Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Not voting can also be an act of principle. It is a herd opinion that if you exercise your right not to vote you are somehow an irresponsible American and that therefore you have no right to complain. You may not like the candidates (Spitzer vs. Who?) or you may feel like me, that we have enough laws already if not too many and that sending people to Washington to do just this just doesn't agree with you. You may not like the mudslinging. Maybe I am morally jaded but the Jeanine Pirro and Alan Hevesi "scandals" have hardly registered on my outrage meter. We now know way too much about Jeanine and Al's marital state. In NY Comptroller Alan Hevesi's case he has admitted to having a state worker drive his wife around at which revelation the New York Post trumpeted the next day that HE BROKE THE LAW. Indeed he did and I guess I'm supposed to be more concerned but I would much rather trust him with my check than that Callaghan guy. I think the overly virtuous cannot abide the imperfect. God Himself gave us only 10 moral Commandments to live by, not 158. What was Martha Stewart supposed to do, hold on to bad stock?

I had said at a forum or two that the American people reelected George Bush so he could wrap up the war he started, a smart move on the populace's part to want to have some consistency in our foreign policy rather than change course in midstream. I had also predicted at the same forums that should the war still be raging come midterm election time Bush will bring his party down but no one really listened. We'll know tomorrow morning whether W is an albatross or not.

I'm not getting the gay marriage issue, it's like liberals are the only ones who can discuss the issue without being called bigots. If you have any moral views on SEX whatsoever you stoke their liberal paranoia, they conjure up visions of some right-wing Orwellian sex police whereas the reality is if no one told you what they did in private the chances are very good you wouldn't ask. That canard that many heteros do what the homos do is irrelevant. I myself would not be into a woman who is into the anal, if I had a magic wand I would repeal all the absurd sodomy laws in the various states but beyond this I have the right to have a view on this or any other matter. I think THIS is what liberals really object to in their hearts, your right to feel the way you feel which is the real push behind pc, they want to police your mind.

HAPPY ELECTION DAY People who masturbate your mind


  1. With all the laws being passed today everyone can have the opportunity to become a criminal, just ask Jeanine Pirro or Alan Hevesi. Trouble is crime used to feel like crime, if you're not out snatching little old ladies' purses why do they bother with you? Even our Creator gave us the 10 Big Ones but then said that about covers it. Is Martha Stewart going to pistol-whip me in some dark alley? As if there isn't enough crime we're making up more.

  2. Man, you can reduce even the 10 Commandments down to "love your neighbor as yourself". ONE LAW people, that is really all we need!

  3. If you see the blog I just posted this day after Election Day I've come up with one explanation for our urge to overlegislate, we all have OCD! Obsessive/compulsives can't stop and if this applies to cleaning the bathroom and showering two times every day, getting a Guidocut every week and cleaning out your little garbage pail every time it has a snotrag in it then I don't see why our legislators are immune. I mean, the new face of crime, Jeanine Pirro and Alan Hevesi? Martha Stewart getting rid of some bad stock? something's a little off.

  4. So you think all of Congress is OCD or just the majority? I dunno, seems like they want to look like they are working hard so as to justify it when they vote themselves a pay raise.

    You are really getting me sold on libertarians, except don't they want to legalize pot? Have you ever checked out the Constitutional Party, z?

  5. I am fairly libertarian but not totally of course, they are also for abortion and narcotizing the masses. If a law is really important to pass I really have no objection, my point is that such times are not all that common in the first place. I've heard of the Constitutional Party and it seems a good fit, they kind of stand for things that Republicans used to stand for.
