Friday, March 07, 2025

Rubio fights with the punkass Musk at Cabinet meeting

 Read all about it

Also Trump considering sanctions against Russia to pressure Putin into reaching ceasefire deal with Ukraine.

From the ticker.


  1. stock market going up and down like a yo-yo. How do you undo chaos? Can you believe I Sprang Ahead, boasted to the wife the clocks were all re-set and she said "That's not for two days yet! Cart before the hearse? Cat smarter than me. Throws up in the same place every day - right on the carpet in front of the fireplace. I put a newspaper down, he stopped throwing up and sleeps on the paper.
    I need Jackson Galaxy or Dr. Phil - maybe both?

  2. Apparently Trump doesn't want to stop the tradition of Daylight Savings Time. Go figure.

  3. Another funeral across the street. Everyone left, but some old guy with a huge red pickup couldn't get it started. Feeling obligated, I went over to see if I could help. He had a booster charger and it sounded like tjer starter solenoid so I offered to drive him home. "I'll work on it" he said. Told him to come over and ring the doorbell if he needed anything. A half hour later, he asked for a flashlight. He laid under the truck for an hour and the next time I looked out he had the thing running like new. First old guy (3rd generation logger from Elk River) older than me that wasn't in a wheelchair. Told him next time our car didn't start, I'd call him. He said "Fair enough". Never got around to see if he was a Trump guy - some things are more important, ya know.

    1. Z would've weaved the politics in somehow. My sister is helping me tomorrow to bring 3 cats to the vet's for their feline leukemia shots. Bring up the politics? How do you go about this?

  4. What's up with the crypto - bitcoin Ft. Knox stuff? Where is Soapy when we need him?

    1. It's over my head. Only he can explain it.
