Monday, October 14, 2024

Medical records I'd like to see

 Kamala Harris has released her medical records to goad Trump into releasing his.  Trump's physician said he is in excellent overall health.  Remember this is a man who once underwent a colonoscopy without anesthesia.  Kamala - Trump health nothing to see here.  RFK Jr.'s medical file might be interesting though.  Here is a man who once said worms ate part of his brain.  Sounds like a House episode.  Also and we don't know this for a fact but there is a good chance he has eaten roadkill sometime during his life.  He says you can get some sort of license for this.  Guess he keeps it in his wallet.  Is it laminated?  How often do you renew it and what is the fee?  He's driving home along the parkway somebody hits a deer and he's automatically thinking of the best recipe for venison.  His voice.  I don't know if he's given an official medical reason for this but people are curious.   The Jr. health file might be a treasure trove of medical esoterica.  A real rabbit hole.


  1. I wouldn't be surprised if RFKjr's medical records at kept by some
    veterinarian office. If they accept humanoid species.

  2. I hope he got his rabies shot.

  3. It's funny he has a license to eat roadkill but he's worried about Count Chocula. You have dinner at his house. You're eating and you could swear you just tasted a tire tread. "What kind of seasoning is that?"

  4. He talks funny - "The sound of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s voice has been in the news with his recent entry into the 2024 Presidential race. He has been public about being diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia. As the only organization dedicated to finding answers for rare voice conditions we hope these questions help bring understanding to this rare voice condition."

  5. He always has rare conditions (e.g. brain worms).

  6. Thinking of the endless debate/rally season, I ran across how the Inupiats of the north coast of Alaska solve their disputes. They gather the entire tribe, then the two guys having the argument face off in a singing duel (think Battle of The Bands). They sing about why they are right and the other guy is stupid, while the assembled tribe cheers, jeers, claps and boos. Everyone votes on the spot and the matter is considered closed. It's what you do, when you don't have Google.
