Saturday, November 17, 2012

Kind of a thought

Radio host Alex Jones has called on Ron Paul to head a new secessionist movement in America.  Has Florida decided its 29 electoral votes yet?  What's up with this rogue peninsula?  I'd rather them go than Texas.  Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says there's no right to secede, dunno why it's right there in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence.  Of course if states start seceding Obama could probably just as easily pick up a few new ones like Puerto Rico, Cuba eventually after Fidel croaks?  Also to consider if your newly seceded state gets walloped by a major storm there will be no FEMA around or maybe that's a good thing.  Does all this have something to do with organic beeswax? 


  1. The Feds exercise and flex their might against the states with respect to marijuana dispenseries and raw milk. One can only imagine what sort of action they might take if a real secession movement started taking root. Nullification should be exercised by the states most definitely first and foremost.

  2. GOP states muttering secession-we have come full circle since the
    first GOP president. Back in the day, the 'cause' was freedom and own slaves.
    Of course, the horrors of having

  3. Idaho tries nullification fairly often. Read all about it here .

  4. Not entirely healthcare related but the point is well taken. The irony of course in healthcare is that the GOP has a heavy hand in it as well. I happen to think that this has more validity to calls for secession than anything else.

  5. And no, it has nothing to do with beeswax and more to do with raw milk.

  6. Raw milk seems to keep coming up alot here lately. What do you do suck on an udder?

  7. Yeah...that's exactly what it is. [rolling eyes]

  8. Let me just say you won't find it at your neighborhood grocery store.

  9. Raw is raw..whether milk or sewage.

  10. No, Chris. Don't drink much milk at all. My wife grew up on a dairy farm and drank raw milk until she left for college, though.
    There seem to be pros & cons, and if a person prefers it they should
    be able to have it. It seems more expensive than pasteurized, probably like most organic stuff.

  11. It is ridiculously expensive. Even having a close-friend hookup to the bovine contraband we couldn't afford to keep it going.

  12. It's all about the network. I get a half gallon for less than I pay for a half gallon of almond milk at the store.

  13. This underground stuff, it's so naughty.

  14. The organic/ahimsa milk I have a hookup for is $8/gallon, which is, I'm sorry, just too much. (Ahimsa means nonviolence, which in this context means that the animals are NEVER slaughtered.)

    It does make the BEST paneer though.

  15. Slaughter cows no good. Slaughter Muslims with drones vote for him a second time. Wow.

  16. Which brings us to Muslim raw milk .
    ...until Texas secedes.

  17. That's a good point Chris. There's so much on the foreign policy front for liberals to find offensive, they certainly did this with Bush but he's soooooo good on the other stuff...

  18. Did it somehow appear that I agree or support 100% everything the President did, is doing or is going to do?

    I don't.

    Now that we've got that straight.

  19. If you can't find that act deplorable enough to abstain from supporting him in any fashion then you have some serious fundamental issues. The truth is you give it a pass because what you personally want and benefit from is of a greater value to you. It is sick. And then to make the remark you did about people not caring about shit that diesn't effect them is even more absurd.

  20. "Did it somehow appear that I agree or support 100% everything the President did, is doing or is going to do?"

    No, that'd be SHAW.

  21. Is there a secession movement in Yonkers? 'way down south in the
    burb of Yonkers, redlights there will drive ya bonkers..look away,
    look away'.....

  22. Not only do they have one of those red-light cams at all corners of the main interection at Odell and Nepperhan but the very next intersection going North not even a quarter mile at Nepperhan and Executive Blvd and don't even get into Central Ave! They've got the whole City covered and the thought occured in the wake of Sandy with so many folks suffering and out of power why didn't Spano order them all turned off for at least a few weeks so people could regroup? When the rubber hits the road they don't really care, they just want the funds.

  23. Red light cams: any idea of what the ratio of folks getting caught is compared to folks flipping the
    camera the bird?

  24. I've thought of doing that myself, I wonder if it's even an infraction.

  25. You could always get one of those
    red light cam lawyers .

  26. There are currently at least three motorists in NYC who have filed a class-action suit charging that the City has deliberately speeded up some yellow lights so as to garner more tickets from red-light cams. Of course the City denies it.
