Friday, July 05, 2024

The Amish have sold out


I bought this at an ACME supermarket.  Nice big bar.  I prefer to split it down the middle and put it on a plate.  There's also an Amish-style potato salad.  I haven't tried their pipe tobacco yet.  Is there an Amish app?


  1. You got Amish?
    In Yonkers?

  2. There are Amish communities scattered through out the midwest.
    They always had booth at the outdoor farmer's market. Cute little lass in a bonnet. It was like '20th century-meet the 19th. Brother-in-law is a custom builder, but his wife insisted on furnishing their mansion in the forest will all Amish furniture. He and I were canoe camping along the Red Cedar River and we hear loud shouting from
    above the bank. Climbed the bank and there was some Amish farmer with two huge plow horses. Telling them where to go -
    "Haw Jeremiah, git Ezekial" . I would think the little trotter that pulled the buggy on highway 36 would be Isaiah. Nice people. Honest,
    early to bed, work hard. And sometimes confusing. We sat next to
    a couple Amish families in a cafe in Nebraska, all gussied up in their
    black pants, white shirts, straw hats, long gowns AND each one had their own cellphone.

    1. Probably have computers at this point.

  3. My late aunt God rest her soul was a retired RN. She went down to PA with my Mom on vacation. Eating in a diner. Told some Amish woman her socks were too tight and cutting off her circulation.

  4. Probably why so few Amish women are out in circulation.

  5. Wonder if that Amish butter is made in a wooden churn?

  6. The Amish consider air conditioning a luxury and refuse to have one.
    Though hot and sweaty, they keep at it. You an even order an outdoor
    cat house -
    Probably have to rename Sparky - Zachariah (Z-Cat)

  7. Tylenol for headaches. Luxury?

  8. I guess they are healthier than most of us - outdoors a lot, work hard, sleep good, etc. They have a lot of their own health stuff, herbs etc.
    But they will see a doctor if they have to. Me, I'm charting BP for my next heart appointment. 118/69, pulse 73 today. I'm going to ask her about the swelling of my feet and ankles (or check out an Amish cure)

  9. You keep the doctors busy.

  10. Christian Bros. poultice for the feet.

  11. Impress the doctor. Ask him if he thinks you're getting enough Vitamin K. If he goes to Google find another doctor.

  12. Christian Brothers poultice? Before Google, back in the 17th Century,
    a method for restoring hair was "Take the ashes of chicken dung in lye and wash the head therewith" I'd seek a second opinion.

  13. Nothing wrong with going bald.

  14. Yul Brynner knew that. Quite popular now.

  15. He was great in "West World."

  16. Any idea of what the Yonkers speed limit is for Amish buggies?

  17. I'm guessing 5MPH. They say if you go 5 over they ignore it. Imagine a racing buggy in downtown Yonkers!

  18. Have you tracked down the visiting deer?

  19. No. Hard to put a radio collar on one. Makes a visit about every year or so.

  20. In warm weather, they seem quite fond of vegetable gardens and apple trees. Much favored by hunters, who spend far more than they would eating out, just for some crummy stringy wild meat.

  21. Never hunted. No desire to. Deserves a separate commentary. Re camping Seinfeld said he never understood it. I have a home with indoor plumbing he said why would I go sleep in the woods?

    1. You'd be a hoot on "Naked And Afraid"

  22. I guess it is the mammal side of fishing. Although a lot of fishermen
    catch-and-release. Maybe hunt with a camera? Camping - bro in law and his wife traveled across from Seattle to WI, pulling off the road and rolling out their sleeping bags. One night they were awakened by an approaching hurricane'/tornado/earthquake. They were just below the mainline Burlington Northern. They stay in motels these days.

  23. Today's question - if our Karma is real bad, do we come back as a
    TV Evangelist?

  24. Pondering.

    I see Steve Harvey has a judge show. Didn't know he judges too.

  25. Haven't seen that. Is he a Judge Judy type?

  26. He's the anti-Judy. There's actually humor in the courtroom. Even the adversaries laugh at times. On ABC at night don't know when but caught it. Doesn't degrade. Doesn't insult. Complete opposite of the dungeon master.

    1. Let me know if Judge Judy gets hauled in there on a charge of
      Being Constantly Mean. "Your honor, I have evidence"...."Shut up and sit down, mine is the only opinion that counts"

  27. Camping out- I can see why you prefer indoors. Mainly camping is done in small groups . 2-4 in my case. Hundreds of times. River tripping and camping is much more fulfilling than some campground with rock music. Home is where you are. For me, paddling down river, that meant finding a quiet place to spend the night. (Except the morning we woke up in Canada surrounded by hereford cattle and//or the night next to a dozen Blue Herons squawking like pterodactyls roosting the dead trees in the nearby swamp) Ya can't get awakened by chipmunks at your door at home, or put up with Mother Nature's thunderstorm in a house. It's OK, I understand.

  28. Used to go ice fishing quite a bit. Sometimes we'd cook food out there on our little Sterno stoves. One day the seagulls kept coming down trying to steal our sausages. Gave up the cooking part. Easier to grab a burger.

  29. We have seagulls here. Odd thing is there is no ocean within 400 miles. Their preferred territory is the McDonalds parking lot. We also have Pelicans. Been waiting for an Albatross. The thieves up in the Mts are the Canada Jay.

  30. We have the Burger King gulls. Hudson River is played out.

  31. Curious about Amish. They are part of the Anabaptist movement. So
    are the Mennonites, who are a bit more modern.
    Amish Light?
