Friday, June 28, 2024

The elephant in the living room finally got noticed

I did not watch it the great Trump/Biden debate.  Just got caught up to speed, watched some clips and yes Biden was horrible.  The Dems are in full panic mode and some major Democratic donors are up in arms.  The New York Times is headlining the question can Biden be replaced?  Some are now saying the POTUS is even a national security risk.  Jill Biden encouraged her husband after the debacle as if he were a toddler.  This is destined to become a classic in cringe TV.  Turns out the Right was right.


  1. You are about as encouraging as the Senior Drill Sergeant in basic training. Lined us up after a 5 mile hike and shouted "You are one sorry
    bunch of troopers. You got your rectums mixed up with your optical
    nerves and have a shitty outlook"

  2. Denial. The Dems made their bed now they have to sleep in it.

  3. If you didn't know any better you'd think it was SNL.

  4. Not my fault. It is well known that only 6% of scientists are Republican.
    - and the question is, how come so many GOP? I liked Ike, though. And we got another 5 months of SNL, nothing surprises me any more. See, the thing is Biden beat him by 7 million last time and I suspect a high percentage of those were anti-trump and won't be flocking there. I gotta give you that tired old Biden won't lead a mob of thugs on the capital.

  5. Wow.

    So if Neil DeGrasse Tyson votes Democrat I should too? Not sure of the relevance.

    A few a-holes climbing a wall and somebody wearing a Viking helmet was not going to overturn an election. Trump called Nancy Pelosi so as to send in the National Guard and there is recorded audio of her saying no but stick to your talking point. The buffoonery of that day had zero chance of overturning the election so in terms of practical value Trump would not have been behind such a weak conspiracy and the events of that day only made Trump look bad so again makes no sense Trump would even orchestrate this. Same old BB.

    1. The relevance is with respect to voting blocs. Jews for example vote 70% Dem while Evangelicals vote 85% GOP. The politicians always try to get some of a bloc without offending their supporters. Hence the blocs remain pretty much constant, although snagging new and young voters is always attractive to political parties.

    2. Never heard of trying to get the scientist bloc though.

  6. So you think after the great debate Biden still has the mental faculties to lead the free world? He probably couldn't even debate a 10th grader at this point. Rachel Maddow looked like she was about to cry.

  7. Hang Mike Pence, execute General Miley, buy my Bible. Yeah, same
    old BB. I don't visit to argue, I got a Mrs. for that. We come by our opinions honestly and hopefully with due diligence. Neither of us
    changing Z-Man..but the cats are watching!

  8. You never think outside your own box.

    You went over to Geeez and called Trump a psycho and other names. Shaw has a blog for that. You don't visit to argue? Some might call that conflict addiction.

    1. I must confess, that was my conclusion long before he ran for pres. Not even political.

    2. A rather sweeping diagnostic conclusion. Egoism isn't enough?

    3. Politics is very binary for you. There's no grayscale.

  9. Addiction? I confess. Christian Brothers Brandy. Geeez and Shaw represent the box sides. Shroedinger is in there somewhere. I abhor
    conflict, but that seems to be the fashion of the times. BTW I see Geeez had a thing about airline travel. I happen to agree. It's terrible. I'd rather walk . As far as type, I have tested out as INTP on all the mgt tests ( darn old cut an past thing again). Which is rather rare, but which I strongly suspect may be your typology as well. I think people are smarter than they think they are.

  10. I do recall that and I do like to consult my own thoughts. A small circle of close friends rather than a hundred. He has few friends is generally considered a bad thing whereas the more you have is considered a positive even if one robs your house. Introversion bad extroversion good even if the guy dances with a lampshade on his head. Not sure what they do with that personality info does it go in a drawer somewhere? One manager at work is a micromanager and another one walks around smiling and doesn't give a rat's ass. Guess which one is more popular.

  11. Lightly browsing the Trump/Biden debate topic and see Bob Woodward has called Biden's performance "a political hydrogen bomb for the Democratic party." And they used to call the Republicans the stupid party.

  12. New York Times editorial board calls for Biden to drop out of the race. Never a fan of the Times or its editorial board just reporting the news. Thoughts?

  13. I'd be surprised if he drops out, but who knows when the convention comes. If he gets replaced it is some relative unknown with little or no following. My guess is the anti-Trump crowd would stick with the Dems. There are some others running on independent and other issue programs like Bobby Kennedy Jr. and some black guy, but doubt they are a factor.

  14. Out of left field here. You have been a chef for some time, right? I was chewing on some commercial beef jerky the last few days and found it OK, but no great. My son used to make some in the oven that was better. Another copy past link sounds even better. I'm guessing you could do it
    with professional experience, try it out on co-workers, find spectacular success and start a chain of Z-Man's Mountain Man
    Beef Jerky outlets. You're amazing too.

  15. Never into beef jerky just like I'm not into pork rinds.

  16. The implosion of the Democratic Party. Rachel Maddow is in another world.

    CA Guv Gavin Newsome thinks he has a real shot at becoming the nominee. Dunno. He's the leader of a weird state where everything causes cancer and they're constantly passing weird laws.

  17. Seven AM on Sunday morning and I'm sitting here watching "Young Frankenstein". Mel Brooks makes me laugh. Guess I need a life.

  18. I remember as a kid our Dad took us to see that.

  19. Short of Biden having a kidney stone it's not good.

  20. Lots of famous people get kidney stones. Even Sir Horace Walpole,
    who said "Life is a tragedy for those who feel, a comedy for those who think. My guess- he felt tragic with his kidney stone. When I went to the ER with mine, they insisted I get an iodine scan prior to any pain med. Laying on the gurney in the hospital basement, squirming and moaning, they brought a little kid in on a gurney.
    He looked at me and enquired, "What did you break, Mr.?"

  21. Bob Woodward said on MSNBC that we should direct our energy into trying to find an explanation for Biden's mega debate disaster. You of the ho-hum political analysis say he had a tired night. Others posit senility or early onset dementia. I put a stone on the table. We can go with backed up gut but Woodward and the rest of us are waiting.

    1. Ho-hum? Stone on table? Are you trying to lure me into saying
      that Trump had early onset dementia when he graduated kindergarten? OMG, did I say that?

  22. Being somewhat older than Joe, I have enough sense to not be running for president. And enough sense not to get involved in conjecture. We
    do our research, we reach our conclusions and if we want to talk scat
    we go to Geeez or Shaw. 'Stranded' is above all that.

  23. Just waiting for the official verdict on what's wrong with Uncle Joe.

  24. Must be your day off. You ought to ge fishing, ya know'

  25. The grass was too tall for my sidewalk. Had to get the string trimmer and electric mower out. Don't wanna go fishing and get a citation in the mail.

  26. You sound over regulated. There is a house about half a mile a way that has 75 cars in the yard, can't see the grass, can barely see the house. City does nothing.

    1. Some kind of a salvage yard? Car cemetery?

      In the big YO you have to wait for the sun to go down before you put your garbage out.

  27. I get at least 3 calls a day, usually about Medicare. Got one this morning though that went, "Hello? ..hello..Hello? ...hello....Hello?
    hello, Hello?. Kind of like when Penny moved into the apartment in
    'Big Bang Theory. No idea what they were selling.

  28. I get the Medicare ones too. I even had a spam caller call on Thanksgiving. Holiday pay?
