Thursday, February 26, 2015

Winnowing down the Republican field

The ones I would vote for: Scott Walker, Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney (not running as of now). The one I would NOT vote for: Jeb Bush as I simply don't like the notion of dynastic politics. Christie seems hopelessly tarnished by Bridgegate even though final reports have come out exonerating him of any knowledge of the scandal. Rand Paul? gosh I gotta think about that one. I suppose push comes to shove and on the other side why it is mandatory and in the stars that Hillary HAS TO be the Democratic nominee positively escapes me. She seems dull and tired even though she's trying to jazz up her image of late by being more peppy or something. Perhaps Bruce Jenner can be in charge of LGBT outreach in a Clinton Administration. Our old friend George Zimmerman has been totally cleared by the DOJ so he can continue going on messing up his life in private. Wondering how a President McCain would have dealt with the problem of ISIS. He'd probably just nuke the whole of Iraq and Syria and start over. "Jihadi John" has finally been positively identified according to all the newswires today, an educated man in his mid-20's from West London with a computer degree who went radical somewhere along the line. I fail to see the attraction of a 7th century-style caliphate and why some bored teen girls wanna join up so this is well over my head. Take it from there......


  1. IMO, Walker is a well Koch-funded one trick pony : he busts unions and cuts education.
    Presumably, a US president should have a broader range of interests. Cruz, IMO
    is better material, but we will just have to watch and enjoy the GOP circular firing squad and see what happens.

    1. Walker has been boning up on what's happening in the world and as for unions workers shouldn't be forced to pay dues. Christie is even more narrow-oriented, his main forte seems to be yelling.

    2. Yelling? Yeah, HEY BIGGY SIZE THAT, OK?"

  2. If you like earning a good wage consider: Walker's Wisconsin saw median income
    drop from $57,234 down to $49,041 after he gutted the unions and lowered taxes on the rich. Next store, the Dem Governor did the opposite, raising taxes on high end
    folks. Minnesota's median income rose from $56.865 to $61,162. Sure, they both
    have cold and snow and mosquitos, but one of the peas in the pod is rotten. I lived and both states when they were both great.

  3. Unions nowadays make it almost impossible to fire people who need to be shown the door unless they get caught stealing. Hey Walmart's gonna raise the pay of their workers no union involved!

    1. From my experience managing union workers, they can be fired for cause,
      which is not the case for the CEO's nephew!

    2. Let's just say there's alot of paperwork involved. The bad ones will be there for a while at any rate. In the nonunion world which is most jobs firing is much more expeditious and so the workplace functions better.

    3. I probably mentioned the problem in the past, but I saw a young fork lift
      driver who had worked two consecutive shifts assigned a third. He asked
      for time off to be with his wife, who was having a baby. He was summarily fired. Same company retained a fork lift driver who came in
      drunk and filled the ceiling with .357 pistol rounds. Sure, we serve at their pleasure, but it takes a union to stand up to that type of bulls##t:
      in any event, that company folded under the weight of its own mgt practices. Sure, it is more difficult to manage union workers, with their
      stewards and contracts, and, IMO, only a poor mgr. would want the right
      to hire/fire, play favorites and screw workers for fun, ya know? Betchya
      you have seen it as well.

    4. I've heard it argued that we don't need unions because we have enough state and federal laws to protect the worker. Others feel you can be legally fired because the boss doesn't like your taste in ties. Dunno I'm not a lawyer.

  4. IMO, Walmart was under a lot of pressure to raise wages. We taxpayers were tired of paying for WMart workers food stamps and welfare medical/dental. I even read that WMart thinks they can get and retain higher quality people. Any time $$ are
    added to the bottom of the pool, consumer spending goes up and the economy does well (I guess that is the progressive POV)

    1. Pressure or not the free market worked here as soapie would say.


    2. True, but even Libertarians argue whether it is good
      or bad .

    3. If Lyndon LaRouche says something I automatically reject it as a rule. I like Walmart, I shop there, they have what I want. Advanced libertarian thought is well over my head.

    4. In a nutshell: big business good-gubmint bad, no room for gray areas.

    5. We're I'm coming from is gov't is traditionally hostile towards the governed (think traffic cameras). HOWEVER I kinda like the FCC going after those broadband providers.

  5. I see they voted another week of homeland funding: should be enough to wipe out

  6. Putin opponent shot in the back, killed:
    "Less than an hour after Nemtsov death was reported, Putin entered into the controversy around his death in a second way. Putin is “taking personal control of the investigation into Nemtsov’s murder,” according to a Kremlin spokesperson, something that will not be reassuring to Putin’s opponents." So, we sent Putin's
    thugs after the ISIL London head chopper?

    1. Add to that the Litvinenko polonium poisoning case a few years back. Four guys in a white car pull up to Nemtsov while he's walking with his wife and open fire. Obviously a hit but on whose orders?

    2. IMO, Nemstov was Putinized.

  7. Local headlines; some group has permission to set up a "drone facility' at the local airport. I'm wondering if these things don't end up colliding with an airliner, the
    armed natives will take to shooting them down? They may be the next electronic
    phenom, farmers tracking cows, railroads inspecting the underside of bridges,
    folks searching for lost kids. Heck, I may get a drone before I get a cellphone!

  8. Doesn't take much thinking to realize what Scott Walker could do
    for the entire country .
    They are thinking of changing the state name to Kochsconsin or Wississippi....

    1. In your political cosmology the Koch Bros. are Lucifer and Beelzebub. Did ya hear, Bibi made Nancy Pelosi cry.

    2. I just wish they would have stayed in Kochistan, that's all. :)

  9. You'll be glad to know Judge Judy has been renewed through 2020.

    1. They say her show is quite popular. Beats me.

  10. In the 'know the history of your city' department, we pass along the oldest film of
    NYC, with the observation that the aerials must have been done by Wilbur Wright,
    Great great grandpa Z-Man may be in some of the shots, and the film was probably
    stolen from the files of Yonkers Ghostbusters.

    1. Possibly winter's final round showed up in Yonkers today. As luck would have it it's my day off.

    2. I see a bunch of Kentuckians got stranded on a snowy interstate overnight. Back in my MN days, I had extra mittens, blanket, flashlight
      and shovel, even for short trips. Oh yeah...and lots of chips and donuts.

    3. How are these snowshoes to use? My friend recently bought a pair for a mere 100 bucks at REI.

    4. Most of the REI (and other places) are metal/plastic anymore. I only tried the old cedar/rawhide web things, with a tail, the so-called Michigan type.
      They are better than nothing in deep snow, but hard work. The wider ones require a wide stomping stance (known as the Larry Craig Shuffle)
      which make you really stiff, unless you do it all the time. You can go more
      places, for sure, and it is good exercise. Other complications are the bindings, getting stuck in thick brush and trying to get up when you fall down. XC skiing is better under most snow conditions, at least you can
      rest while gliding down slopes! It will be interesting to hear of your friend's

    5. He hasn't used them that much yet. I used to use those crampon things when I went ice-fishing years ago, you know those triangular metal spikes on a strap that you put on the bottom of your shoe but the straps kept sliding around. You need to know how to use this gear properly if a 'squatch tries to chase you one day.

    6. REI used to a be a serious
      professional sports outfit.

    7. I'd have to go with the minority school-of-thought here that Bigfoot is an interdimensional creature and that's why no one has captured one yet and why no Budweiser truck has killed one yet. What say you?

    8. Considering 'interdimensional creatures', I ran across this a couple days
      "Many Physycists (Jeffrey Grupp, Jim Elvidge, Leonard Susskind, George Smoot, Alan Cuth, Edeline D'Souza - Just a Few) Are Now Contemplating the Possibility that Life as We Know it Is Little More than a Computer Simulation from the Brain of Some Superior Entity" Have you noticed that Yonkers feels like SimCity lately?

    9. Kinda like the Matrix. Might explain some things.

  11. You notice anything odd about oil tank trains lately?

    1. As of late there are a lot more and a lot longer tankcar trains full of oil.
      Bakken crude , the frac stuff out
      of N Dakota, seems to have un-crude properties more like nitroglycerin
      and napalm. About every other week, one of them goes up in huge fireballs and no responders can approach until they have burned themselves out. Heck, remember when the train was just full of longhorns
      coming up from the Chisholm Trail?

  12. Are you interested in reading Hillary's e-mails? I sure as hell ain't.

    1. Naw. Not interested in Huckabee's, or for that matter the Kardashians, ya know?

  13. Seems like we just changed the clocks back, now we're changing them forward again. I'm surprised this never becomes a political issue.

    1. There was some talk in the Idaho legislature this year, but they didn't have enough time to iron out the details, so once again we go through the stupid
      process. Most polls put disapproval at 60-80%. The cavemen never had to
      put up with such silly stuff.

  14. There seems to be some social commentary about dissatisfaction
    with e-phones these days.

  15. Ever been up in the Catskills?

    1. My travels never took me there although I've seen it from a distance. Time for a new post I know but the Hil e-mail scandal doesn't do it for me. A Hillary scandal never seems to involve sex, kinda dry subject matter.

  16. In case you haven't been keeping up on Sasquatch sightings, the latest
    updates include a 'herd of bigfoots' in Yellowstone as well
    as a Sasquatchian lurker in a Brooklyn park. Snap a photo if ya see one.

    1. I thought Bigfoots were loners now we have herds. How many are LSD-induced?

  17. So Rand is in the ring now. Saw his father speak at the University of Minnesota last night.

    1. Let's not forget the Donald's presidential exploratory committee

    2. Interest level in sub-zero.
