Sunday, October 25, 2015

What happens if Trump doesn't implode?

Since he has now pledged to not run as an independent it's Houston we have a problem for the GOP.  For me if it does wind up as Trump vs. Hillary my default setting is vote for Trump.  Trump giving the big speech at the RNC it's surreal but now not out of the realm.  Conventional politics on acid.


  1. True, you are stuck voting against Hillary. is it Trumps hair?

    1. I guess your political default setting is vote Hillary. Not many options with default settings.

    2. Actually, I was in the Hillary camp when she ran against Obama. The current GOP is scary.

  2. Bernie Sanders is about as exciting as a graham cracker isn't he?

    1. I like Sanders and his ideas. He just can't win. The TPGOP wouldn't want to be like commy pinko Europe..universal healthcare, 6 week vacations,
      free homes for the elderly, etc. All bad stuff, I guess.

    2. An Albanian guy was telling me in many European countries you're mandated by law so many weeks vacation. Then you have the happy propaganda from Laura Ingraham et al that Americans just love to be overworked, it's healthy.

  3. I can't believe you'd actually vote for Trump. Are you serious?

  4. IMO, Trump has the chutzpa of Tony LIttle , the ambience of Hulk Hogan and
    the intellectual depth of Homer Simpson . It is said he wanted to marry his
    mirror. Just sayin'...

  5. He has said on more than one occasion he'd date his daughter. Just sayin.

  6. Well if he's all of this what explains his staying power? The Howard Stern demographic only explains so much.

    1. Staying power? No idea, but since you're in his corner, maybe you can enlighten us. My guess-he is not a Democrat.

    2. I was expecting you to shed a little light since no matter how many barbs are thrown his way and let's face it he's very barbworthy his polling continues to impress. A political default setting is not being in somebody's corner, it's saying the other alternative is worse.

  7. at least he's not Hillary.... I can't stand to listen to the ego on Trump and he talks like a school boy "he was MEAN to me.." ...And I'd have thought he had a better vocab after having gone to Wharton "with great grades..a HUUUUGE success!" than "Super" "Huge" "Terrific" details, but lots of big adjectives.
    it's scary but he's not Hillary. That's a plus. The way she gazed at Stevens' email at the hearing last week, smile on her face, telling us what a sense of humor he had....even as she was being lambasted for not having supplied the barricades he'd requested...and she kept smiling at that email as if it were him...SCARY. I know she was bad, but I rate her scary now.

  8. Most politicians who fall under the cloud of scandal just have the one scandal and either live or die by it. With Hillary she's like a walking encyclopedia of scandal, it's the air she breathes and yet she's still in politics and somehow thriving. I blame the American people.

  9. Most politicians who fall under the cloud of scandal just have the one scandal and either live or die by it. With Hillary she's like a walking encyclopedia of scandal, it's the air she breathes and yet she's still in politics and somehow thriving. I blame the American people.

    1. IMO, at some point, the Donald will implode: the GOP Org is unhappy with him. (although their knight in shining anti-labor armor, Scott Walker, got

    2. This is like some political prophecy that has to come true Trump imploding. The implosion should have happened already and conventional political wisdom can't explain it.
