Friday, December 26, 2008

Someone once told me the brain is like a computer

sometimes it needs to be reprogrammed. From drug abuse to disease you need to have the software put in again from time to time and maybe this will be the key to understanding modern medicine in the future. Might be a better pro-choice debate as well, had to have been some acidhead to come up with a rationale for partial-birth. Some people never sleep they're so wired, you have to shut the computer off at night you know and even then dreams are Nature's way of working out issues while you're asleep. Looking at some old black and white photographs is like googling your memory or mindbank, it's a wealth of data and I've been wondering of late why so many TV series having a new season start showing repeats about half way through, shouldn't be unless the writers are on drugs, Life gives you too much material I would think. People who masturbate your mind.


  1. SO, you find smokers to be annoying as well as pro-choicers!
    Wow what an intolerable conservative you are.

  2. Tell me Z man...What do pro-lifers think about abortion in cases of rape or incest?
    How can men likie you be pro-life? They don't know what it's like to be pregnant?
    And do all pro-lifers really enjoy and advocate shooting doctors and bombing clinics?
    Why spend time on abortion when thiings like the war is a much more important issue?
    And lastly, Wwy don't you work on helping born people instead of fighting abortion. Like hunger and the homeless and the poor.
    Can you tell me that Mr. Religious Fanatic?
    Inquiring minds want to know

  3. I too am Pro-Choice and I'm Proud of it!!!

    Yea, that's right. I'm pro-choice and I'm proud to be pro-choice too. I believe in a woman's right to choose whether or not she wants to have a child. I also believe that women should have access to free birth control, the morning-after pill over the counter, sex education and a good system of reproductive health that looks out for woman's real needs. I don't care to rehash the current debates about abortion, when life begins or whether or not abortion and other forms of birth control are sins-I think these religious debates can't be solved and are used to cover up what our society fears most about abortion and reproductive rights: a woman having complete control over her body, and therefore her body-right. Our society doesn't want empowered women with sexuality independent of child bearing, living economically independent of men and controlling their own lives and their own choices. The debate surrounding abortion is just another example in our patriarchal culture of women's second rate status as less than human who are therefore not capable of making their own decisions when it comes to their own bodies. Who are you, no matter what race, religion or class, to tell me what I can or cannot do with my body? My body, my choice. I, and every other woman, deserve the right to make my own decisions without your judgment and prejudice and especially without your religion affecting my life.

    But, while I can discuss my reasons for supporting abortion rights I have never lived in a world where abortion or birth control wasn't accessible. I live in what NARAL calls "Generation Pro-Choice"-a generation of young women who don't often think about their reproductive rights because we haven't had to actively fight for them. If I want to go to Planned Parenthood and get low-cost birth control I have the right and the privilege to. But what if our rights to reproductive choices are taken away? Feminist activists and academics are worried right now that the conservative right-wing Bush administration will push for the appointment of anti-choice justices to the Supreme court to try and over turn Roe V. Wade-the court case that gave women safe and legal access to abortions. On the other hand, other critics argue that Bush will never be able to appoint enough conservative justices to overturn the landmark decision because of the checks and balances in our government which allow the Senate to filibuster any justice choice they feel is against the desires of the majority of the American public.
    So you religious right wingnuts out there, who want to tell everyone else how to live their lives, I say. I don't tell you what to do so please return the favor.

  4. In cases of rape or incest? it's a false issue as I've brought up. I seriously doubt you'd find a prosecutor post-Roe who would go after a doctor for performing an abortion on a woman who was raped. For starters it wouldn't be worth it as uncommon as it may be and it wouldn't further the pro-life cause though personally I'm against it. The real issue is abortion-on-demand as always and as for smoking Debbie I'm quite tolerant, more tolerant than NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg you might say who happens to be pro-choice but I just find their behavior amusing. Sounds to me like you're a smoker at those pro-choice confabs you must go to.

  5. Roe was radical in this sense, states cannot even legislate against abortion in the second trimester for the most part. Was Harry Blackmun and co. a bunch of OB/GYNs? and let's say a state like NY allows abortions up to about 24 weeks, so at the exact moment of the 24th week, at the stroke of midnight the fetus becomes fully human but it wasn't just 2 or 3 days before? That's acid-thinking, an altered-reality, it's

    people who masturbate your mind.

  6. I think your website is way off base, you seem to attract a bunch of losers and your pro-life ideas causes young women to abandon babies in dumpsters. These young women are caught between religious fanatics telling them not to get an abortion and their own feelings of knowing they cannot bring a baby into this world because of their own living curcumstance. You are all dependant on religion to help you have a feeling of belonging, a kind of security for people who need to be controlled and can't make a decision for themselves. Pro-choices don't need to be controlled by religion. We have the intelligence to make the RIGHT choice. I work at a local discount store. There are 15 young women there that gave birth to babies because it was the right thing to do. They have obusive boyfriends and most of them do drugs or drink. Your group should be pro-family and worry more about REAL child abuse that happens in homes everyday. If you want a real challenge, SAVE THOSE CHILDREN! Shoot the people abusing children that are already born as they are our future.

  7. Wow, I go out of town for a couple of days and the uber pro-choicers come out of the woodwork!

    As to the original posting about the brain being like a computer, I agree that our brains are amazing, and we truly know so little still, which to me is proof that there is a greater Being besides man.

  8. So there's nothing at all about abortion that bothers you people? It's all good? never met an abortion you didn't like? Talking about babies in dumpsters, you know it ain't my style to post images of aborted babies but the stuff is ghastly! Who ever thought that the most dangerous place to be these days is in the womb of one's mother.

  9. I'm like you, I don't approve of the graphic pics they use of aborted babies to try to make the pro-life point. For one thing, it is exploiting a dead baby for your cause. Another thing, I prefer the images of the baby in the womb as seen in ultrasound pictures, which today are very vivid. Now THAT to me is a PRO-life image.

    Egads, you are right about the most dangerous place though!

  10. This bunch that's visiting our blogs of late, they're a pretty hardcore bunch. Read in the paper yesterday that there are 335,000 abortions for every million live births in this country or about a 1 in 3 ratio!!! The way I see it when you have the abortion rate skyrocket like this the onus then passes on to the choicers, it's a serious dysfunctional cultural indicator and what are you going to do about it?? They need to go beyond, well beyond a right is a right is a right if they ever want to be taken seriously. To play Devil's Advocate here for a minute just because something is a "right" do you then have to beat that right into the ground? do it so much that it becomes like just going to Mickie D's in the morning?

  11. What about their rare and legal mumbo jumbo? Oh that's right, why let facts get in the way of personal agendas to allow the destruction of human life at a whim?

  12. You know I keep getting back to this, they say they too care about our high abortion rate but when it comes to informed-consent legislation it's Myself

    "don't you tell me what to do with My Body you fucking religious freaks, government shall not interrogate the womb" (and I'm paraphrasing here)

    ya know?
