Sunday, January 18, 2009

The case might be made...

...that divorce is more damaging to the social fabric than abortion in this sense. Abortion imo effects our views on things like the sanctity of human life and it's safe to say it's pretty polarizing but with divorce it's, you know, put it this way, conservatives get divorced probably at roughly the same rate as liberals. Most folks might say it's

a bad thing

but I lost track, Rush might soon be nipping at Larry King's heels in this dept. You can make the case that divorce is more damaging to the social fabric because by its very nature it's more insidious than abortion, it's subtle though but far more folks rationalize it than abortion, there are many people who'd sooner see a divorce lawyer than be a party to an abortion. A word on the gay marriage. Advocates most often bring up how does legalizing gay marriage pose a threat to hetero-marriage but they're missing the mark imo. It doesn't of course but what we are talking about is our cultural preferences being democratically written into our laws at least until recently before the Judiciary became the supreme branch of government. I still remember my history class at Mt. St. Michael in the Bronx and right there in black and white it said there are three, count 'em three, co-equal branches of government - the judicial charged with interpreting our laws, the executive charged with enforcing our laws and the legislative branch whose job is to make those laws.

You might even make the case that divorce is a more sensitive issue than abortion since so many conservatives partake going all the way back to Ronald Reagan and Jane Wyman. IMO it's as bad a social trend as abortion so if I've ruffled any feathers you can send any complaints to.....Beth, lol.


  1. The way I see it, both abortion and divorce are justified as a means of correcting a mistake, but I still say abortion is worse because it is taking the innocent life of a child who is being called the "mistake", and that to me shows a selfishness in our society worse than ending a marriage for selfish reasons.

  2. if I've ruffled any feathers you can send any complaints to.....Beth....

    Good one, I'm surprised she didn't take you to task for that Z-Man. In each their own way, abortion and divorce are probably equally damaging. Abortion kills one life and destroys several. Divorce destroys many lives but doesn't kill anyone, usually.

  3. I'm not a hardliner on divorce btw despite the tone of my blog. The hard cases, sure get unhitched it's just the very commonness of divorce that I find offensive like people don't even try harder anymore. The reason why I make the case Beth that in some ways divorce is more damaging than abortion (and in other ways you're right, abortion comes out on top) is because so many more people are "for" divorce than are for abortion. I'll bet a fair number of pro-lifers have had them so what I'm saying is it's justified by people who ought to know better and for that reason alone it's like for conservatives divorce is their abortion issue so to speak, they're VERY pro-choice.

  4. Joe, Z-man was joking about complaining to me because there was a bunch (or probably just one person using multiple aliases) who would go to Daniel's blog and mention things Z or I wrote at our blogs that they didn't like or agree with. Why they didn't comment on our blogs about it instead, I have no idea, pretty stupid really.

    Anyway, as to the original point, I see your point about the commonness of divorce being problematic, but it is still hard to for to put it on the same level as abortion. But both do have the same disturbing trend where the commonness of it makes it more socially acceptable, and so then they become more common, and the nasty cycle continues and grows.

  5. Interesting..the odd demographics of divorce. I've been married going on 44 years, but am no expert....

  6. Wow BB! I was watching an interview with Kate Hudson the other day, she was married to rocker Chris Robinson and she recalled all the good times they had together. She seemed happy bringing up his name so this kind of begged the question for me of why she even got divorced in the first place, I mean was it that bad? I think people especially celebrities get unhitched for no more pressing reason than boredom with life or what the French call ennui. We always look for bigger reasons but imo this partly explains the odd demographics of divorce BB.
