Thursday, May 23, 2013

Why conservatives should be against the death penalty (but they aren't)

The perverse Jodi Arias jury, deadlocked now and can't decide whether she lives or dies.  Lost track of how many days they've been deliberating her fate, there's been a devastating supercell tornado in an Oklahoma suburb and the blanket media coverage of the aftermath days after and they STILL haven't arrived at a decision.  I was pondering all this on my walk today and I think it's a fair guess to say most conservatives these days like to be known as libertarian to varying degrees, to different shades and their animating principle is of course they're against increasing the Power of the State and don't even like the power it already has.  The State however has the power and authority to imprison you, that's a major power but they also in some cases, in many cases have the power to also put a person to death.  That's an awesome power, a disturbing power.  For me my personal opposition to the death penalty has nothing to do with sympathy for the criminal in most cases but more a disturbing sense of the Power of the State, it bothers and nags for some reason.  Dunno what the official libertarian position on capital punishment is, I mean I know their position on that other kind of capital punishment (ka-ching ka-ching) that Obama represents but where they come down on putting a criminal to death I really don't know or haven't gotten the memo yet.  Yeah you'll say but it's in the Constitution and that's true but I've been wondering too of late should the Constitution be the be-all and the end-all? our Bible especially when it kinda contradicts libertarian tenets at times and while we all revere the wisdom of the Founding Fathers but being human and all and not the demigods we make them out to be they could've been assholes on occasion (see eminent domain).  Yeah I haven't talked about the death penalty all that much here down through the years primarily because people's minds are mostly made up and what's the point but have finally crystallized at least why it bothers me so much.  IMHO it should also bother your average conservative.  Maybe Rand Paul can tweet it:) 


  1. I guess I'm a conservative when it
    comes to the death penalty. It
    eliminates repeat offenses and some crimes, IMO, are so egregious that the perpetrator should forfeit
    life. ..Jeffry Dahmer, Ted Bundy,
    John Wayne Gacy, etc
    But, I can see reasons for getting rid of it as well: rare instances of wrong conviction and the horrible thing conservatives hat the most: legalism strict enough to approach Sharia Law....

  2. What's this I hear about Anthony Weiner running for NYC mayor?
    Has he released campaign photos yet?

  3. The death penalty, if you're against the Power of the State you're against the Power of the State. I don't want the State to have that much power cannibalistic tales notwithstanding.

  4. WEINER - I'm not against him running, I mean if he can deliver the goods. His sexting scandal - he didn't really kill anyone, hell he didn't even literally have sex with anyone. His current political ostracism, dunno it reminds me of going to Hell over masturbation. Bill Clinton got away with everything, scandal made him stronger and more popular. We'll see.

  5. Yeah, worked for Mark Sanford down in SC...

  6. Saw Ted Cruz on the news and thought, dang he looks familiar.
    Being elderly, I recalled another
    senator from another time: Joe McCarthy . My original thoughts
    paled compared to the number of
    google articles on the subject-
    3,390,000. If Christie needs a
    tummytuck, Cruz needs a facial

  7. You're pro-drone strikes at least under Obama, you're pro-death penalty...have to come up with a category for you --- pro-violence liberalism:)

  8. Yep. How about death penalty by

  9. Where have all the gay black belts gone? Anti-gay hate crimes making big news in NYC lately and just once I'd like to see a gay couple walking along in SoHo, potential attackers confront them: "are you gay?" "yep we love to suck cock", then a Jet Li/Grandmaster Kim sequence follows:)

  10. You see some Louisiana fellow been
    sending ricin letters? Upset about
    firearms regulations. I'm waiting
    for anonymous letters from Yonkers
    with traces of steamed broccoli...

  11. Look I'm not surprised, Bloomberg can annoy the hell out of people so it's only a matter of time before he taps into a nut. He's into everybody's business and he fought to change the law in NYC just so he could have his 3rd term and what does he do with it but he gets into everybody's ass. He gets on up in there and I'm not surprised is all.

  12. What I don't get is that conservatives are by and large pro-life but also pro-death penalty, and I personally cannot reconcile the two. I know they say well the unborn baby is innocent, but the criminal being punished isn't, but I think a life is still a life and the state shouldn't have the right to end a life anymore than a mother end her baby's life. We use death far too much as an easy answer to our problems.

  13. I think back in our Hannity message board days, Z-man, that you and I were some of the few pro-lifers who were vocally anti-death penalty. I never understood that, nor as you say here about the over-reaching government aspect of the death penalty not jiving with the small government conservatives, well thought out post here as always.

  14. Not only are most conservatives just fine with the State having the power to end a life but they also want to increase the power of the State to commit those mentally ill who might turn into an Adam Lanza just on a hunch mind you. Again if you're against the Power of the State you're against the Power of the State. You know us pro-lifers are always being taken to task for this and that but I must've missed the kudos for being consistent here. Kudos anyone?

  15. Of course Beth when another abortion thread is launched down the road one resident liberal commentator here will go on at great lengths how we lifers are inconsistent all the while forgetting this thread even existed.
