Saturday, June 21, 2008

A car is not a cigarette Bloomy

As reported in today's New York Post yesterday in Boca Raton Florida NYC Mike Bloomberg said this: "They should be raising the gas tax encouraging people to reduce consumption. The anti-tax people don't like that but using capitalism to encourage the right behavior is exactly the right direction of going. Tax policy is the way government uses capitalism." No Bloomy, capitalism is just capitalism. If it's a planned economy you're talking about capitalism ceases to be capitalism. Market forces will encourage right behavior. Some pro-choicer you are!!


  1. You are exactly right about this Z, and furthermore the direction we are heading is that the government is going to ration gasoline, and that is downright scary.

  2. My cigarettes, my beer, and my gas, those liberal asswipes are taxing me to death! And NO, absolutely not! That is not what capitalism is. That's what liberalism is!

  3. Bloomberg never had the common touch to begin with. He can't feel your pain because he hasn't had any in his own life.

  4. Now he's hoping his loopy congestion-pricing scheme gets resurrected again. Traffic in Manhattan, imagine that! What's scary about this guy is he wants to control your behavior from smoking to driving a car to passing through certain parts of his wonderful city during certain hours of the day. It's getting to the point where you'll have to ask him permission to use your own bathroom, too much water use in the city.

  5. Seems to thrive on having power over people.

  6. BINGO Beth. Calling Dr. Phil.

  7. ...either that or the job must make you mental.
