and there are Israeli Jews: we need consider that US Jews support Obama (70%), their motives driven by historical
    liberalism and natural concern for
    civil rights. They are a small fraction in the US military:
    no preference-23%
    no religion-8%
    but serve honorably-see Jack Jacobs
    Col(ret) jew;medal of honor winner;
    correspondent at MSNBC. Doubt anyone posting here is for or against. (shared bachelor officer
    quarters with a a Jewish captain and that is my take)

  15. Jarhead,

    I presume you support religious freedom, do you not?

  16. And while I may countenance adhominem attacks against myself, which I do daily around here, and may I add with no retribution, I will not accept abuse against my religious beliefs.

    I'm very sorry, Z, but that I can't accept.

  17. Ahh isn't that a shame

  18. Ah so it ok to insult Jews is it! Bit when Darth Bacon turns it around and it hits you you.. It's an attack... ....?

  19. Jar... Saty voiced a disagreement in policy regarding Israel... and she did it without using names, or making fun of the Hebrew religion. I also pointed out a theological point with which many Christian people struggle. It is hard to reconcile the salvation issue, the Hebrew people and orthodox evangelical theology.

    Why are Sary and I met instantly met with personal attacks and in Saty's case, derision against one of the worlds great religions?

    Are we in a world where any criticism of Israel is seen as a betrayal of the country and her people? Must we agree 100% with everything Israel does or be considered antisemetic?

  20. Another outstanding criticism of my posts!
    Like, I'm really offended !
    Look, it's obvious and you may think that I'm really cold hearted by saying this, but you seem to be intelligent enough to understand that your objections about Israel are objections that can be made about every single culture/civilization the world has ever seen. Yet you single out Israel What we can do about it is try to ameliorate the situation by being realistic about it. For example, many people in America say that the land that I live on was first inhabited by the American Indians, and let’s say just for argument's sake the Navajo’s. Do you expect me to give up my house or my country because a Navajo insists that my house is his...this is what is being asked of the Israel’s to do by people like you. Israel is our only true ally in the middle East. And they are not radical Muslims. And America is a Christian Nation, and no true Christian will ever turn its back on Israel.
    Why douse the USA keep protecting Israel? Maybe because Israel is the one and only land of freedom and democracy a in a sea of Muslim hate, and violence and oppression. I’m sure that you must realize that. Just take a look at what has happened in Egypt for example, sine your friend Obama joined in to overthrow or for a better example to KILL Mubarak!
    And finally, I'll say this: if I had to live in the mid-East, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the mid-east other than Israel.. So, what is your solution? Should we take the side of the radical Muslim’s, and not defend Israel? Should we side with Iran who wants to throw Israel into the sea? Maybe you would also be OK with Cuba firing rockets into Miami Beach because so many Jews live there also.
    Maybe you do, who really knows? It’s kind of the same as what the Palestinians are doing to Israeli. The rockets keep coming, and yet Obama seems to side with the Palestinians, so whose side is he on? Whose side are you on?
    All I know is that Obama seems to be on the wrong side of every issue! Oh my, how I loathe obama!

  21. Obama doesn't hate Jews, he just hates the state of Israel, like all Socialist's and like all Leftists,. Oh, they won't admit it, but its a fact. And the reason they hate it is because its a barrier to the kind of state they want to establish in the Middle East. And that kind of state amounts to a Socialist confederacy of states, much like the Caliphate but based on socialism instead of Islam.

    That's what the "Right of Return" is all about, just another mechanism to enable the Jewish state to be democratically phased out and replaced with a nation of Palestine, after which they can work towards that Socialist confederation. But first, the Israeli state has to become history.

    It's scary, and its evil, but that's what socialists like Obama believe in. And make no mistake about it, Obama is indeed a Socialist. Make no mistake about that!

  22. This Maddening World, ..
    That was an awesome and very accurate analysis. Thank you!

  23. Satyavati devi dasi said...
    , I will not accept abuse against my religious beliefs.

    I'm very sorry, Z, but that I can't accept

    And Satyavati devi dasi, I can't accept.attacks on my Jewish heritage from you or any other of these Obama behind kissing Socialist fanatics

  24. Saty: "Not to change the subject"

    Oh go ahead and change the subject.

  25. OK so I see I got some work to do here but critiques or lampoons of other faiths have to stay otherwise I wouldn't be able to say the Yonkers cops should've made a few arrests of abusive nuns over the years.

  26. California Girl and others... is a criticism of the policies of the government of the country of Israel, a criticism of the Hebrew faith?

    If so, is there any way to ever be critical of the government of the country of Israel?

    If not, why are people who are critical of the government of the country Israel attacked as being anti-semites?

    Is it possible to support the Hebrew people, and yet also support those in the government of their country that also are critical of the current conservative government in the Knesset?

  27. Yes Dave you're right. I'm no expert on the Middle East, God you need Cliff's Notes but one thing that runs throughout is criticism of any current Israeli gov't often gets tagged as anti-Semitism. To this day I don't think Pat Buchanan's comments about Israel and its Amen corner in the United States was anti-semitic in nature, provocative and controversial yes but he was rapping politics and government not faith and culture and peoples. Oh so much time they spent on that one!! Nat'l Review even devoted a whole issue to it.
