Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I honestly didn't know this

That there are now two, count 'em two, conservatives running in the presidential race. McCain of course and Obama. Obama recently came out for gun rights in D.C., says the ole death penalty can and ought to be used in some restricted but extreme cases (must have boned up on a couple of Dirty Harry DVDs), now says wiretaps without warrants is cool with him so long as there's some kind of Congressional oversight, said something about late-term abortions...let's see what else? That's good to know though and reassuring that no matter how the race turns out we'll have a true conservative in the White House.


  1. For the too literal-minded among you the sarcasm reading on this blog is rather high esp. as regards McCain. Just thought I'd add a little Cliffs Notes, carry on.

  2. The way people are trying to redefine conservatism, seemed the literal translation isn't far off.

  3. Pretty much if you call yourself a conservative or centrist and your party backs you up then you are one. Been chuckling lately reading about the vast left-wing blogosphere all pissed off about Obama's recent rightward leanings and they got their knickers all in a twist. Most of it is probably just saying it to woo voters but even here Obama is shrewd enough to know you can't campaign as an out-and-out liberal and expect to win. Left-wing bloggers are just that, left-wing bloggers with no sense of political reality and if you deviate in any way from their playbook they throw a hissy fit.

  4. Isn't Obama just following the Democratic playbook? Worked for Billy Boy. The liberals shouldn't be so worried.

  5. Everybody has to campaign at least from the center, you'd think they'd get it by now.

  6. Exactly, that's why you've got to look at the politician's voting record to know the truth about them, the uber-liberals shouldn't be worried that Obama will give them what they want when he gets into office.

  7. Barack has awakened in many of us the notion that we can again be hopeful, enabling us to believe that we are capable of lifting our brothers and sisters out of poverty, of providing quality education for all our children, of ending this unjust war in Iraq and bringing our troops home safely. He’s reminded us ‘yes we can’…we can make the transition from fossil fuels to green energy; we can take care of our elderly and make sure that good healthcare is not just a perk for a few, but a right for every man, woman and child. We are experiencing not just a presidential campaign, but a movement; a movement of inspired young people who have been cynical about politics for too long. For Barack, hope, change, believe…they are not just words. They are tangible ideas that make up the blueprint to building a better America for all of us. He is committed to making the road stronger for those that come after and to leaving behind something that lasts longer than his own spotlight.

  8. NOBAMA will say ANYTHING to win in November. If he manages to pull that off we will get to see just how fast his "change we can believe in" rears it's ugly head. Maybe that's the "change" he keeps promising us.

  9. Obama is short on specifics as always. He'll most likely be our next president, History will have been made but you know what would be cool though, if a bachelor ran for president and won and the media keep asking him questions like why doesn't he have a wife yet and he goes "I refuse to answer these questions."
