Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I was surfing the regular nightly news broadcasts last night and there for the first ten minutes on CBS, NBC and ABC was Obama being interviewed mainly about Sen. Tom Daschle's withdrawal as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Katie Couric, Brian Williams and Charlie Gibson all doing their thing and Williams ending his broadcast by affectionately saying "Obama had a bad day at the office." Now I realize that this is the nature of the beast, that at least 90% of the news you see every night revolves around Washington, it would be quite easy to defend this practice journalistically but I'm bored. This is one thing I like about watching the BBC News or the French News, there's a world beyond Washington and you learn about things happening in the world you had no idea about. Now l'affaire Daschle is fairly interesting at best that is for a day or two but I'm not going to judge Obama's whole presidency on it. Laura Ingraham had some valid points to make on the Today show this morning but is it really that important? Obama's election has sharpened our partisanship but lest we forget when Linda Chavez and Bernie Kerik were nominated for important posts we all know how that turned out. Obama muffed it, he said so, let's move on.


  1. He did run (and I would say) won this election on the mantra of "change" so unless "change" meant hiring deadbeats to his cabinet, then I say this is fairly important news to discuss.

  2. Did he "muff" it or did he "screw up"? Either way, he showed just what kind of "judgement" he has. BAD!

  3. I disagree with the both of you. My outrage meter, I just can't get all that worked up about it. Who was that potential Supreme Court justice way back when who smoked pot? Oh yeah Douglas Ginsburg. Sure the vetting process could be better but nobody on either side of the aisle is immune to bad judgement and as I said I ain't gonna judge his presidency on it.

  4. I didn't say I would judge his presidency on it, but I do find it amusing that it was all about "hope" and "change" but it turns out to the SSDD.

  5. Another thing, on the flip side, Obama is so anxious to undo EVERYTHING Bush did, so doesn't it stand to reason that he shouldn't just automatically think everything done previously was wrong?

  6. Yeah, I couldn't believe how many pieces of paper he was signing his name to in the first few days and my first impression was did he really think these things through? He's a left-hander btw as am I, dunno what this means.

  7. I should have pegged you for a left-hander, that means you are more creative!

    My mom was telling me today that during campaigning Obama promised before he'd sign anything, he would post the legislation to his website for 5 days. I had forgotten about that (and I am sure Obama was hoping everyone else had, too) but a reporter called him on it. How quickly they go back on their promises!

  8. Some promises should be broken and you know the one I'm talking about.
