Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bloomy the RINO

So now the erstwhile Republican Mayor of Gotham, Michael Bloomberg, has become an Independent so he can make the run in an already crowded field. It's not just that he echoes the Cinderella morality of today's blog title that I'd never vote for the guy, he's also living proof of the eternal truth of the Peter Principle. Take his latest, his traffic congestion pricing plan. From 6AM-6PM anyone who drives a motor vehicle into Manhattan below 86th Street gets slapped with a fine, $8 for cars and $21 for trucks, and this applies every day! Now trucks need to make deliveries to businesses during these hours and his plan, if implemented, would adversely affect business. NJ Governor Jon Corzine is being polite about it all and pointing out the pitfalls from his point of view but nobody seems willing to call the guy NUTSO and so I'm watching all the pundits on the morning shows today and they're all jazzed up about this guy who doesn't even know how to manage a large metropolis.

Hill and Bill's Sopranos video, I'd be really grasping to have a problem with this. We definitely need more humor in our political process and in life in general. I give it a thumbs up, two snaps and a circle.

1 comment:

  1. Just HOW do you find out who's driving in this area of midtown Manhattan who really does live there and who's from out of town, what kind of massive investigation and police resources would this entail? and even so, not that I'd support this but why not just go after the cars and leave the delivery trucks alone who are only delivering goods so businesses can remain in business and make New York the great city it's always been? It's like the turkey dinners you can order for Thanksgiving from your local supermarket, who thinks this stuff up?
