Thursday, June 06, 2024

Would a Judge Judy mask help?

 Personally I've never had an encounter.


  1. Always wondered about the advice to "make yourself look as large as possible' Seems contraindicative of all those diet plans. Hey, Nurse Nancy, you gotta sec? How do I enlarge myself? I'm surprised they
    didn't add "always carry your bear spray".

  2. What would a midget do?

  3. So that's our wildlife in Westchester County NY. Glad I don't live in CA. The pipe smoking might cause cancer and reproductive harm and you might run into a mountain lion.

  4. I want to believe some of this stuff but where are all the dead cryptids? No hunter or hiker has ever come across one unless these elusive and secretive creatures have really quick memorials and bury their dead somewhere in remote areas.

  5. A quickie service with Leprechaun pallbearers?

  6. No cars totalled either from 'squatch deciding to cross the road. At what point can we say cryptozoology is self-debunking?

    1. Approximately a month after it started.

    2. My friend is heavily into this so I said if the government knew Bigfoot was real why would they hide that information from the public. He said they're weird that way. He then says who knows they might even have a Bigfoot doing janitorial work at an army base in South Carolina. Fun conversation.

  7. Hmm. corporal Sasquatch W. Sullivan, cleaner of attack dog batrracks?

  8. "There's also a log in the Men's Room."

  9. Got one for your cryptozoological friend, you might suggest that Sasquatches derive from the Chewbacca type pilots that the ancient
    aliens accidentally left behind after they built the pyramids and Stonehenge. Where's my Christian Brothers?

  10. I often get mongoose vs. cobra videos on YouTube. Also watched one video on the health benefits of diatomaceous earth. The woman said she may have overdone it and her urine started to have a funny smell. Too TMIish for my taste.

  11. Still googling treatment for neck strain. Acupuncture keeps coming up.
    Gotta porcupine I can borrow?

  12. Hempvana, Topricin Cream, warm compress. What's the home remedy here?

  13. Should we assume that the many roving Sasquatches don't have access to a Bigfoot barbershop?

  14. My understanding or somebody told me even though they might not exist it's illegal to shoot or kill a Sasquatch. I guess elves fairies and hobbits are protected too.

  15. Probably came from the Cryptid Constitution (right under all Cryptids are created equal, even if imaginary.

  16. Favoring my strained neck, I tried keeping it still when I rolled over in bed last night. Sprained my right side. Don't tell Nurse Nancy.

  17. Turmeric/Curcumin complex. Good for inflammation. I'll send you my bill in the mail.

  18. Curry powder? Agreed, it seems good for a lot of problems. My problem is I take blood thinner for atrial fibrillation and Curcumin
    is also a blood thinner, hence contraindicated. How about calamine
    lotion 3 parts, pepto-bismol 2 parts and Christian Brother 75 parts?
    My usual approach is to wait it out - while I watch Judge Judy.

  19. A CB rub 3X daily covered with loose gauze. Ever pull your piriformis muscle? That's a real pain in the ass.

  20. Have you cured Nurse Nancy yet?

  21. I was playing around with some turmeric and got a yellow fingertip as a result. Didn't want her to think I had jaundice or something but she didn't notice. She had a meeting today and left early.

  22. Did Bill Gates let you post a video yet? Those tech forums are filled with geek know-it-alls. Very opinionated. Do this don't do that. Did you clear the cache partition? What about the debugging bridge? Like wtf they talkin' about?

  23. I tried again yesterday. Used to be free simple HTML tag code things. Type in the link, type in a name and post. The person receiving then could click the name and bring up the post. Google made some changes and all the free gadgets won't work. Another thing that is annoying is Google used to show the number of pertinent searches like - Patron saint of cats 55 or Taylor Swift

  24. Wife has a laptop. She uses a mouse like a club. Early in the week -
    "The computer quit, no email, no search, nuthin, dead." OK, let's see.
    we press the little icon there. YOU HAVE NO INTERNET ACCESS.
    Click on the words - YOU ARE DISCONECTED FROM WI-FI. Click again WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONNECT YES OR NO? She should be good until next week.

  25. The amount of time I actually try to troubleshoot some issue vs. actually enjoying my device too much one way imo. My new 5G phone sometimes says Emergency Calls Only even though I have a good data plan and I'm paid up. Is the end of the world coming?

  26. Our Go To person in town has a place called "The computer Guy" with a logo that is half superman and half batman. Several times I have run into a snag and call them up. They link to my computer and fix it while I watch the curser fly here there and everywhere, folder switch from cache to 64 bit storage. Last time they dug out my Java run-time.exe and sent it to the big garbage can in the Cloud. Took
    40 minute and they charged me $30. How can that stuff even make sense to the geeks?

  27. That ain't a bad price at all. Wonder what Yonkers would charge.

  28. Local places out here thrive on word of mouth advertising. Always
    positive and they get business without paying for advertising. Our place caters to the elderly and tech challenged.

  29. That Presidential debate thing. Was that being moderated by Judge Judy?

  30. Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. Will there be bathroom breaks? It'll be on the Spanish stations too. Like Dave said they'll probably both be wearing Depends.

  31. I'll probably skip it if Gilligan's Island is on.

  32. Isn't that past Biden's bedtime?

  33. You bet. I'm a bit cynical - he will catnap during commercials. The
    other guy will try to punch out Jake Tapper and grab Dana Bash
    during the Prevagen commercial . "Help, wake up Joe!" How long
    will the replays last?

  34. You in for the Taylor Swift - Judge Judy debate?

  35. One possible line of questioning: You go through men like an elephant goes through peanuts then you write revenge songs when you break up.

  36. One possible retort - get off my stage you little beech!

  37. Didn't catch much of the Great Debate. 'Fishing with Laden' was on.
    Sounds like old Joe got worn out from too much prep work. As usual
    Donald said everything good that has happened under Biden was due to his setting up a truly great economic system - any thing bad was not his fault. No one mentioned that Trump added $8.4 trillion to the debt, and old Joe only $4.6 trillion. Pretty boring overall. heck
    your or me could have written a better script...and obtained better

  38. Pretty dry. Deliberately avoided it so can't do a blog post about it. My friend said Biden showed his condition and the Dems are in a panic. I have to check out Geeez.

  39. I checked out Geeez and find myself agreeing but I figured that's just a conservative take so came across a New York Times article asking the question can Biden be replaced at the top of the presidential ticket? Oh boy. The Dems made their bed now lie in it.
