Thursday, January 04, 2007

Why comics all swing from the left

I finally figured out why so many comedians swing to the Left, maybe it's just because the Right is so much easier to make fun of. The Left may be wrong about most things but they may be right about the War, even a little bit. The Right might be right about many things but wrong about the War, even a tad. It would be too easy to make a Macabre House on the Left, what with Terri Schiavo and New York Times Magazine reporters who never met an abortion they didn't like, throw in a feminist coven or two for good measure, but the Left is pretty much upfront about their Death Worship these days, what makes the Macabre House on the Right much more scary is that they purport to be

The Party of Morality and All That is Decent,

people you can trust. I expect more. As the Joelster says "I'm movin' out!"People who masturbate your mind


  1. OR is it because those of us on the right are too decent to make fun of those on the left, AND the warped pro-abortion mindset just isn't funny?

  2. I will add though that I took to heart the concept of the term Compassionate Conservative, which I truly felt was being redundant at first, but now I can see that there is a total difference by today's standards of the mainstream conservative persona.

  3. OR maybe people on the Right are just goofier. You can't make Ken Starr up. Here was a guy who could have made something stick, Travelgate, Filegate, Whitewater, whatever, but he became fixated by the SEX to the point where you had Sean Hannity talking at 4 in the afternoon about cigars and Macadamia nuts being used as sex toys. Hey Sean, school gets out a little before then, bear that in mind.

  4. The Right today is mainly a reaction to the power the Left still has. For instance Sean seemed angry yesterday on his radio show talking about how "the Dems want to ram their agenda down our throats." Well Sean, we wouldn't be in this pickle right now if the main reason the public turned against Republicans wasn't the War. Maybe conservatism has had its heyday with Newt and Rush and Sean and is on the wane the way it's always been. If they lose the White House in '08 as well they'll just be an academic set with no real political power, Michelle Malkin cranking out her fabulous essays but not having much of influence and Sean still so ANGRY on the radio.

  5. But the left still has and always will have the MSM on their side, and worse yet Hollywood which some people listen to actors like they are experts on everything from politics to parenting! I actually really don't listen to talk radio, but if they are angry it's because they don't get the same attention (much like your blog or mine that deserves more attention, should bring about more discussion, but they don't sadly).

  6. Conservatives are just too uptight, that's why they are easy targets.
