Thursday, November 02, 2006

John Kerry

Mass. Sen. John Kerry should stick with his day job. If his crack about our troops was a "botched joke" he won't be subbing for Leno or Letterman anytime soon. Imagine Jay or Dave explaining or apologizing after each joke, it'd ruin the monologue. Kerry is still pissed over those Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads and he has every right to be, that brainchild of Karl Rove was political pornography at its finest. Kerry's political philosophy, which is liberalism, was reason enough for conservatives to vote against him . Kerry also got in a dig at White House spokesman Tony Snow calling him a "stuffed suit standing behind a podium", don't know what purpose going after this mild-mannered man served. He has a job to do just like Mike McCurry had being Clinton's spokesman, it's like going after defense attorneys, what's the point? Then Kerry took a jab at Rush Limbaugh saying he mimics and makes fun of people with disabilities, this is going to be the liberal line from now on whenever someone has the courage to question and criticize someone like a Michael J. Fox who pushes the pro-abortion agenda. It's all a news story for 2 or 3 days so Chris Matthews can have something to jabber about and Sean can fill up his 3 hours on the radio dial. It's quite possible that Kerry simply misspoke but we don't live in an age where you have the luxury of misspeaking.

John Kerry wants the presidency and he wants it badly. I myself wouldn't vote for someone who successfully obtained an annulment from Archbishop Cushing which nullified his marriage of 17 years to his first wife, a conjugal union which produced two children. He also masturbates your mind when it comes to Pro-Choice. He has it that life begins at conception but that we are essentially dealing with a human non-person. Shoot that pro-choice jizm somewhere else sir, we already have Hillary saying she's a moderate on abortion when she just starred in a California TV spot to defeat a proposition there that mandates a pregnant teen have a waiting period and tell her parents before getting an abortion. If this be moderation then the liberal position must be to kill babies after they're born.

People who masturbate your mind

1 comment:

  1. Here's my problem with those Swift Boat ads, it's as if the conservatives were not so sure the public would go for their traditional conservative philosophy, indeed if they even have one anymore, that pro-life no longer plays in Peoria and so they had to go this route. It's a sign of desperation when the mud flies, it's as if they couldn't just present George Bush on his own merits. I myself have never gone to war and can only admire the bravery of the men who do and I wouldn't want to take this away from Kerry. Trouble is you can't just be a liberal or a conservative anymore, everything is so damn ideological.
