Friday, May 29, 2009

A double whopper w/cheese has like over a thousand calories

What, you didn't know? Yeah in New York State a law was just passed that restaurants have to post the calories for each food item and I mentioned this to someone and she went "how stupid, that's Communism." Well not technically but I get her point. We've entered the realm of passing nonessential laws some time ago and each thing by itself is a small-scale evil as soapie would say but cumulatively they add up to something that ain't good for democracy. IF we keep passing law after law with no end in sight this noble experiment called America will expire a natural death, it may not be Communism but there's some kind of ism at work here. Trouble is who's gonna fight a small-scale evil as having to post calories if you're a restaurant owner? You can't afford not to comply, well most of us can't and so the next nanny-state law gets passed and you comply and on and on it goes...dunno but don't you think you have less personal freedom since Roe vs. Wade? kind of a paradox which really highlights that your personal privacy and freedom ain't the real focus and priority of liberals after all but when you figure it if you have to tell the consumer how many calories are in their thick shakes why shouldn't a pregnant woman be shown a sonogram? Libertarianism with which I disagree in parts is at least consistent. Liberals are often charged with anti-Americanism, not sure if this is fair but why do I get the distinct sense they're against McDonald's?


  1. HEY!! Who said liberals were against McDonalds? ..biggy size that, maam...

  2. America as a nation is addicted to fast food and it is slowly killing I get the point of the calorie notification. But you're right. We shouldn't need the nanny state telling us we eat too much. We all know that.

    The more interesting question to ask is when did our country become such a go-go, eat on the run, work till you drop, kids in daycare from the day they are born society?

    When exactly was the tipping point. And is their anyway to reverse it?

    I don't have an answer, just posing the question.

  3. The most telling comment from your posting right here, Z, excellent point!

    kind of a paradox which really highlights that your personal privacy and freedom ain't the real focus and priority of liberals after all but when you figure it if you have to tell the consumer how many calories are in their thick shakes why shouldn't a pregnant woman be shown a sonogram?

  4. Well yeah, it's as if the privacy concern enumerated in Roe is very selective since it doesn't seem to apply to so many other things. Steve, I'm against the calorie notification if it's coerced by law and BB in many liberals' minds McDonald's is Public Enemy #1 which is the real aim of these laws, to make the consumer think twice before eating that Big Mac. I know many people here are against McDonald's but McDonald's is as American as apple pie and Coke so I do think many libs are against certain aspects of popular American culture like fast food which is my point here.

  5. I agree the 'health police' types love labeling. On a more basic
    philosophical level though, if it looks good and tastes good - its bad. Despite all the fad diets, it comes down to caloric intake vs
    calories burned..we are the progeny of a long line of primitives who gorged when they could, starved most of the time and used up calories big time just
    surviving. BTW, did you see that experiment where they blindfolded some connoisseurs to see if they could tell pate from dogfood? :)

  6. No BB but it sounds like one of those Honeymooner episodes.

  7. I was thinking about this, and it really is silly, because I am sure most people know that a McDonald's double cheeseburger ain't the healthiest thing out there, so do they think telling people exactly how bad it is is going to make them stop eating them? I doubt it will.

    It's more CYA though, they cannot be sued when someone has a heart attack while eating at Mickie D's.

  8. Since I'm a little behind the times explain to me this CYA? I was in the breakroom the other day and there was a mag with Jon and Kate on the cover and some young guy asked me what I think about it. I said I must be really unhip but I truly don't know who these people are, should I?

  9. Oh OK, cover your ass. Did you make that one up?

  10. I cannot take credit for CYA, pretty sure I learned it in college.

    As for Jon and Kate, I only know about them because I was at my sister's for her son's birthday party and it was on, and I never cared to watch it again, I am sure it inspired Octomom who thought she could be a TV star.
