Saturday, December 16, 2006


I'm lost without my "24", when it's off the air it's like prison boredom. The other day I bought the box set for Season 5 and this stuff is addictive. It's been said they have some conservative writers and some liberal writers and I got a whiff of the latter when President Charles Logan's chief of staff, Walt Cummings, said he told some Russian separatists about where they can find these canisters of military-grade nerve gas but that he controls the detonation configuration so the plan was to set them off when the terrorists got as far as Central Asia so people would be convinced of the need for an increased U.S. military presence there and we need the oil. Got me thinking maybe Bush was duped by people in his own CIA who knew they were misleading him about those Iraqi WMDs and that's what led us into war but anyway, like an addict without his weekly fix, the season premiere of "24" is just around the corner, if I can just hold on 'til then.

Rich Lowry and other conservatives have had it with CNN's Lou Dobbs for taking on Big Business and this is why they'll also lose the White House in '08, big biz is a sacred cow for them and if you criticize its practices, like laying off hundreds of long-time workers, then you are just an anti-capitalist socialist pig like Gwyneth Paltrow but that's just it with pundits of all stripes these days, everybody thinks they are always right and the talking heads (more like bobbleheads), both left and right, always talk over each other. There's such a welter of political opinion out there that your head swims. Might be a good idea to lay off the paper for a week, get your mind flushed out, but when you get back they'll just be sparring again calling the opposing side evil for opposing the war or whatever, just the right time to plug in your "24". People who masturbate your mind


  1. Part of my daily prayer for peace includes my hope and prayer for peace within our own country (can we ever put politics aside and work together?) I believe with God all things are possible.

    By the way, what did you do before there was "24"?

  2. I read more and went fishing more and did other things. It's the best thing on TV right now, everything else pales in comparison, I mean what else is there, an occasionally funny episode of King of Queens and Home Shopping Network? American Idol is played out at least for me. "24" is always different.

  3. "can we ever put politics aside and work together?"

    You know, I've noticed more anti-porn comments coming from liberals these days, not on a par with banning it but it ranges the spectrum from "dehumanizing, emotionless, nonerotic, formulaic" to merely being "boring". Nothing good to say about it, social conservatives are already there, so I think there's alot of common ground to at least speak out about it. Libs being anti-porn? You never hear conservatives say this, so busy is everyone with their ideological divides, but you just heard it here.

  4. I was just positing upon the existing conundrum of your blog, the cumshot can never aspire to the aesthetic level but why do you insist that it should? and who decides these things and so why do you say porn should not be funded with our taxations?

  5. I guess its nice that there is common ground on a topic of porn, but there are more important issues like the killing of millions of unborn babies and the War on Terror that seem like impossible to ever come to agreement on. These are life and death issues here.

  6. While there is plenty of agreement on porn there is absolutely no common ground on abortion because the pro-abortion special-interest groups are so hardcore, not even parental notification has a chance.

    True, life and death issues are more important than porn but porn also ruins alot of marriages, it's not unimportant either. As for Iraq Bush should have fired Rumsfeld before the election and maybe then we all could've gotten on board.
