Saturday, August 10, 2024

Is the pro-abortion vote enough to swing the election?

Complex but in the final analysis I'm gonna say no.  The msm would probably say yes.  So far I've seen only one commercial from Kamala Harris, a short tv ad talking about workers and the economy and protecting reproductive rights.  The pro-abortion vote - I would have to say that demographic is fairly sexually active and as my brother likes to say it's like they plan on having abortions (ok not the best way of putting it but you get the gist).  However there are other people out there, quite a few who are not into abortion, who don't like abortion and you don't have to be an official card-carrying RTL member to feel this way.  Also a large portion of the population go to bed every night in cold sheets.  They'll even say they've had nothing going on for years maybe had a bad marriage.  Abortion may not be uppermost in their minds.  Just a ramble and I'll cap it here.

Is Kamala Harris over-emphasizing the issue?

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Working-class abortions

 Seems to be an amalgam of Kamala Harris' early TV advertising and probably future advertising as well.  Look for the union label and btw you can have an abortion.  We got you we'll hook you up.

I think with her selection of MN Governor Tim Walz she overestimates the leftness of the American people.  Taking a gamble on PA without Gov. Shapiro's help and focusing on the Midwest.  Dunno.  Maybe she wants to help Trump.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Is TikTok no longer a threat?

 Haven't heard much lately.  Where do the candidates stand?

Figured out a way to fix ad-hominem.  During the Trump/Harris debate give each candidate ten minutes of pure ad-hominem against the other.

Trump:  "When did you become black?"

Harris:  "What's that dead animal on top of your head?"

Then onto the Issues.

Monday, August 05, 2024

While you're watching the Olympics


Health food stores are a kind of niche market.  They give off a kind of eco-hippy vibe and  I don't think they can always sustain themselves businesswise as several have closed in my County of Westchester, NY alone.  They're great if you're looking for a non-fluoride toothpaste or aluminum-free solutions to your armpit funk but not so great for everyday basic grocery shopping imo.  Their tea tree oil mouthwash did help me with a bad case of gingivitis though but I still want my Little Debbies.

I never understood veganism.  I get vegetarianism but what do vegans have against eggs and milk exactly?  Eat a vegan cake or cookie and it's full of oil.  Never understood how it took off as a concept and reached the status of trendy to the point of vegan restaurants and cookbooks.  Pity the poor kid being thrown a birthday party by vegan parents.

Lastly I wouldn't trust the bathroom tissue in these organic markets.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

The age of snark

 I recently took a 3+ year hiatus from blogging and came back.  The reason for the rest period was twofold.  First the toxic nature of our political environment being foremost.  Secondly you couldn't have a rational discussion of covid at the time so I chose to ride that one out.  So eventually I decided to return but nothing has really changed.  

The toxicity of politics has only gotten worse.  There are commenters in the blogosphere who are constantly argumentative, rancorous, have a contrarian spirit and who make no attempts to search for common ground.  They don't understand the point you are making (feigned ignorance?) and distort your words through their own political filter.  I think part of the reason for our current political environment is a kind of overreaction to Trump.  He may win he may lose but the hyperbole and rhetoric continues unabated even in the wake of the recent assassination attempt.  I don't want to be a party to that and find it horrible.

It might be pretentious to call blogging an art form but this is a time for creative decision-making for me anyway.  Maybe Lista had the right idea blog only for yourself.  Everyone has a different philosophy of blogging.  If you don't fit in here find another blog that resonates with you.  There are plenty out there.

That's it for now.  Stay free:)

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Trump Derangement Syndrome

Is TDS an example of mass formation psychosis?  Do you believe Trump is an immoral person who tells lies?  So far so good.  People have probably applied this to almost all modern presidents at one time or another.  Do you disagree with the recent SCOTUS decision granting Trump limited immunity and feel he should be prosecuted for varied crimes?  I disagree but you're still within the pale.  Do you believe the former POTUS is an actual threat to democracy if he wins a second term?  Now you're crossing over.  If Trump gets another term in office do you really think he'll install himself dictator for life and cancel all future elections?  Now you need someone to talk to.  Studies show dictators had to have the full weight of the military behind them first and also weren't pushing 80 as a general rule.  Now there was Trump's recent speech to a Christian group saying they'll only have to vote this one time but most of the media clipped out the next few seconds when Trump explained because the problems will be fixed opening up a more prosaic interpretation.  Biden's failed covid vaccine mandate for companies with over 100 employees some might argue that was a threat to democracy or at least a government overreach.  Bush Jr.'s march into Iraq over nonexistent WMDs what was that?  History has the final verdict. We can all come up with examples.  Going back further Nixon had to resign.  Checks and balances.  Very hard for an American leader to become a dictator but somehow Trump is supposed to swoop into a second term with regal powers and act like Caligula.

TDS.  It's why I've turned on comment moderation.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Trump is pretty fly for a white guy

There's a growing list of black celebs and influencers who support Donald Trump.  TV personality Amber Rose.  Don King (I thought he died).  Rappers Kodak Black, Lil Wayne, Snoop Dogg (do a video together?), Sexxxy Red, Azealia Banks, YG, Waka Flocka Flame.  Also 50 Cent likes his tax policy but sometimes he's wavered.  That's the short list.  Essence magazine lists at least 17 others.

Maybe Trump can give a movie review of "Superfly."

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

In and of itself the SCOTUS issuing decisions you disagree with isn't grounds for SCOTUS reform

 Don't get me wrong it might annoy the hell out of you.  It might even ruin your day but their job is to interpret the law free from social and political pressure.  Now Biden is calling for reform of the Supreme Court with some type of term limits and a code of ethics.  Didn't know Dems were fans of term limits.  Even in the wake of Roe I don't recall conservatives calling for wholesale SCOTUS reform.  Incidentally the Court in giving Trump limited immunity from prosecution benefits ALL presidents.  It could help Biden if need be or Kamala Harris someday if she were to become president.  This is the type of radicalism a Harris presidency has planned for America.  Safer to stick with the weird party for the time being.

Monday, July 29, 2024

How to lose voters and alienate people

Had to Google this one.  JD Vance Trump's running mate and Senator from Ohio said in some interview way back in 2021 "We are effectively run in this country, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made, and so they wanna make the rest of the country miserable, too."  Now most people would probably chalk this up to too much Christian Brothers but Vance has recently reprised this calling Kamala Harris a cat lady.  A kind of hobby of mine I read conspiracy boards and never came across this one the cat ladies being in charge.  I thought it was the Freemasons.  You'd sooner find something about time-traveling mermaids and Zuckerberg really being an Android than a nefarious cabal of childless cat ladies being at the apex.  Jennifer Aniston has joined the fray saying "Mr. Vance, I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day."  Vance got his knickers in a twist because Aniston dragged his 2-year old daughter into this.  I'm not getting the Trump campaign and usually a running mate can act like a sensible check and balance on the main guy if need be.  Why do I feel like Shaw?  Like I'm doing her work for her?

Fwiw my sister told me the story of Oprah had prostitutes and porn stars on her show once.  The audience was predictably hostile and cold until a couple of them told Oprah they rescued cats and the audience's tone shifted.  It's not just childless cat ladies.  A trucker can adopt a cat or two.  Yeah alienate the cat people voting bloc.

Whassup with JD?

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The feral mother that started it all


Or why we have so many cats.  She had a litter of four in the yard next door a few years back.  Time went by and we eventually decided to take in three, don't know where the last one went and took them all to the vet.  We finally with the help of my sister also took the mother cat to the vet to get spayed and get her shots and she lived with us for a while until she found greener pastures.  Named her Misty.  Just prior to that she got pregnant again, apparently a favorite of the toms in the neighborhood and we adopted one of her male tuxedos from that bunch and a cat rescue group took the other two.  She taught all her litters how to hunt and kill squirrels and to this day some of our cats will occasionally catch a stray squirrel or two.  Caught the tuxedo eating a fresh squirrel one day in the backyard and had to turn away.  Never went to a shelter to adopt any of our cats down through the years.  They still have a bit of the wild in them.  We prefer it that way.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Dems never met an abortion they didn't like

 While people are still paying too much for food and gas pro-feticide is sure to be a prominent part of the DNC.  Not much into polls myself but early polling suggests a dead heat between Trump and Harris.  I would say her weak area as former border czar is illegal immigration and Trump is already pushing that issue.  This however can be easily offset by Trump just talking smack and not appealing to anybody beyond his base.  It's anybody's race at this point.

Will Taylor provide the entertainment at the DNC?

Sunday, July 21, 2024

A kind of forced retirement

They did the same thing with my Dad but he drove a truck and didn't want to run the country.  Joe Biden drops out of the presidential race and endorses VP Harris.  The Democratic Party has yet to nominate her.  When asked by CBS News if he would debate Harris in September he said he couldn't decide because he's not sure if she will be the nominee but then went on social media and said Fox News should hold such a debate and lambasted the other networks.  This is why they make fun of us.  Social media is like oxygen to him.  Cringeworthy moment.  Even if you don't like the msm at least respond in a civil manner.  Especially with recent events if I were Trump I'd be going with the gravitas and not the cheap insult.  It's times like these that I might go back to blogging about frogs or something;)

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Speech

'Twould have been nice if Donald Trump's acceptance speech on the final night of the RNC had started around 10:00 as some folk like myself have to get up early the next day to get ready for work but Kid Rock had a new song to perform.  The whole night took on a Wrestlemania turn which is not my thing and I could have sworn Hulk Hogan used the term "scumbags" but I was already on my second glass of Skyy.  Trump said early on in his speech that he wants to be president of the whole country and not just half and that "we must not criminalize dissent or demonize political disagreement."  Turned out to be the longest acceptance speech in convention history and I held out as long as I could but finally hit the hay.  Critics are saying his speech was not very unifying but you still have to deliver the meat and potatoes.  Did you expect Trump to start singing Kumbaya? The long speech covered all the topics which we can get into in the comments section.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 On Day One of the RNC last night Trump made his first public appearance since the attempt on his life.  The most stunning moment of the night for me was Sean O'Brien president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters practically skewering Big Business in the keynote speech.  He ripped Amazon a new one.  First time in the 121-year old history of the RNC a Teamsters boss spoke.  Trump is clearly going for the populist working-class vote and stealing the Democrat's thunder.  Might have been reading the BB commentaries on corporate greed.  A brilliant move in this author's opinion.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Maybe we need to watch the left-wing rhetoric

 Someone tried to assassinate Donald Trump today at a campaign rally in Butler, PA.  An audience member has died and the gunman has been killed.  As Trump was being swarmed by Secret Service agents to escort him off the stage with bloodied face he pumped his fist to the crowd.  Photo Of The Year.  Say what you will that was a gallant move on Trump's part.  Could swing the election.  Make him a martyr and he could win in a landslide are what some people are saying.

Will the Left watch their rhetoric now and tone it down?  Probably not but one can wish.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Can Taylor Swift run?

This is all rather unprecedented.  If Biden does drop out of the race can the Dems just nominate anyone?  What are the parameters?  What are the protocols?  Trump vs. Newsom?  Trump vs. Michelle Obama?  Trump vs. Morning Joe?  How 'bout if there's no election and the country is adrift?  Let's just ride the wave and see what political shores we wind up on like a Gilligan's Island.  Is there a conspiracy somewhere?  What if Biden doesn't drop out?  I just heard he introduced Zelensky as Putin at the NATO summit.  Why do we need SNL anymore?  It doesn't seem quite fair to Trump that they can throw anybody up at this point.  You're prepping for one opponent and now it's maybe a mystery face.  Of course if Biden resigns the POTUS altogether Kamala Harris becomes president but that's the rational response.  Surreal political times.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

It's slow on the Uncle Joe front


So I thought I'd post a pic.  Piermont, New York in Rockland County just west over the Mario Cuomo Bridge.  Hardly a poetic name for a bridge but son Andrew then Guv of NY named it.  Replaced the old and historic Tappan Zee.  Quaint village like being in a time warp.  Crab festivals and farmers markets.  Old-fashioned stores and a bar called The Turning Point.  Amateur painters come here often in the park by the harbor to paint.  They have a quite long peninsula you can walk out on and you'll always see a few fishermen trying their luck.  Condos here with a couple of dental and doctor offices so a mix of the old and the new.  Haven't been here in awhile but used to go fairly often to clear my head.  A kind of pocket community definitely worth a visit.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

The wilds of Yonkers


I woke up this morning and was getting ready for work and there was a deer in my backyard.  Pure suburbia with a bodega down the block.  Was munching on the weeds.  Don't know where he came from.  All I need is a coyote.  Reminds me maybe I have to make another trip to Lowe's and look at some garden power tools.

As usual talk about what you like.  This blog is delightfully off-topic.

Friday, July 05, 2024

The Amish have sold out


I bought this at an ACME supermarket.  Nice big bar.  I prefer to split it down the middle and put it on a plate.  There's also an Amish-style potato salad.  I haven't tried their pipe tobacco yet.  Is there an Amish app?