Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Maybe if she were less worried about Michael Savage

and more concerned with the earliest stages of the swine flu, Napolitano of DHS that is. If there are deaths in this country or many deaths related to whatever this is it will reflect badly on the Obama Administration, fair or unfair it will reflect. We're supposed to be a few eras beyond Typhoid Mary and for any administration official to say we ought to resign ourselves and expect a few deaths, well you just don't go there. I wanna go in my old age in a rowboat with a fishing rod in my hands and my dog dozing off half hanging over the side like in that Norman Rockwell painting and not at the hands of some disease that our government couldn't get a handle on in time because it was politically incorrect to do so (Mexico, illegals). House, he would know what to do.


  1. Yup, Dr. House would nail it. He would pop a few methamphetamines, step to the chalkboard and mutter,
    "Look, these damn viruses have been hanging around, changing their
    structure genetically; so we have
    the original H1N1, so straight forward even a 1st year med student
    could diagnose and cure it. Then, with the damn world travelers wasting their vacation money, the
    vermin get transported, find new
    hosts and imbibe cellular genetic material of their liking..adapt it, smart for the lowest form of life, huh? Like the H3N3 and its replicant reassortment variants. (a couple more meths)
    Then we get the invevitable
    antigenic shifts, throw in some
    avian and human lineages and we got a new version of Swine flu.
    Hell, now we gotta isolate, purify,
    identify, test and create a vaccine. And the damn public wants it now. Gimmee my cane, I gotta hit the hay." [staggers off, stage right] Which my contacts in microbiology and immunology assure is what CDC is doing. heh

  2. I have never seen that show, but personally I am not worried about the swine flu, yet.

    I do know that we could get nuked by dirty bombs and Obama's approval rating would still be high.

  3. I guess that Ms. Napolitano is very well acquainted with "Swine"

  4. Now I understand why everyone goes after the Latino vote, they're the largest growing demographic right now, religious and pro-life and they don't kill their kids so yeah I get it. Any political strategist would be crazy to say don't court their vote but you gotta do what you gotta do, close that Mexican border for now and ban all commercial flights in and out of Mexico but Obama has said he won't do this and there was Joe Biden on the Today Show this morning backing up Obama but looking pained while doing so. Matt Lauer though, I gotta say he always has the good questions.

  5. The WHO has issued a Level 5 meaning a pandemic is imminent. I'm at that level too, my declaration that this administration is a disaster is imminent too.

  6. This is par for the course. It speaks to the inefficiency which is government. First it was Y2K, then Ebola, then bird flu, then whatever else....

    AND THEN...

    When something actually comes around the bend, they miss the boat entirely.

    Of course now they'll use this as a means to assert that we need to grant even MORE money to the health organizations.

    While it is true that I'd like to go out similarly Z, you can't help but entertain that tipping point where it's like "put me out of this misery already".

  7. Ah the inefficiency of government, happened with Katrina under Bush, doesn't matter which party but Obama made such a big deal out of CHANGE you somehow expect more.

  8. oh yea Hussein O told us to cover our mouths when we sneeze dude..wonder if the teleprompter gave him that profound line!!..blech!!! (hugs!)

  9. & use the sanitizer, that'll halt the pandemic in its tracks!

  10. Obama is wetting his pants with excitement over this flu, he'll be able to quickly push Sebelius into the Sec. of Health & Human Svcs, soon it'll be Universal Health Care... can't let a good crisis go by without being able to use it to get what you want done in Washington.

  11. "wetting his pants with excitement" ..."can't let a good crisis go by" ...dunno reminds me of invading Iraq. :) What would
    McCain/Romney/Huckabee/Guilliani/Thompson do in response to an epidemic, huh?

  12. You know the whole thing about Iraq that bothers me is this. When George H.W. Bush invaded Iraq because of their agression into Kuwait, and was a hero for doing so, EXCEPT that a lot of people were rather disappointed that he didn't "get" Saddam, does anyone remember that?

    So fast forward to 2001, George W. Bush says quite plainly that you are either with us or with the terrorists, even without WMD found, I cannot see how anyone in their right mind could say that Iraq and Saddam were "with us".

    So, this time we "got" him, and the world is a better place without him and his sons.

    And whereas GWB's plan to make a free Iraq to spread democracy, Obama seems to want to turn our democracy into a big government running our lives nation.

    Sorry, BB, I will take freedom over tyranny anyday.

    As to what would other Republicans do about an epidemic, I am sure RINOs like McCain would act the same as Obama, which is why I never liked him, Huck and Guillini probably the same. Thompson I think would have let level heads prevail and acted with a proper response and not "taken advantage" of a situation to push some agenda.

  13. What's more BB, at some point, you'd do well to come to the realization that the "Iraq" debacle will cease being a valid defense for any criticism aimed toward Obama or any other liberal. You'll recall that quite a number of those from the Democratic party bear just as much culpability in not only voting for it but also lacking the courage of their convictions in refusing to continue funding it.

    Might I suggest that time is long since passed.

  14. Bush went to war with Iraq on the advice of the neocons, people like David Frum, Norman Podhoretz and the rest. Also we "got" Saddam but big deal, I'd rather have gotten bin Laden. Conservatives still see nothing wrong with the Vietnam War just that we didn't stick it out long enough to win. I'm not a pacifist by any stretch, only war as a last resort is my credo but the hawk wing of the Party ain't my thing.

  15. Soap "Might I suggest that time is long since passed." ..tell that to the neighbor kid, Capt. Luke Wullenwaber, Capt USA..Arlington National Cemetary. But thanks anyhoo, I'll criticize stupidity whenever and as long as I want..
    particularly when it is accompanied by unwarrented arrogance...

  16. I think Soapie agrees moreso with Z-man than me, BB. And I don't consider Iraq being arrogant. Saddam did support terrorists. Our brave men and women who have lost their lives have not done so in vain. My heart does go out to their families, and my utmost gratitude for their sacrifice. And you mentioned elswhere being in the military, so I thank you, too, BB, for your service to our country.

  17. While it is most unfortunate that people go to war and come home in a body bag BB, the fact remains that in a voluntary army, they assume this possibility.

    Is it unfortunate? Without question it is. And I hate to sound so crass about it. But A is A and that does not negate the reality of its existence.

  18. a little Randian action:)
