Saturday, June 15, 2024

This is what you came for

 I honestly think Taylor Swift only goes out with well-known men for the sheer publicity of it all.  Nothing ever comes of it.  Conspiracy theorists say she hooked up with Travis Kelce because he's pimping for Pfizer.  I don't take it to that level it's simply par for the course for her.  She's 34 now and her biological clock is ticking.  I can't check out groceries at the store without seeing her on most magazine covers.  Dua Lipa or any other artist doesn't get this press.  She's a whole sub-economy now.  What are your Swifty thoughts?


  1. Conspiracy Theory-wise, I wonder if she even exists. Just another AI
    imaging phenom of Silicon Valley. A modern day Elvis. Read someplace that she was writing her own songs by 14. I had trouble with writing themes back then. POV of a non-current culture grump.

  2. Neil deGrasse Tyson is like the Taylor Swift of astronomers. The vast majority of astronomers you never even heard of.

  3. Yes BB she seems too perfect. She's reached the pinnacle of fame. What do you do after that buy a country?

  4. What's up with Justin Bieber?

  5. Off topic Theological Paradox - We note that the Pope was at the G-7Summit addressing the potential evils of AI. We note also that there is a Catholic organization sponsoring an "AI Catholic Priest" who answers 'tricky questions about the Faith - any question-anytime',
    He doesn't look quite human and is not definitely not Bishop Sheen,

    1. To my knowledge ai is not in the Catechism. Time for an update.

  6. Does Ukrainian president Zelensky even own a tie...or a shirt with a collar?

  7. Was wondering the same. Has he ever heard of a dress code for a world leader?

  8. When my sister and I were growing up my Mom was in the kitchen and sis comes in and tells her there's a drunken midget on the front porch. Yeah right my Mom thought what will kids make up next? Always making up tall tales. Mom goes up front just to check the story out anyway. There was a drunk midget on the porch.

  9. Zelensky if he gives another speech here afterwards he should stop at Kohl's.

  10. LIttle sister. Judy. One day painted the front sidewalk black. Next week plucked all the stamens from Grandma's Tiger Lillies. Her little friend was hanging from the metal bar on a fence. She double-dared her to straighten her legs out. Little girl turned into a dirt dart. All the way up to High School. There is a guttural roar in our drive way. Mom peeks out the curtain. There is Judy on the back of a huge motorcycle and some Hells Angel type with bears, chains tattoos
    and cigarette. Judy comes in, Mom says "what the heck was THAT?"
    Judy says "A Harley". Her husband died at 54, 5 kids including a Korean girl and a VN boy. Worked a school secretary. Retired, made yearly trips with retired teachers to Las Vegas. Been in Alzheimer
    care going on 6 years. Passed away yesterday. RIP, Judy.

  11. What's up with Justin Timberlake?

  12. The news media here in the Tri-State act like it never got hot before.

  13. Yep, we notice that. i think it's when so many millions are affected.
    Out here it can get up to 110 and no coverage at all.

  14. The Tri-State 92-95 with some humidity we make a big deal.

  15. Enjoying this MacBaren Golden Extra long cut pipe tobacco. I like it even better than Early Morning Pipe AND I can smoke it any time of day.

    1. Glad to hear that. You find something you like -stick with it.

  16. What's up with Justin Bieber, what's up with Justin Timmerlake?
    What's up with Justin Time?

  17. Read some very positive reviews of Mac Baran Golden Extra Long Cut.
    You have good taste. Truly the Jackson Galaxy of the pipe world.

  18. At one time pipe smoking was considered attractive to women. I got
    several, "Oh, I love pipe smoke -my deceased dad smoked one", but my
    favorite was an ex-sister in law that liked it so much, she smoked her
    pipe when no one was around. Hmmm

  19. It's even found Its way into the paranormal. So many stories of some beloved relative dies and someone still gets a waft of their pipe smoke. Is there pipe smoking after death?

  20. Jehovah Witness asked me one time. "Can you hardly wait to be in heaven?" Told him sitting on a cloud playing a harp sounded kind of

  21. Haven't had a Jehovah around these parts in quite some time. Maybe they're allergic to cats.

  22. Does Spunky have a deep growl and laid back ears?

  23. No. Quiet but vigilant.

  24. Did the crossword today. 3 Down was Godfather actor, 6 letters. it was Brando. They didn't mention 'Last Tango In Paris'.

  25. Head chef at work always talks about "The Godfather" but never mentions Last Tango.
