Saturday, December 31, 2016

Liberal fantastical thinking

There is a vague but growing movement afoot built around the equally vague idea that somehow Trump can be impeached or thrown out even before he takes office on Jan. the 20th.  I'm unclear as to the grounds of this liberal ice-cream castle built in the air and feathered canyons everywhere to borrow from an old Judy Collins song.  Does Destiny care that much that Hillary Clinton lost?


  1. We know that if he gets impeached, he will sue. He makes most people uneasy, is the first president elect that came
    in 3 million votes less than his opponent and the first with such high dislike polls. Even some GOP are disgusted
    with the Russian hacking, which arguably gave him many last minute votes. Throw in that running a big democracy is totally unlike building hotels and casinos and staffing himself up with the very big bankers he accused Hillary
    of favoring and it is just the beginning stink. IMO.

  2. But what grounds for impeachment???

  3. Donald Trump won the electoral college overwhelmingly. Hillary Clinton did well in the People's Republic of Kalifornia with it's vast liberal population. The plebiscite went to Trump and he is organizing his government. Congress is controlled by the Republican Party and the US Supreme Court nominees for at least the next four years will be conservative. That's all good news as is the 33 Republican governors and the 26 State Legislatures controlled by Republicans.

    Clinton, thoroughly corrupt, lost. Progs have a difficult time coming to terms with that and have fled to safe spaces, clinging to therapy pets, hoping that something will change it. But America spoke, and their worst fear is that Trump will lower taxes, bring jobs (and hope) to inner cities and will Make America Great Again.

    1. The 'progs' will sit by while the GOP reluctantly
      impeaches an unfit president. If you hate liberals,
      LL, I recommend Idaho. Ruled by the GOP for a generation, you would love the dirt highways, gun-
      toting population and people so independent they don't let their kids go to college for fear of
      liberal contamination. As for motor-mouth tweet king,
      making America Great Again should be was and is great. Probably because people like me enlisted when Trump got his five draft deferments.

    2. Again I'm vague on what you're gonna impeach him over.

  4. I like the term "progs" though. Sounds like something out of H.G. Wells. The subterranean race of Progs led by Hillary Clinton.

  5. I see where the Donald had one of the Koch brothers kicked off his golf course. Even Reddit covered the story. Which
    Alt-universe are we seeing here?

  6. It's the beginning of 2017 and I have this vague anxiety the Donald is gonna nuke some helpless foreign country in order to fight terror. Other nightmarish scenarios come to mind.

  7. Putin says he's not going to retaliate over Obama's Russian sanctions. So a few of his spies had to leave an estate on L.I. Soon as the Donald assumes office the sanctions are history.

    1. ..assuming the Russian hackers keep all their Trump
      findings secret. If not, Putin risks getting kicked off the first hole at Mara del Lago. I'm thinking, given the circumstances, guarding the PresElect must
      take a few thousand plain clothes men. Have they hidden his tweeter yet?

    2. I think he even tweets during his conjugals.

    3. And here I thought junior high girls were the Twitter champs.

    4. Actually there was a study recently that teen use of FB is way down and teen use of Twitter is up. I guess FB is now mainly older folk talking about their geraniums.

  8. Idaho continues to fight the Roe V Wade battle. As I understand the Christians
    circulating the petition, any mother and doctor involved in an abortion would be guilty of first degree murder. No exceptions like rape, incest, ectopic pregnancy or life of the mother. So, rather than a single aborted fetus there would also be an executed mother and doctor. Tripling the Idaho death rate, apparently. Well, as long as these people get to carry and wave their guns in public, they would like to use them in the name of Christianity, I guess. Is that biblical or Sharia Law...Opinion?

    1. IMO Roe was always bad law and has nothing to do with being for life or choice. However the mainstream RTL position has always been to leave the mother alone and take away the doctor's license to practice medicine. Having said all that where did all this come from? The only one who I can remember taking a similar position was the late Morton Downey Jr. The Downey Effect?

    2. Maybe. Not that familiar with Mort, had to check up on his bio. The first of the Alt-talk radio dudes?
      Always wondered why the anti-abortion crowd doesn't go to the source: castrate the unwed father.

    3. I think there's a philosophical divide here between the lifers and the choicers and at the root is Sex. Most everyone is pro-sex on some level (except maybe Bill Donahue) but for the lifers sex has a certain gravitas because yes it can lead to the genesis of human life whereas for libs sex is just sex thus penis floats in gay pride parades. This blog is starting to veer off......

  9. I'd help to veer it back to Trump The Magnificent and how terrible liberals are, but those of us who serve our country, pay our taxes and marry only once are...just that,
    liberals. Probably repeating myself, daja vu all over again, but 93% of scientists are not Republican. Consider
    Bill Donahue..two kids and divorced, thinks no priest has ever been a pedophile and agrees with Trump's low opinion
    of the Pope. That is a conservative of high order.

    1. The Republican/Science connection is what again? My guess is they like large federal grants for their projects like the mating habits of the tsetse fly.

    2. It goes back to Reagan and Bush putting their political buddies in charge of CDC, NIH and NASA
      climate. So, when a guy like Rick Perry is put in
      charge of the Dept of Energy, it insults scientists.
      DOE is responsible for nuclear weapons, among other things: Perry got an F in Organic Chemistry and came
      in third in 'Dancing With The Stars'. You know, the old fox in charge of the henhouse deal. Sure they like grants..both my girls got NSF grants for
      their PhDs and part my work was for the military,
      FBI,etc. But basically scientists operate off research and data, not being told what answers to
      find. Don't work that way. At least for the 93%.
      The 7% work on disproving climate change, evolution
      and the never ending search for Sasquatch. Just saying.

    3. I'm not against the theory of evolution so correct me if I'm wrong but it is still a theory just like the Big Bang and is still not an established scientific fact. Man-made climate change is that theory or has it been proven beyond scientific doubt?

    4. They both have pretty good data fit, but there is always 'scientific doubt' and dare we say a good deal of 'non-scientific' doubt. My guess is most scientist are either non-political or moderate.
      Nobody likes moderates. Consider, though, my discussion with an Australian blogger, who noted that Australian conservatives are like our blue
      dog Democrats and their progressives far to the left of American progressives; so they have no
      alt-right. As for Trump and his following/detractors, a lot of Republicans are not
      real happy about him. IMO, part of his problem is
      that he carries a real grudge, insults people for little or no reason..then considers himself picked
      on. Dunno...can you explain it?

    5. IMO many get labeled climate-change deniers when in truth they haven't been convinced yet. Re the Trump psychological profile that would take the better part of my next vacation to get to the bottom of.

    6. Oh, don't waste a vacation on it! It seems your last vacation involved a colonoscopy. You need a month in the tropics-say Fiji?

  10. Having charging issues again with my Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 tablet. Should I call an Amorth associate or blame CERN & the LHC? Also if I post a negative review of my product and experiences can I be sued?

    1. I've heard of people getting in a lot of trouble for
      a negative review. Which is odd, because it is usually truthful. But we know law and justice are two
      separate entities. As for the tablet, have you gone on any of the 'boards' on that specific item, like
      Ifixit? If you get to the point where nothing else works, you might contact
      one of those Silicon Valley Exorcists.....

  11. That's weird. One of the Android forums said to blow into the USB port and it worked! All the people that I know with iPads don't have these charging issues. Ooops did I say too much?

    1. Sounds like a connectivity problem. They make an aerosol for spraying electronic connections. Our IT
      people always carried a can. I think they maybe inhaled the stuff too.

    2. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't we supposed to have wireless charging by now?

    3. We have it. But it is at Alt-universe.

    4. That's the one where Anthony Weiner voluntarily had himself neutered.

  12. The liberal narrative has been shaped that had the Russkies not hacked the US election process Hillary would have won. I'm not sure this follows. Also if Russia had hacked against Trump but in favor of Hillary and in effect helped her win would the msm still care? Would Obama have passed sanctions?

    1. Hard to pin down. Everything they hacked and released was about her, not him and her favorability dropped. It is thought they had a lot on Trump too, but didn't fit with their plans for our election. But, I think the moderate view is that the Russians hacking our political process is serious, even if in the view of
      the Trumpledytes is that it had no effect..especially his constant refrain of rigged election. It is done
      and over and we can only ponder an Alt-Hillary admin,
      while we observe the concrete reality of Trump for the next four years...three, two? Obama is very careful, announcing a few meaningless sanctions. Trump, I suspect, would have nuked Novgorod for starters. BTW, what is Mr. Weiner up to these days?

    2. They're officially separated no? Re the hacking one could make the point that if the hacked material wasn't so true it would have had no bearing. A clean mode of living and doing things is not hackable. Just sayin'.

    3. Like tweeting? It is so ubiquitous and open and short that hacking it is redundant and useless. On the other hand, a lot of teenyboppers get into a mess with their tweeting and sexting. Bounces right off Trump. (I think because only his faithful read his twittering) Otherwise, Hillary was the adult
      in the contest, hands down.

    4. If Trump were a bird he'd be a starling. You know an undesireable.

  13. Reading about another technical subject. SEO or Search Engine Optimization. By all means deliberately put keywords in the body of your thread but avoid keyword stuffing because the google spiders that crawl along the web somehow recognize this. In other words don't put liberals are mental in every comment.

    1. Probably. Like a search string that reads 'liberal
      colonoscopy' ?

    2. Then there is the search engine search engine, which
      collects your interests and you get tons of advertisements for liberal causes and colonoscopy
      preps. New world out there. Never happened when I
      went to my library to dig up a quote I remembered from 40 years back. Just saying. BTW, if you search 'sodium acryloyldimethyl taurate copolymer'
      you get 339,000 items. Oddly un-useful.

    3. Apparently I'm supposed to put GoFundMe after every blogpost title. "My Colonoscopy - GoFundMe."

    4. Contradiction - Google says only you can see your search history so if you search "Flowers in the Attic" the fact that you get stuff on V.C. Andrews must be a coincidence.

  14. GOP in congress dismantled the House Ethics Committee and ready to dismantle Obamacare. Are they really against ethics
    and healthcare? I'd complain, but I'm familiar with Krystalnacht-1938

    1. Does anyone actually understand ObamaCare? I believe they passed it without reading the 1,000+ pages but who reads manuals now anyway?

    2. It had some pretty good features like adding 20 million people, existing conditions, carrying kids
      into their 20s. It also had pretty poor features like leaving big pharma and big insurance unfettered and fining those that didn't want it.
      A number of us prefer the European method of singlepayer, but it will be interesting to see
      what the GOP comes up with. BTW, the worm has turned..everything that happens now is the GOP's fault: they turn from the criticizers to the criticized. I doubt they will be as good natured about it as the Obama family was. In fact, I guarantee they won't. Understanding Obamacare is
      right up there with understanding the ins and outs
      of D-Wave computers, though.

    3. I have insurance (Blue Cross/Blue Shield). I also recently had a colonoscopy as you know. All told I easily spent $1,000 of my own money on the procedure. There was the initial upfront fee at the GI office, the lab analysis of the polyps and finally the anesthesia bill. Yes insurance picked up a good part of everything but I still owed $1,000 smackers, hard-earned dinars, simolians. Would I have been better off under Obamacare under some kind of exchange network? Dunno, crunch the numbers.

  15. It's like this BB and I can't explain it. The presidential elections go in cycles. A Republican president is elected for 4 or 8 years (actually everyone now seems to get two terms thanks to the generosity of the American voter) then a Democrat president is elected and then a Republican and then a......Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Trump...Now I don't know if these are the same citizens voting or whether one half of the electorate is dominant during one election cycle and the other half is dominant come another election cycle. Maybe it depends on which half is angrier at the time or maybe the American voter is simply politically schizophrenic and perverse. There really is no consistency and I've frankly never understood this. You'd think one political party would be dominant for most of the time be it Democrat or Republican. It's a strange political oscillation imo.

  16. Why in hell do I have 106 pageviews from Poland?

    1. Ordinarily that would be know, the site
      popularity etc. On the other hand, they may be investigating an American chef's improper preparation of polish sausage. Ya suppose?

  17. So today the TV guy comes to install and set up the thin screen HDTV. Asked him to put the old TV in the basement and
    set it up for the cable box. Big guy, but said he had a bad back. So all he did was get the big screen running.
    Wife is furious, he didn't explain anything and the manual
    is pretty general. So she and I hauld the old TV downstairs, a Sony and put it in place of the old Phillips.
    Simply switched the input cord. Now that TV runs on/off and
    volume off the sony remote and most everything else off the
    server remote. Real odd to me. I gotta go down to the CableOne office, explain my problem and get their opinion.
    Asked the big guy that hated work what to do with the old
    Phillips. He says take sledgehammer to the cathode tube because its toxic. I don't need to gas myself at my age.
    It's a conspiracy. Dang Trump!

  18. Nothing's been right since the election. Must be Trump and that Nibiru planet I keep hearing about.

  19. The fact of Trump's behavior towards the Kremlin is running dangerously close to textbook definitions of treason so there's that. Give him time, he's barely gotten started. I can see that in preparation the GOP has gutted the ethics people, I imagine they believe they need to do that in the face of a Trump presidency.

    Things are bad and going to get worse. There is no happy ending here, unless it in fact be an impeachment.

    Now they're going to repeal Obamacare, which I understand has the poor of Kentucky in particular in panic mode. See, they voted for Trump but I guess they missed the part about repealing Obamacare, because Kentucky is really in love with their Obamacare. In Kentucky it's called Kynect; maybe they didn't make the kynection that it's really Obamacare. Either way, they're mighty scared they're going to lose something really important. And they will. Of course there's no plan to actually replace it, so that means that millions will once again be uninsured and those that are will be paying more. What is it about healthcare that the GOP hates so much?

  20. Reading just now Donald Trump has pledged in a tweet (is there any other way?) that he will prevent North Korea boy wonder and dictator Kim Jong-un from completing a nuke capable of reaching the West Coast. What is he gonna do have Dennis Rodman kill him?

    1. Any idea how Rodman gets through the airport metal detector? And what's up with presidential 'tweetments'
      and press 'tweetferences'. Wouldn't have that with
      Jill Stein. BTW, have you been contacted by the Polish KGB yet? PS: change your password to Gdansk.

  21. I'm thinking Enya's "Orinoco Flow (Sail Away)" would be good colonoscopy music. Maybe the Coors' "So Young."

  22. Well I hope the atheists all had a good holiday season.

    1. I think they celebrate the Winter Solstice with figgy
      pudding and make snow angels.

    2. Henny Youngmann once said "I was thinking of becoming an atheist but gave up the idea. They have no holidays."

    3. Sundays-they golf, fish, watch football, sleep in and avoid the confessional.

    4. ...unless they are 7th Day atheists or relapsed Jews. Then they goof off on Saturdays.

    5. Somebody sneezes what do they say?

    6. Cut that out, sneeze someplace else?

    7. When someone dies it is customary to say "they're in our thoughts and prayers." The godless must go "they're in our thoughts." What good are thoughts?

    8. Thoughts are personal and collective memories, good
      in terms of the culture of and texter of society.
      While they offer little comfort to the dead, prayers
      which were uttered by the millions in the holocaust
      offered little comfort to the few still living. It is customary to comfort the relatives of the deceased, so if they are Judeo-Christian, prayer
      is appropriate. We posit that the dead atheist and
      family might appreciate rest in peace, or something
      along those lines?

    9. On the subject, an atheist blogger, disgusted with
      the election results noted that if he was religious, he would pray to Enlil for the great flood which destroyed 'kingdoms and cult sites' in
      Nippur some 4500 years back. IMO a lot of atheists
      study religion in its many manifestations as sort of a history of sociology exercise. You suppose there are fundamentalist atheists?

    10. If anything be an agnostic. That's not as sexy and dramatic I know but if anything it's simply a humble admission of I Don't Know.

    11. Kind of like people who can't make their mind about climate change. Old statistician saying- 'show me that data, all others bring cash'. I agree about your agnostic definition..there are a surprising amount of that type scattered throughout divinity
      colleges, even catholic ones. Theirs is not a simple blind faith, they want the entire nuts and bolts...and might be missing a few washers, so they
      wait to commit. Exchanged an e-mail with the chair
      of religion at an eastern university about Pascal's Wager . He thought the problem was upon which of the 1600 known deities should the bet
      be placed. Deep study of comparative religion does that to people.

  23. If congress worked minimum wage would they cause less trouble?

  24. Meghan Kelly leaving FOX for NBC I guess. Upset that she makes only 9 mil to O'Reilly's 18 mil. Women still make less than men in the same field. HOW is she supposed to live?

    1. O'Reilly makes 18 million? Actually, Meghan is on camera more and doesn't even foam at the mouth.

    2. The rumor is Fox offered $20 million to stay. But she went to NBC for $15 million. Since that really isn't much different (for those of us who have never
      seen even half a million) NBC offered her more control, a wider audience and more family time.
      Her problems with Ailes and Trump resulted in numerous threats and she had full time private security...never piss off a Trumptrooper. So...
      Judge Judy makes $47 million. WTF?

    3. Megyn not Meghan. Judge Judy, she can't just decide a case she always has to belittle one side. The Morton Downey Jr. of judgeship that's why she rakes in the big bucks. I honestly don't know why people like her. 47 million for what? for rendering two decisions in small claims court all in a half an hour?

  25. My sitemeter's gone up. The Poles must be hitting me again.

    1. Maybe. Maybe it's Julian Assange, Edward Snowden or
      Anthony Weiner. Think of the publicity..."Lost in longer".

  26. I work with a lady who's a Jehovah's Witness. They have no holidays either, not even birthdays. When youn sneeze they don't say bless you. They also don't vote. It seems to me a kind of joyless religion but on the other hand I respect people who are devoted enough in their faith to go out and willingly be abused in the name of proselytizing the unsaved. I quiz her about it sometimes, the whole 'millions now living will never die' and the 144,000. I have a JW book from back in the 1800s that I let her borrow for a while. So apart from the fact that I actually know something about her religion we share the fact of being religious minorities at work and so we have a bonding point. She has a son who's a junkie and I have my own addiction history (granted I never did dope) so I get her struggles with him. Anyway I think the atheists probably celebrate more holidays than she does. Christmas is a secular holiday anymore, it's so commercialized that you can really skip over Jesus if you've a mind to. Anyway Jesus wasn't born in December, the whole Christmas in December thing came from the Romans and Saturnalia. So there you go.

    1. Sometimes The Watchtower ain't bad. While I was on the library computer few weeks back a black guy gave me a booklet called "Our Daily Bread." Not Jehovah but a Christian denomination. Better than some Catholic stuff.

    2. Most historians, both religious and secular think Jesus was born Sept/Oct 4 BC, based on shepards not
      tending their flocks after the fall shearing and roundup; as well as Mary's conception being during
      the Hebrew Fesival of Lights..the previous December.
      Moot point, sort of like "Yes, Virginia, There Is A
      Santa Claus. Jesus was born, the date was not specified biblically and the birth rather than any
      date is the most important.

    3. Perhaps the quantum computer can pin down the exact date?

    4. How do quantum computers work anyway? Do you go to the search bar and type in "where is Jimmy Hoffa buried?" and then 12 seconds later the answer comes in: "under Giants Stadium."

    5. I think somewhere along the line it was decided by a committee of them that Christ's birth should involve snow and fall some time after Thanksgiving.

    6. Hoffa & Q-putters- I think maybe the query might be
      -locate deceased Jimmy Hoffa- and after a second it would spit out 6-700 locations, each with a probability. An extremely smart D-wave might answer, "no idea-google it"

    7. From my reading quantum computers give a range of answers to you. One is the optimal solution and the others are pretty good options as well and you get to choose. Our Jimmy Hoffa query might give us a starting point say the Gowanus Canal or try Co-Op City and...we'll never know so ask Jeeves he might know something.

    8. One of those cold case old files. D-Wave,
      thinking cross quantum might spit out Jonbenet Ramsey's killer, though. As for Hoffa, the mob
      don't talk. Plus they're all dead now. If he was
      run through a garbage shredder (shades of Fargo) there is a slim but possible chance his DNA might show up in Chinese recycled towels, though.

    9. If you pair up D-Wave and AI do we get any closer or do we get John Tesh type advice put a teabag in your bathtub you'll sleep better.

  27. Do you think Trump will close down existing US intelligence
    operations and replace them with Julian Assange?

    1. & give Edward Snowden his long-awaited pardon. So how are we to know ISIS next move? I feel safer already.

    2. Got a thick book about ISIS for Christmas. Been reading Durant's 'Age of Faith' 1400 pp, and have been putting off trying to remember Al Watchacallhim
      from Al Zwackmester and which one was at the Ramada
      in Ramadi. But maybe Assange & Snowden will fix things that the US professional can't?

    3. Assange says Russia wasn't behind it so who is the next candidate?

    4. He's the man...Trump doesn't think ol buddy Vlad was behind it either. (I smell a casino deal)

  28. The quantum computer is being eyed by molecular biologists who are confronted with protein production and manipulation in lifeforms. (for example, many antibiotics rely on a chemical which interferes with the bacterial cell's production of a particular protein synthesis at a specific
    ribosomal location..likewise, a number of important medications (which typical end in ..MAB) are monoclonal antibodies which act within the immune system. The key
    is not that a protein in thousands of atoms long, or that there a thousands of different proteins: the problem is that they fold in a specific way to become effective, or
    in doctalk their conformation is biologically functional.
    Given the large starting number, each protein link can move
    back and forth, up and down and rotate. The import for each
    link involves catalysts, thermodynamic input, bond energies
    and micro electrical transfers. So, it is an immense problem
    when theory is applied to modeling the process. And so:
    "De novo or ab initio techniques for computational protein structure prediction are related to, but strictly distinct from, experimental studies of protein folding. Molecular Dynamics (MD) is an important tool for studying protein folding and dynamics in silico. First equilibrium folding simulations were done using implicit solvent model and umbrella sampling. Because of computational cost, ab initio MD folding simulations with explicit water are limited to peptides and very small proteins.] MD simulations of larger proteins remain restricted to dynamics of the experimental structure or its high-temperature unfolding. Long-time folding processes (beyond about 1 millisecond), like folding of small-size proteins (about 50 residues) or larger, can be accessed using coarse-grained models.

    The 100-petaFLOP distributed computing project Folding@home created by Vijay Pande's group at Stanford University simulates protein folding using the idle processing time of CPUs and GPUs of personal computers from volunteers. The project aims to understand protein misfolding and accelerate drug design for disease research.

    Long continuous-trajectory simulations have been performed on Anton, a massively parallel supercomputer designed and built around custom ASICs and interconnects by D. E. Shaw Research. The longest published result of a simulation performed using Anton is a 2.936 millisecond simulation of NTL9 at 355 K."
    ----sometimes a smartphone just won't do!

    1. And I forgot to mention that each of the thousands of bonds within the protein molecule has 360 degrees of
      rotational freedom and numerous resonance states between bonds. So the simple concept, based on the
      2nd Law of thermodynamics is to find which final state
      uses the least amount of Gibbs (or Helmholtz*) free energy.
      *generally for chemical problems Helmoltz is used

    2. You have out-Housed House. With the D-Wave System X2 Quantum Computer Anthony Weiner may be able to send a crotch shot through time.

  29. Computer spam: When we got the big screen HD Tv upstairs,
    I moved the old unit downstairs to replace an even older TV.
    I needed a stand or end table about 24x24x24 inches and did
    a computer search. After checking dozens, I found a suitable
    one which could be ordered through WalMart. Of course you have to "join' with a password. Starting this morning, I have been flooded with numerous ads for end tables, coffee tables and even WalMart groceries. Where is the GO AWAY button on my keyboard?

    1. Happens all the time. I love those recommended reading lists from Google Play. Say you buy something and download a book from their play store from the Health Category and you open up the app a few days later and Google Play thinks you also should be reading "The Lesbian Sex Bible." Leave me alone ya know?

  30. Broke my 10 year old Timex watch today. I like the Velcro
    strap and a simple cheap watch, so went out to the Sporting goods stores and found one for $19- marked down from $40 because the instructions were missing. So, I found the instructions on the internet and printed them, set up the watch and put the instruction sheet in my billfold for the next time change. Two hours later and Google is showering me
    with wristwatch the end tables from yesterday.
    WTF, do they think I'm going to buy another couple dozen,
    or what?

    1. Personally I like search engines without search histories. I don't need to be reminded every time I searched for "hemorrhoids" on Aug. 27 of last year or "Colonoscopy (Mayo Clinic)."

  31. What is it with people who are always late? Late for social functions, late for work, late for the ride to the golf course. Some people would be late for their own funeral.

  32. Perusing Wikipedia just now and one of their trending topics is Charles Manson whom they describe as an American criminal and musician kind of like if Paul McCartney became a bank robber.

  33. In case you are short of visitors from Warsaw,,, co newago?

  34. God knows we mentioned Sasquatch enough. Maybe I can accidentally tap into some Bigfoot forums.

    1. Still sort of curious, the Eastern European visits all of a sudden. I don't think they have Sasquatch
      over there.

    2. Nearest subspecies is the Yeti. Check your Field Guide.

    3. I was thinking Morlocks from 'The Time Machine'.
      Mandela Effect? Both subspecies are white, furry
      and scary.

    4. Mandela Effect is also the name of some musical trio. Trouble is their lyrics keep changing.

  35. What's Glenn Beck up to these days?

    1. Last I saw I was up my brother's in Yorktown Heights and on his big-screen SmartTV Glenn Beck came on his own station and was reading an Edgar Allen Poe story to a rapt audience. Something seemed off and this was before I heard of Planet Nibiru and the Mandela Effect.

  36. Politics is quite confusing. Marcia Blackburn (R) of Tennessee's 7th District just won reelection by 72%. All fired up, she queried on her facebook 'are you in favor of
    overturning Obamacare?' 16% said yes, 84% said no. Go figure. Do people love to hate it-or hate to love it?

    1. I think it's like this. I paid 1,000 smackers for my colonoscopy and I'm covered by a major health-care plan. HOW can Obamacare be worse? Point 2: I'm always looking at other jobs and one of my main criteria is that job should provide health coverage. However say you're already on some exchange and paying your own premiums then it doesn't automatically matter to you if Company XYZ doesn't have a health-care plan. Your job search is freer and you take the job if it's a good one.

    2. As far as I can tell, the conservative approach to health care is the highly touted 'health care savings account' which you build up and is tax free.
      In other words you pay cash to the health care system (and forgo vacation spending, a different car, helping your kids in college etc & etc. Their
      idea always involves reduced regulation and increased competition. (Ever flown anywhere recently?) Some serious poltiticians need to sit down and study why the rest of the civilized countries spend far less on healthcare and far better results, suck up their 'Exceptional America'
      BS and rewrite the whole dang thing. [end rant]

    3. A savings account for health-care down the road which means banks would be in charge. Many Americans are literally living paycheck to paycheck which means they probably won't be putting that much money into it. Sounds very Trumpian to me.

    4. Paycheck to paycheck- absolutely. Couple of reasons, they say. 1. wage stagnation: for over a generation wages haven't kept up with the rest of the economy. Hence the jobs issue that Trump pushes.
      2. We have learned how to spend, but not save. The
      electronic gadgets and their contracts are ubuiquitous, keeping up with the Jones' drives families to overspend and meanwhile property taxes
      and medical care spiral up. Despite the politicians,
      there is no easy answer and probably darn few hard answers. Maybe be like Thoreau and live in a shack
      by the pond....

  37. My daily wake up music running through my head this morning was 'I Got You Babe'. Holy Groundhog Day, Batman! If that
    happens tomorrow morning it will be Groundhog Day/Deja vu all over again. Will I meet Andie MacDowell?

  38. Shoveled the driveway twice before noon. We got so much snow that I think I saw two flakes alike, I'm telling ya.
