Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Why conservatives want Obama to fail

Now ask yourself this question: As a conservative you are rightly concerned about some of Obama's policies or stated positions in the past, it could be FOCA or the stimulus package, it could be the closing of Gitmo in one year, whatever but do you want to see a failed presidency over the next four years? I would say that RUSH does in spades and here's why, it would show the world yet again the bankruptcy of liberalism, the damage it causes, a textbook case to be used come '012. That's f****d up, as conservatives we can and should fight Obama whenever the issue is important enough, we have to hold the line on fiscal extravagance for instance when it comes to "stimulating" the economy but as I said in my last blog partisanship has been sharpened since his election, this is not good. Now many of my own views may happen to fall along partisan lines but there's a difference between this and seeing yourself as a member of a Team, Us vs. Them, criticizing Obama's proposed infrastructure program for example as Karl Rove has done early on instead of saying yes, our roads and bridges and tunnels are in great need of upgrading and basic repair. This is tweaking and it is petty, it doesn't rise to the level of a FOCA and it shows the sorry state of conservatism that we'd rather he fail to give us a leg up in the next big one. I hope he doesn't push FOCA, I hope he gets a healthy dose of fiscal sanity, I hope he's good in the War on Terror and keeps us safe, I hope this and I hope that. His very early going out of his way to seek out Republican views and ideas bodes well which brings up the question: IF his turns out to be a good or even fair presidency will we give him due credit? There's a fine line between pushing your views and hoping somebody falls flat on his face to "prove" the correctness of your views which is why I haven't listened at all to conservative talk radio since the election. Savage is still harping on Obama's middle name and my brother says Sean has this high-pitched wail of a voice like we're in the middle of a world war. I don't know what this all means, whether conservative talk radio will see a rejuvenation or its own demise but frankly I'm tired of everyone at this point.


  1. I don't hope he fails, I just think he will.

  2. Quite natural for conservatives to want liberals to fail..and vice versa. For one thing, it means you get your turn quicker again, for another, it reinforces your
    personal political philosophy. It seems as natural as rooting against the football team that is playing your favorite team. The hardest part is remembering we are all Americans after all. :)

  3. It's not about rooting against liberalism, it's about having an understanding that the policies of liberals always fail. Too bad not many Americans understand that BB.

  4. As for the stupid politics such as the nominations looking bad, well, that is aside from conservatism vs. liberalism, that is just elitists thinking that they are above the law, can happen to any party and persons with any ideology. Rooting for that stuff to happen just to make the other side look bad is silly, because it just makes Americans look bad to the rest of the world.

  5. I don't hope he fails. I just hope he fails on HIS agenda. He has smartened up in regards to the wars we are waging and I hope he smartens up real quick on the economy. Do we need a stimulus package? Yes, I think we do. Do we need HIS stimulus/porkulus package, NO. I hope he "sees the light" and doesn't destroy what is already wounded. Will he close Gitmo? I don't think he will end up closing it, at least not completely. If he stays closer to the center, instead of the far left, maybe America can survive 4 years of him at the helm. I hope so.

  6. BB's football team analogy is a good one. When Bush was in office liberals positively hated him and now since Obama's in office the hatred is being fanned by Rush and Sean. Calling Rush a traitor as some liberals are doing is going way too far BUT I would think it would be your natural human instinct to at least want to get behind a new president.

  7. Not entirely true, Z-man, Bush had good ratings after 9-11, but after the war in Iraq the hatred I think really started. I do think we're more partisan today, but in theory it would be nice to get behind whoever our quarterback is(to stick with the analogy) but if the QB is making bad calls then he'll lose support except from the die hards.

  8. Honestly though Beth can you put up with listening to Sean and Rush FOR 4 MORE YEARS!?! I'd sooner listen to The Best of Yoko Ono.

  9. I never listen to Sean and I listen to Rush in very small doses. Yoko, I dunno, that would make my ears bleed.

  10. I believe under the new rules for interrogations having her CD anywhere in the room is a violation.
